A broken foot may also look bruised and swollen, and sometimes it will look visibly deformed. Broken or Sprained? WebPain: Sprained ankles usually cause a dull ache accompanied by swelling and bruising. These can be vastly different for the two injuries as well. Surgery is rarely needed to treat ankle sprains. 714-888-6860. To help figure out what the injury might be, ask yourself a few questions: If youre still not sure, see your doctor. A broken ankle also called an ankle fracture is when one or more of the bones around your ankle joint breaks. This could involve crutches or a cast. It is the most complicated machine we know of. We have other quizzes matching your interest. This will give the injury time to heal and reduce the chance of making it worse. This is especially common for runners, but anyone can sprain their ankle by walking or running on uneven surfaces. If youre participating in any type of sport, be sure to wear proper footwear and pay attention to your surroundings so you dont end up getting hurt. Neal Blitz, DPM, FACFAS. Mild to moderate sprains typically take 3-8 weeks to fully heal. The most common cause of ankle sprains is a fall from height. is my wrist broken or sprained quiz' will help you in determining what kind of wrist injury you have. This really helped me get an idea of whether or not it was really broken. Although sprains are generally considered minor injuries, they can be painful and inconvenient. No injury. If you feel immediate, throbbing pain deep in your foot or coming from the bone, your foot could be broken. Mayo Clinic; 2019. If youre able to walk it off,as they say, it can self-correct. Apply the ice for 10 minutes at a time, reapplying every hour for the first 10 12 hours of the injury. The length of broken ankle recovery time will vary depending on the severity of the injury. Options may include a mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, or removal of skin lesions. Mouth-Watering Flavor Combination Alert! If you need surgery, recovery will take longer. While this is the first thing that most people think of, it is one of the last things that you should do with a sprain. A broken or fractured ankle is an injury to the bone. Ankle taping can provide stability, support, or all of these things. Fracture care. Make a donation. You may experience a broken ankle from a twisting injury from a simple misstep or fall, or from direct trauma during a car crash, for example. Or a Fracture?. You may have injured your ankle when you stepped off a curb, twisted it while playing sports, or fell while running. Accessed Feb. 9, 2020. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment. To help you out, we have created this quiz that will give you an idea of what is wrong with your ankle. We hope it was helpful, and that your ankle heals quickly! Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 8 Core Style Aesthetic Quiz: Which Life Choices Fit Your Personal Styling. My pain increased rapidly! Orange County Foot & Ankle Group. They can examine your ankle and give you a number of tests to figure out which injury you have. Accessed Feb. 9, 2020. While both conditions cause ankle pain and instability, a broken ankle is a more serious injury that requires different treatment compared to a sprained ankle. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to ice your broken foot for pain and swelling relief, keep reading! The top priority at The Wellthie One is enabling others to discover how living a more natural lifestyle can uplevel their quality of life. Accessed Feb. 9, 2020. How much time do you spend on your feet each day? Be mindful of where youre walking or running, and try to stick to flat, even surfaces whenever possible. There are many potential causes of a broken ankle, but usually the injury results from a twisting injury. If youre looking to speed up your healing time, it turns out timing and movement earlier, Heres what you need to know about telling an ankle break apart from a sprain, as well as what to do after you're injured, treatment options, and a, If you have a sprained ankle, there are exercises that you can start almost right away. .wpvqgr-wrapper button.wpvqgr-button.wpvqgr-playagain, Find out which braces colors are best for girls. If you have a clean break that doesnt require surgery, you can usually fully heal within 6 to 8 weeks. If you answered C, then its likely that your ankle is broken and requires medical attention ASAP for a diagnosis and treatment options. Protein gummies vs Collagen gummies -What is the difference? Avoid putting weight on your ankle until the swelling subsides. If you answered D, it is likely that your ankle is broken, and you should see a doctor immediately for a diagnosis and treatment options. Every single second counts when it comes to an ankle injury!!! A doctor can help you learn the severity of the sprain anddeclare itagrade 1, 2, or 3. Grade 1: Grade 1 wrist sprains are the least serious kind. Its less common to sprain your inner ligaments. Swelling: A A sprained ankle often results in pain, swelling, and tenderness around the joint. Are you facing any weakness in grasping or pick up objects? Whats the difference between sprains and strains? All rights reserved. Ankle sprains occur in 3 main places: the inside of the ankle, the outside of the ankle, and the joint of the ankle. If you see any bones sticking out through the skin, you have an open fracture. Feel pain across your back? We avoid using tertiary references. As I fell, my foot broke my fall. Pain on the softer tissue around your ankle, Braces Colors For Girl Quiz | Specially for Girls: 2022. C) After I twisted my foot while playing sports. Grade 1 sprains are the least severe and involve mild stretching of the ligaments. It might have a sprain, break, flat feet, or nothing at all! REMEMBER, IF YOU ARE HONEST if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} This third question helps determine the severity of your injury based on the symptoms present around the injured area (e.g., swelling, discoloration, bruising). I did a fan kick and, "My question was answered! How Do I Know if I Have a Sprain or Break? https://www.bones.nih.gov/health-info/bone/osteoporosis/conditions-behaviors/bone-smoking. A sprained ankle happens when ligaments tear or stretch. The symptoms of a broken and sprained ankle are similar, and the injuries can be difficult to tell apart, especially in cases of serious injuries that involve a lot of swelling. In: Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care. Of course, you are clumsy like us and we can understand how much pain you are in since we have gone through the same. Which Aesthetic Type Should You Have In 2023? 3. Jokes apart so relax, sprains arent very threatening and you would become good as new if you followRICE. Which The Ant Bully Character Are You Quiz Hey, youre changing! Rest your ankle as much as possible and avoid playing sports until youre fully healed. The ultimate Infinity Is Your Dog Intelligent Quiz Do you know how smart is your dog? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Elsevier; 2020. https://www.clinicalkey.com. No one is going to care more about your health and the well-being of your family than you are. However, even with an X-ray it can be difficult to determine if your foot is broken as swelling can obscure the fine bones in the foot. @import url('https://trymequiz.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-viral-quiz-gr/resources/icons/fa/css/font-awesome.min.css'); Its helpful to wear a brace that supports the ankle and keeps it from over-extending. You need to have the ankle immobilized. https://www.nof.org/patients/fracturesfall-prevention/. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Dr. Last question- Does it feel likefeel like your bones are shifting positions? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 380,699 times. To begin with, first tell us if your wrist is swelling or not? WebAre your feet and ankles happy and healthy or are you at risk for a condition that requires medical attention? }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/stress-fractures. Stress fractures. About ankle fractures, Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. You may need surgery if you have a severe sprain and you cant put any weight on your foot or it hurts to move your ankle or knee. Most often, the ligaments in the outer part of the foot get sprained. He is board certified in Foot Surgery and Reconstructive Rearfoot & Ankle Surgery and is also a Diplomate of the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgery and a fellow of the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons (FACFAS). I owe you one, wikiHow! While sprained ankles are common and tend to heal on their own with rest and time, a broken ankle is more serious and requires medical attention to avoid complications that may lead to surgery or long-term effects. There are signs that indicate if your ankle is sprained or broken, which this broken or sprained ankle quiz can help pinpoint. Get help or go to the doctor. In: Essential Orthopaedics. There are many possible causes for ongoing pain on the outside of your ankle. In the thick of a pain-searing moment, its near impossible to know the differenceall you knows that it hurts. Injury Quiz. Lets scroll down because we have no time to waste! It looks like your wrist is broken. Amory, MS 38821, 2023 Amory Urgent Care. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. Distinguishing between them can be difficult and an accurate diagnosis often requires an X-ray or other imagining test. For a grade 2 sprain, it takes 4 to 6 weeks, and for a grade 3 takes 6 to 12 weeks. unlocking this expert answer. OMG! Ankle sprains are very common, especially in athletes and people who participate in physical activities. In this article, we will explore some tips for keeping your ankles healthy. For a grade 1 ankle sprain, the recovery time is typically 2 to 4 weeks. If youre involved in a car accident, its important to seek medical attention right away, even if you dont think youve been injured. Many people sprain their ankle while playing sports such as basketball, football, or soccer. You can feel the pain in your ankle but do not know whats wrong then maybe it is just sprained. Use a pillow and slide it under your foot. Does It Really, Got Ulcerative Colitis? Our team work very hard to prepare our quizzes, tests and articles as accurate as possible while they are trying their best to keep you entertained. Quiz: How Close Am I To Quitting Drinking? 22 April 2020. Many people think sprains are minor and breaks are major. Thank you for taking our quiz! Read about causes, seeing a doctor. Pain and further harm to the torn ligaments are symptoms. In the case of ankle sprains, they are usually wounded.