A message has been going on from server to server spreading like a virus, it's about the 'Pridefall' cyber-attack event. The other two attacks, attributed to the Desorden Group, were carried. The High-Stakes Blame Game in the White House Cybersecurity Plan. Files may be uploaded to a given collaboration tool, enabling users to create external links for the file. I advise no one to accept any friend requests from people you don't know, stay safe. Information from the Discord CDN is commonly converted into the final malicious payload and hackers may load this onto systems remotely. In March, Acer refused to pay the $50 million ransom to REvil. A figure that is set to rise further still as threats become more sophisticated and difficult to detect. "Everybodys using collaboration apps, everybody has some familiarity with them, and bad guys have noticed that they can abuse them.". A cyber attack crippled the internet for many customers across major cities in New Zealand on Friday. These included a number of banking-focused malware and spyware, as indicated by the Sophos detections below: In our 90 day telemetry lookback, we found 205 URLs on the Discord domain pointing to Android .apk executables (with multiple, redundant links to duplicate files). This is the second unclassified annual cyber threat report since ASD became a statutory agency in July 2018. Servers can be public or privatea server owner can require invite keys for individuals to join the servers channels and access content. Stay safe from these scams as they occur more often. Unfortunately, 2021 was no stranger to these instances. In April, we reported over 9,500 unique URLs hosting malware on Discords CDN to Discord representatives. And when users get caught, they can burn their account and create a new one. Lawmakers are increasingly hellbent on punishing the popular social network while efforts to pass a broader privacy law have dwindled. Whoever actually did has 3 brain cells. Cyber Attack is a Series of Annual Events for Threat Intelligence, Cyber Security, Digital Investigation, Cyber Forensics, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Machine Learning, Big Data, Fintech held throughout Asia Pacific (APAC) region including Philippines, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, China and more . Please be careful tomorrow. Among the malicious files we discovered in Discords network, we found game cheating tools that target games that integrate with Discord, in-game. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. There is no information available about the identity of the hackers however it is presumed that they are experienced in order to have created it. The 10 Biggest Cyber And Ransomware Attacks Of 2021 Michael Novinson December 23, 2021, 03:35 PM EST Technology, food production and critical infrastructure firms were hit with nearly $320. But the greatest percentage of the malware we found have a focus on credential and personal information theft, a wide variety of stealer malware as well as more versatile RATs. It's not real, it's not going to happen and the only people who believe this have an IQ of less than 20. The Biden administrations new strategy would shift the liability for security failures to a controversial target: the companies that caused them. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. This may enable users to focus more closely on who theyre interacting with and for what reasons. O And a file labeled Roblox_hack.exe actually carried a variant of WinLock ransomware, one of several ransomware variants we found in Discords CDN. The Discord API has turned into an effective tool for attackers to exfiltrate data from the network. Webhooks are essentially a URL that a client can send a message to, which in turn posts that message to the specified channel all without using the actual Discord application, they said. The virtually-dominated year raised new concerns around security postures and practices, which will continue into 2021. This reminds me of the Instagram hoax where it some crap that goes like "instagram is deleting accounts on old servers, post this to keep your account saved" or whatever. Researchers uncover a watering hole attack likely carried out by APT TA423, which attempts to plant the ScanBox JavaScript-based reconnaissance tool. Your email address will not be published. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In another campaign using AsyncRAT, the malware downloader looked like a blank Microsoft document, but when opened used macros to deliver the bug. The attacks used infected USB drives to deliver malware to the organizations. DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT BELIEVE THIS! As for organizations who do use Discord and can't block itor individual users who don't have enterprise-style security policieshe says they should learn to eye Slack and particularly Discord links just as warily as they do any other link that comes from a stranger. Social engineering, a non-technical strategy that relies on human interaction and often involves deceiving people into breaching standard security practices, will only increase in the new year. WASHINGTON A ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies on Friday, according to a cybersecurity researcher whose company was responding to the incident. Occasionally, wed also stumble across a malware that attempted to send the data to a channel on Slack. There were other malware distributed via Discord labeled with gaming-related names that were clearly intended just to harm the computers of others. Presently, Discord lacks client verification methods to prevent impersonation via stolen access tokens. This also means attackers can deliver their malicious payload to the CDN over encrypted HTTPS, and that the files will be compressed, further disguising the content, according to Talos. This is from 5 months ago, but people did send me this today so it does apply to myself. It's fake, the discord staff and developers etc will do a annoucement about It because CBs arereally dangerous so ofc they will do a annoucement about It so It's fake. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our livesfrom culture to business, science to design. In May of 2021, a Russian hacking group known as DarkSide attacked Colonial Pipeline. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ", 2023 Cond Nast. Workflow and collaboration tools like Slack and Discord have been infiltrated by threat actors, who are abusing their legitimate functions to evade security and deliver info-stealers, remote-access trojans (RATs) and other malware. Because so many of the files had been there for months, the destination servers did not respond, but we could observe the profiling data being written to the hard drive. The data from the Discord CDN is converted into the final malicious payload and injected remotely, the report said. Suspected Chinese-linked hackers carried out an espionage campaign on public and private organizations in the Philippines, Europe, and the United States since 2021. Like Discords server instances, the storage objects are front ended by Cloudflare. With merely a few stolen access tokens, an attacker can employ a truly effective malware campaign infrastructure with very little effort. In addition, the ability to maintain anonymity throughout this process represents a significant draw for hackers. Posted Mon 24 May 2021 at 4:46am Monday 24 May 2021 at 4:46am Mon 24 May 2021 at 4:46am, updated . Discords malware problem isnt just Windows-based. On the business side, Mark Kedgley, CTO at New Net Technologies, recommends focusing on user privileges. Discord is a cloud-based service optimized for high volumes of text and voice messaging within communities of interest. The malware pulled down a payload executable named midnight.exe directly from the CDN, and executed it. With more organizations using Discord as a low-cost collaboration platform, the potential for harm posed by the loss of Discord credentials opens up additional threat vectors to organizations. Please spread awareness. Security These experts are racing to protect. Log-in (site) to claim! When WIRED reached out to Discord and Slack, a Discord spokesperson said that the company does proactively scan for malware in files that are hosted on its platform, takes down any hosted malware that's reported to it by users or security researchers, and seeks to identify groups of users who are abusing its tools for cybercriminal purposes. We also found applications that serve as nothing more than harmless, though disruptive, pranks. Press J to jump to the feed. "Its the same old stuff: Dont click links from people you dont know. CDNs are also handy tools for cybercriminals to deliver additional bugs with multi-stage infection tactics. The researchers explained that Slack, Discord and other collaboration app platforms use content delivery networks (CDNs) to store the files shared back and forth within channels. You should tell whoever sent you this to stop being a gullible idiot and stop spreading fear, and tell whoever they got it from the same thing. don't be online tomorrow, there is a possible cyber attack on oct 12, if you see this, copy and paste this in every server and make everyone aware, don't acc. One Discord network search turned up 20,000 virus results, researchers found. The attackers . You may never get hacked by accepting a request. The contents of this archive included 11 ELF binaries, 7 text files (containing long lists of IP addresses), and a Python script that executes them in various sequences. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Messages were delivered by attackers in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese, they added. These included a number of banking-focused malware and spyware, as indicated by the Sophos detections below: Discord, collaboration tools & the malware you may not know about, White House cyber security strategy shifts burden to providers, Phishing is what type of attack? As a result, those with stolen tokens have made their way across the web. I was also hacked by a couple of users with usernames Alpha and Epsilon. It also makes it an ideal platform for abuse by malicious actors. Plus: Microsoft fixes several zero-day bugs, Google patches Chrome and Android, Mozilla rids Firefox of a full-screen vulnerability, and more. According to user JustKebab here on Reddit, Pridefall was a hoax made by 4chan as a threat to lower the reputation of the LGBT+ community. The message goes like this:"Bad news, today is Pridefall which is a cyber-attack event, on all social media platforms including discord there will be people trying to send you gore, extreme profanity, p*rn, racist slurs, and there will also be IP grabbers, hackers, and doxxers. Tens of thousands of cameras have failed to patch a critical, 11-month-old CVE, leaving thousands of organizations https://t.co/iYq3WeTkbf. @everyone Bad news, tomorrow is a cyber attack event, on all social media platforms including discord there will be people trying to send you gore, extreme profanity, porn, racist slurs, and there will also be ip grabbers hackers and doxxers. "People are way more likely to do things like click a Discord link than they would have been in the past, because theyre used to seeing their friends and colleagues posting files to Discord and sending them a link," says Cisco Talos security researcher Nick Biasini. This content creates an opportunity for a sponsor to provide insight and commentary from their point-of-view directly to the Threatpost audience. "Bad news, today is pridefall which is a cyber attack event, on all social media platforms including discord there will be people trying to send you gore, extreme profanity, p*rn, racist slurs, and there will also be ip grabbers hackers and doxxers.