Is it worth applying to a uni with higher entry requirements than your predictions? Understand that in the game of Computer Science vs Information Technology, job scope wise, there aren’t many differences. And lastly, for your case biology majors what do you do now? want to know whether maths or computer is easy or difficult in 11th! Meanwhile, computer science is about using mathematics to program systems to run more efficiently, including in design and development. However I forced myself to do it anyways. Bioinformatics is a growing field that could come in handy throughout a career in medicine. I will just tell you what i know to help you think. The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering: Further Higher Education. ... .. but after 10 years you will realize that thank god i have choosen computer science! I had no interest in programming for my first two years pursuing a CS degree. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. because thats what youll be doing for the rest of your life if youre not interested in medicine. Science has published a pair of articles in which it's argued that biology …. Computer Science: * Do you like programming? This is an important turning point in life I would say. (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you), Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths university courses. Making sure you pick a degree that's worth the investment is important. You can personalise what you see on TSR. Rejected from Cambridge Trinity College (Computer Science with Maths). Year after year, well over half of all U.S. medical school applicants major in biology or a related biological science like physiology or genetics. Also with a bachelor in biomedical sciences, what masters degree can i get and what jobs can I do? Try out a couple of computer science classes or try to learn to code on your own and if you like it, then go for it. Both Computer and Biology as additional subject has their own advantages, however Biology as an additional one is more career diverse and provides plethora of higher studies options for students. Experienced Advice and Opinions Needed Please !!! Find your group chat here >>. There are likely more specific job opportunities for someone with an AS. - considering changing majors from biology to computer science (has no exp in computer science) - I want a marketable degree and I was thinking about switching to computer science. It was love at first compile. Because doing a subject that you are keen on doing could really help you get through your A Levels with much less stress. When a person invests enough resources, time and energy on a pursuit that person will come up with reasons why that pursuit was worth the investment. At face value, Oxford and Cambridge are similar institutions: both are world famous, both are super old, and both are competitive to get into. Science — Should biologists study computer science? Which Uni Courses are appropriate? Software engineering is a field concerned with the application of engineering processes to the creation, maintenance, and design of software for a variety of different purposes. For Computer Science? I actually really enjoy it, I've done research in bioinformatics and biochemistry in the past and I'll be doing a software engineering internship this summer. What is a software engineering degree like to study and is it worth it? Do you feel a little sick thinking about it? You will have to think well and decide. Hence, it is more malleable in terms of specialization, with the emphasis on math and science. Imperial computing interview, what to expect? Looking at doing computer science or biology at university, I find biology a lot more interesting but I'm worried about the job prospects and that I might it depends on what do you want to do in the future. That’s why I think Computer Science is a better major to become a software engineer with this particular curriculum. If you want to know everything about computers such as programming, science, database, networking and ... you'd better choose computer science. No regrets so far. If after you've tried those things you're miserable, take an intro cs course and see how you like that. Some advice for choosing certain A level options? Take some serious time and reflect on your answers, write them down, make pros and cons charts. Distance Learning Coursera (GoldSmith) vs Open University, Computer Science Degrees That Don't Need Maths, Graduating from MSC Computer Science online University of York. This is what you should be asking yourself. John Timmer - Jul 31, 2009 11:20 am UTC After becoming good enough at programming and reading books about programming, I actually look forward to programming everyday now. Most of us in this sub are obviously jaded one way or another, but you need to decide for you: is this something which I could enjoy doing for the next 40 years. It takes them a year or more to learn biology and even then they never catch on well enough to be very useful. Data science vs. computer science: Education needed. i want to know which is the best. Then, if you do something significant theyll get the credit when a paper is published. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I was going to choose Maths because I liked it, but I wasn't sure about Computer Science. I am having trouble choosing which to major in. Re: Which is better option between Biology and Computer Science in class 11th? © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. Looking at doing computer science or biology at university, I find biology a lot more interesting but I'm worried about the job prospects and that I might need a master's or PhD to do anything with it. Could you ever see yourself working on something like that in the future? Did I mention that getting a paper authored with your name on it is incredibly difficult and highly unlikely as an undergrad? Computer Science jobs are undoubtedly the most sought after positions right now. I’d love to hear about your opinion and what your experience was like if you majored in either Computer Science or Software Engineering. And which has the higher salary. Lets say if i want to do marketing of health products, can I do a masters in business administration/health administration? Ask yourself where these ideas come from, the ones that are often the most rewarding to follow are the ones that have always been with you. Students learn the theory behind topics such as programming or algorithms, as well as the skills and tools needed to do technical tasks. However only after I paid for it I am thinking of doing software engineering or computer science because i heard that there are more jobs in it and it is more highly reputable. If you chose a degree just because you think there will be a lot of jobs or you will make a lot of money, is it going to be worth it if you feel burned all out the time and have no interest in what you're doing? Year 12 who studies Math, Biology, German A-Level. Well both options are good but choosing biology is more good because it is science stream and science stream is having very good career today and forever.So my suggestion for you is to choose biology as a strea.Medical stream is very in demand and having a very good scope. However, as any Oxbridge graduate will tell you, they are wildly different places in other respects, includin… Just because there may be more jobs and it is "more highly reputable" doesn't mean it's the right fit for you. engineering is not only computer science. Computer science involves more independent work creating computer programs and applications, using algorithms and writing code. or does it start to make you feel energetic? I had no idea of what Engineering was all about, or what it actually meant? Although MIT is more focused on science and technology, and Harvard concentrates more on the liberal arts, both schools offer 50+ majors in a variety of fields. Official LSE Postgraduate Applicants 2021 Thread, What is your opinion of Virgins, boy/ girl? It is a consistently growing field with a large variety of job opportunities both in India and abroad as the industry and demand grows. Seriously. When i took my first programming course i was amazed at how differently I was using my brain and thinking in comparison to rote memorization of amino acids and physiology. My pre-u results were not that good for me to do comp science or software engineering in my uni however I can do it in another uni but the uni is not well known. What I'm trying to say is that you can always minor in comp sci or a different degree, honestly as long as you can take the courses and you have the skills it's fine. Just some thoughts A subreddit for those with questions about working in the tech industry or in a computer-science-related job. I actually really enjoy it, I've done research in bioinformatics and biochemistry in the past and I'll be doing a software engineering internship this summer. * Do you want to become an engineer? (Part 2), BMAT 2021 entry discussions megathread (Updated 20th October), Official Computer Science applicants thread 2021, Online MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics at University of York, Online MSc Computer Science - University of Bath. In most companies today, both Computer Science and Information Technology degree holders can work in the IT industry. I was admitted at my University for their life sciences program but ended up doing a biology and computer science joint major program. Research the unsolved problems in the field. Transfer second year to another university? Which is better in future , computer science or biology science ? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. An employer could expect to assign a project to a computer science graduate and the result would be a computer-based system designed and implemented exactly as asked. They are also both structured around a collegiate system and have tutorial-style teaching.The cities are characterised by attractive historic architecture and rivers running through their centres. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most popular majors at MIT are science, engineering, and technology ones, including computer science, biology… Although biology and its cousins have long been some of the most popular college majors for pre-med students, there is little evidence to correlate biology’s popularity with its preparatory aptness for medical school. On the other hand, IT professionals focus more on using technology to support business goals while frequently interacting with others to help solve tech issues either over the phone, in person or via email. The difference between Information Technology and Computer Science. Also, the training was terrible because you're working with underpaid stressed PHD's who will delegate mundane tasks to you, the undergrad. I mean Biology & Computer were mere subjects for me. The two complement each other beautifully. If you had to do 10 A levels, what would they be? should i put on some weight or keep as i am? ... you have to study hard either u take bio or computer science. We should start with the main fact which is I know Biology way more than computer science. Traditionally, a computer science curriculum digs deeper into specialty areas such as compilers, graphics, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing (NLP). It depends where you apply to. So the question is should I continue biomed sciences in my current uni and thrive my best in it or should i do computer science in a less well known uni? But if biology isn’t required for what you want to do at Uni, then doing computer science might be better. Computer Science vs Information Technology: Which one is better for getting jobs? - Biology major at LAC with 48 credit hours - planning to transfer to state school to save money and work at the same time to pay for debt. Timing the job industry is slightly less risky than timing the stock market. If you have a computer science background and you enter a chemistry degree program, or go to work at a chemical company where you're working with chemists, you'll have an edge because of your computational skills, and will have the intuition to think about problems in a computational way - the value of which can't be overstated. hmmm you're posting on a computer science sub...i think you know the answer you just want people to feed it to you. No - I plan on travelling outside these dates, No - I'm staying at my term time address over Christmas, Applying to uni? It’s no surprise they offer the highest pay among every other engineering field. a computer science degree or a biology degree? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the cscareerquestions community. If you major in computer science, a few courses in physics and/or biology may help if you seek jobs developing computer software applied to these fields or using these fields (e.g. An “applied” curriculum covers te… Both degrees include studies that will allow a student to go on and earn a bachelor's degree in art or science. Can you give me also what is the salary of an IT & Comsci a month, i need the amount so dont suggest to go to this site or whatever such as or did someone else plant the idea in your head that you should do X instead of Y? what should i take biology or computer science after 10th? Picking a degree just because you think it will make you a lot of money is also risky and a path to misery. Research was so mundane and the whole thing seemed pointless. At a glance, IT (information technology) careers are more about installing, maintaining, and improving computer systems, operating networks, and databases. I can share my experience personally. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Also you will need to go to grad school for your masters and/or PHD. Advice, Lloyd's of London Insurance Graduate Scheme, Official Cambridge University 2021 Applicants thread, Can nightmares caused you to be stressed During sleep, PLEASE HELP with personal statement for paramedic science, University of Oxford 2021 Applicants Official thread! Loving it! You may wonder, what are the advantages and disadvantages of earning an associate of arts degree (AA) versus an associate of science degree (AS)? BSc Computer Science (B.Sc CS) is one of the most popular programs in the IT domain. As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation and information to the practical issues of implementing computing systems in hardware and software. That's not negotiable anymore in Bio unless you want to be easily replaced or earn 40k a year. Honestly dude, if you want to go into computer science and do a major in it, then I would highly recommended Physics. If you apply to somewhere like Imperial or Edinburgh their math requirements are quite high. I have changed my major from bio to cs this year. I did research in a major state university lab for 1 year which involved rat dissections, tissue cultures and drug testing. Computer science is also really helpful to biology. I was admitted at my University for their life sciences program but ended up doing a biology and computer science joint major program. which is better: computer science or information technology? Ask for details ; Follow Report 21.05.2018 Log in to add a comment An AA lays the groundwork for further education. I got a full offer for biomedical sciences in a well known uni and have already paid for it but classes have not started yet. computer games with "realistic" movement use the ideas from physics mechanics). While you're doing this, look for yourself. If you end up liking it, GREAT! Whereas CS requires understanding logic and outputting a correct logic as a programming language statement. Computer science can make money out of undergrad, but so can biology, especially of you're willing to travel into a major city. It can be a frustrating line of work, it can be rewarding, and it certainly is not for everyone. This is a computer science forum, I doubt you'll get much help in regards to your career with a biomed degree. With that said, I would suggest taking a bio course AND doing research at your university. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It may turn out you end up liking neither! That was painful to read. Which A-Levels are best for particular courses.

computer science or biology which is better

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