[158] Soay sheep come in several colors, and researchers investigated why the larger, darker sheep were in decline; this occurrence contradicted the rule of thumb that larger members of a population tend to be more successful reproductively. 476 pp. Ex : garçon - nm > On dira " le garçon" ou " un garçon". The Spælsau sheep are a very hardy and strong breed of domestic sheep. sheep meaning: 1. a farm animal with thick wool that eats grass and is kept for its wool, skin, and meat: 2. a…. sheep /ʃiːp/ Definitions. Meaning. Orf (also known as scabby mouth, contagious ecthyma or soremouth) is a skin disease leaving lesions that is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. A Natural History of Domesticated Mammals. Also, Comment any other animal content you'd like to see and I'll be sure to post some! nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". [139] Sheep are especially beneficial for independent producers, including family farms with limited resources, as the sheep industry is one of the few types of animal agriculture that has not been vertically integrated by agribusiness. 9. [165] In behavioral sciences, sheep have been used in isolated cases for the study of facial recognition, as their mental process of recognition is qualitatively similar to humans.[166]. [66] Their flocking behavior and quickness to flee and panic can make shepherding a difficult endeavor for the uninitiated. Physiological responses to isolation in sheep. Such visual characteristics are likely to produce a well-focused retinal image of objects in both the middle and long distance. The first mention of sheep occurs in (Genesis 4:2) They were used in the sacrificial offering,as, both the adult animal, (Exodus 20:24) and the lamb.See (Exodus 29:28; Leviticus 9:3; 12:6) Sheep and lambs formed an important article of food. [107] In the 20th and 21st centuries, a minority of sheep owners have turned to alternative treatments such as homeopathy, herbalism and even traditional Chinese medicine to treat sheep veterinary problems. [99][100] The first course of vaccinations (commonly anti-clostridial) is commonly given at an age of about 10 to 12 weeks; i.e. This became the name for sheep meat in English, while the Old English word sceap was kept for the live animal. The primary reason is that mechanization is not feasible, so return per hour of labor is not maximized. Need to translate "SHEEP" from german and use correctly in a sentence? All rights reserved | Email: [email protected]nglishWords.com, A third reason human beings are compared to. Also of concern are the prion disease scrapie and the virus that causes foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), as both can devastate flocks. Animal welfare and meat science. [83], The ram uses his vomeronasal organ (sometimes called the Jacobson's organ) to sense the pheromones of ewes and detect when they are in estrus. Idioms. A "bucky" lamb is a lamb which was not castrated early enough, or which was castrated improperly (resulting in one testicle being retained). [169], In British heraldry, sheep appear in the form of rams, sheep proper and lambs. In some developed countries, including the United States, sheep lack the economic importance for drug companies to perform expensive clinical trials required to approve more than a relatively limited number of drugs for ovine use. With the modern rise of corporate agribusiness and the decline of localized family farms, many breeds of sheep are in danger of extinction. N.Z. 1996. Maternal vocalizations and other sounds in the fetal lamb's sound environment. [22], Though sheep's milk may be drunk rarely in fresh form,[148] today it is used predominantly in cheese and yogurt making. [41] During the rut, even usually friendly rams may become aggressive towards humans due to increases in their hormone levels. Frandson, R. D. and T. L. Spurgeon. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp.55. ABC News. This conditioning property is why the substance is now widely used in human cosmetics, skin care, and hair products. [41] Most sheep are seasonal breeders, although some are able to breed year-round. [146] This often reflects a history of sheep production. State of the world's animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. [18][19] A few primitive breeds of sheep retain some of the characteristics of their wild cousins, such as short tails. Hutson, G. D. 1980. Average live body weight of the mature Spælsau sheep is between 60 and 70 kg. At that time the best weavers lived in Flanders and in the rich cloth-making towns of Bruges, Ghent and Ypres, they were ready to pay top prices for English wool. [23][41], Sheep may fall victim to poisons, infectious diseases, and physical injuries. 3rd Edition. [133] Farmers may also choose to focus on a particular breed of sheep in order to sell registered purebred animals, as well as provide a ram rental service for breeding. In both ancient and modern religious ritual, sheep are used as sacrificial animals. However, their once vital status has been largely replaced by other livestock species, especially the pig, chicken, and cow. Sheep in English translation and definition "Sheep", Dictionary English-English online. [109][110][111][112] Excessive stress can compromise the immune system. Moberg, G. P. and J. These sheep produce a higher quantity of milk and have slightly longer lactation curves. [50]) The bolus is periodically regurgitated back to the mouth as cud for additional chewing and salivation. [23], Sheep are an important part of the global agricultural economy. Cumbrian sheep farmer Thomas Carrick explains why a no-deal Brexit would be damaging for the industry, saying a deal must be reached now to avoid high tariffs and a possible agricultural recession.