The two most prominent varieties of It's the ratio of water to rice that's the important thing, so always use the __same cup__ for measuring both. first time. Have you ever had plain rice at a Japanese (not generic Asian or "Oriental" or Chinese restaurant)? The bran is what holds these extra vitamins and nutrients. Personally I've put it down to 2 things: My rice cooker is fairly cheap (it only has off and on, none of these different settings) so I think it may just be a tad too hot where the pot meets the heat element, and also 'cos I'm a bit lazy I don't rinse the rice till the water is absolutely clear so I'm assuming that the small bit of residual starch left on the rice ends up collecting in the bottom and cooking into a very thin film, however as long as you take the rice off the second it's done and give a good once over it'll all get mixed in and disappear no problem. When buying short-grain rice in bulk, keep Arborio, carnaroli and the rice sold as 'pudding rice' or 'milk rice' in some countries are also medium-grain, but they tend to have too much rice starch, which is what makes that creamy texture in risotto or rice pudding. If you are cooking rice in a pot, you can tell when the water is completely absorbed when the surface of the rice has little, even holes all over it. Do you have any experience with or suggestions for using a steamer to cook rice? I am guessing that the rice is old and has been stored for more than a year. 3. Or is that rice cooked in a different way? Rope in an assistant to do the fanning, or else do what I do and use a hair dryer on the 'cool' setting. Add the water to the rice. It seems every time I (and all the other Nihonjins & Japanese Americans I know) eat sushi made by a non Japanese cook, it lacks sufficient "su", and the recipes I've read online, direct you to use about 1/3, or less, the amount most Japanese cooks use to make sushi. enhanced with vinegar, salt, and sugar. I savored every bite and wish I had cooked more. It is I went to an oriental store last weekend and when I asked the lady working there where the japanese rice was, she pointed me to this rice called Nishiki, is this the right kind of rice? Wow. Very few ingredients, simple to make and so much flavor =). attached, they are more susceptible to damage. I think you've must have answered this question a gazillion times from other users, and you must be getting annoyed, but may I ask... when making onigiri, must I use sushi rice? And I have even added less water the second time. This is what we did back in the days before the Japanese brands and Californian Japanese rice varieties were available in common-town USA. OMG I MADE A RICEBALL SUCCESFULLY!!!! 355 Cal. Japan. I had the Akita at home and went to a Japanese retaurant in Birmingham UK and had whatever it was they made. Be gentle,, with other things :), Thank you very much, the rice turned out excellent, and my sister loves the onigiri (2.0) we made! I bought both and after following your above directions my rice came out rather slimy, and the nori sheet (after I wrapped the rice) began smelling very badly (though this was a very fresh packet of nori bought that same day). The rinsing of the rice doesn't affect its stickiness, but does affect the flavor. Rice for me is definitely king when it comes to food, and can easily make or break the entire meal. The rice came out mostly okay, but some of the bottom parts looked a bit burned. Also, other question: is this plain white rice the one that is usually eaten in japanese homes (like the rice bowls you see in japanese movies and cartoons), or should it be flavoured in some way? I came to know there is a few origin for japonica rice, i.e Taiwan, Japan, US, Australia etc. This is enough to flavor 4 cups of rice, so adjust the amount according to the amount of rice you have. Thus, as some of the acid is reduced through boiling, the vinegar is slightly less acidic, less sour, and less smelling of vinegar. And it is now popular among young people. If you're ONLY eating a very limited range of foods, you are going to run into trouble! To soak the rice, do you add 2 1/4 cups of water, leave for at least 30 min.-1 hr., and then use the same water for cooking? meat, or seafood. Many people ask me âis sushi rice sticky rice?â and the answer is No, sushi rice surely has a certain amount of stickiness which is essential, but it is different from the sticky rice or glutinous rice found mainly in Southeast and East Asia. Analysis of the finished sequence of japonica rice representing 95% coverage of the genome and virtually all of the euchromatic regions revealed several characteristic features.