This fact is helpfull when making oversized replicas or big rocks to use in a movie. The first thing to decide when making a giant book is... how big do I want it.... or more importantly, do I have a big enough vehicle to tote this thing to its destination? The most important thing to have lined up is the page's inner crease to the top support slope corners - in other words, align the outer edges first as opposed to the inside of the book. You can also draw your design on paper first so you have a visual guide of your final product. Make props from polystyrene foam products like Styrofoam for easier portability and greater artistic license. But we also carry basic items in our webstore. After making sure they were flipped in the right direction, I drew .25” lines on them as well. Thank you, Cool idea. We then repeated the other side of the page. While everything is really light, the page still likes to fall in between the 3D foam supports. We wanted to make sure the supports wouldn't crumple or topple over from the weight of the lumber. To cut the foam board, I measured a foot off one edge in multiple places, laid a long board on the marks, and made my cuts with the hot knife, gliding the knife against the wood for support and making sure to keep the knife as perpendicular to the foam as possible. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. To create this giant sheet, I start by measuring the entire section it needs to cover. Make breakaway glass, realistic props and other special effects. We then smoothed out the template by lightly sanding with sandpaper. However, if you're like me, some cuts were off by a half inch. If you make your book bigger, make sure you have enough foam board to make 6+ supports. Don't run into the table you're gluing on, while you're trying to clean up your work area before being done for the night. Every year the Panhellenic Alumnae women of Kansas City host a brunch and auction to raise scholarship funds for collegiate sorority women. Propmaking & Special Effects. Kamui’s Worbla Books. A custom sculpted large foam Crashed UFO prop created for an X-Files themed event/party. I also knew that after we cut off the extra foot, we would have enough foam to build the six (6) 3D page supports. If you have some jagged edges, you can heat up your knife and press the flat edge to it to clean it up. So you can expect our styrofoam sculptures to last as long as you need them, as well as be able to move them however you please. And then don't rage about the injustice of it all while scrambling to get it re-set up while yelling to your significant other to come-help-please-quick!! I ended up with six (6) lengths, apx… EVA Foam – Costumes and Props made affordable. This prop was going to be the background for pictures, so after assuming the easel height, we could guess the size of our book. ), fairytale-themed proms, or even a children's book baby shower! They can be made to look like just about anything. Our Foamsmith Weapon Making Book. To create this look, we need curved foam supports underneath the paper pages. Again less is more here; it's better to stop cutting and reheat your knife then to melt a hole in your project. This book is 6’ x 4’ all together, so keep that in mind! If I had a skinny black paint pen, then would’ve been ideal. We mostly use EVA foam floor mats, which you can find locally in hardware stores! We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Before we wrap the paper around the 3' x 4' foam board, we need to remove the shiny silver paper on the foam. Insulation Foam & PVC Pipe: Purchased at Local Hardware Store. Dec 30, 2017 - Plays and productions often call for hard-to-find, large scale items. This photo prop was a hit and used for hundreds of pictures! For the sharp corners I would stab into the material, pull out and pierce again at the other angle to get crisp clean corners. If I made another book, I would consider using a spray adhesive. Hot Knife: To make the knife, I cut the shape of a knife out of an old sheet of copper (great heat conductor) with a dremmel. The tape will be on the INSIDE of the cover, closest to the 3D foam supports, so make sure if your paper has uglies on it, you face it up when taping. I cut the paper into the following dimensions: We then used packing tape to connect the sheets together. We … Custom Foam Props for Every Event. Stand back from the rock and make … Remember, not all six of the supports have to match perfectly, just the three supports on each individual side. ), and then folded the other edges up as pictured - like a present. Do not worry about rubbing edges. These oversized product repliacas were displayed at the Worldpac Supplier & Training Expo Tradeshow. The last step is to attach the page to the supports. I then thinly modge podged (glued) over the poster board in small sections and rolled the butcher paper on top, smoothing along the way. The large foam props must be unique to your brand. Since we wanted big artwork on the page, we want a wider page to work on, meaning the slope had to be decently steep. Follow us on Twitch and get notifications whenever we live stream video from the shop! Something important to note that worked out well for us: I accidentally made my template tip to tip, 36 inches. A professional look into getting that perfect finish on your replica prop pieces. Custom 6' Large Foam Sculpture Prop Motor Oil and Transmission Fluid Bottle Props manufactured for Idemitsu Lubricants America Corp. (If you've done this, you know exactly what I'm talking about...). I recommend until you are comfortable your method of foam cutting, leave a little extra foam around the edges of your cut. Did you make this project? The Prop Creations team creates the pieces using a combination of CNC 3-D Cutting machinery and hand carving and sculpting. When filling in text, it’s helpful to trace out the words in a thick sharpie before painting in the letters; the process goes much quicker and looks sharper. Do your best to get these accurate now, as it'll make the whole book look so much more realistic when its all done, and it will be way easier to glue. Does there need to be "more pages showing"? The main "ingredients" in these candies are insulation foam. After wrapping your covers it's time to glue on the supports. We liked the book 4 feet tall, so we decided each page would be 3 feet wide. Volpin’s Painting Book. To make the book cover, we wanted to use the donated butcher paper we had (thank you teachers!). Tips, tricks, and tutorials for forging your own foam weapons! One method to make lightweight faux mountain props is to use chicken wire as the internal structure. This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process of making a large window pane suitable for using as a breakaway glass prop for stage or movie special effects. Foam reproductions, like faux marble columns, are less expensive and less heavy than their genuine counterparts. This is an ultra light and super cheap book that measures about 4 feet (1.2m) tall by 6 feet (1.8m) wide. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I started on the flat bottom of the support, being very careful on the radiused portion where the support connects to the "spine" of the book. Here’s a list of the materials we love and can’t live without. So the easy straight foam cuts are over, and it is time for some freehand cutting. While Worbla is a great solution to create armor and props with, this time I would like to talk about the super affordable alternative EVA foam. Therefore, they are never stocked. This prop was going to be the background for pictures, so after assuming the easel height, we could guess the size of our book. On the long strips, we left a little connector piece in the middle to keep the paper connected so everything stays flat. I used a light pencil to draw my art and text. Cosplay is an awesome hobby but sometimes newcomers are intimidated because they think all the materials are really expensive. That will help you decide how large you want to make it. I just ran out and had to improvise with other adhesives. I figured that hardback books often have two different colors underneath the dust cover (think Harry Potter books), so I went with a large blue strip and a skinny white strip as the inner bind. How to Crochet a Whimsical Light Fixture! If you're done with a cut, pull your knife out so you don't melt something. Brush the entire plank of foam with a soft paintbrush, removing the excess beads. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The biggest advantage to a foam prop is that it is light weight. After sketching out a design, we traced the final in sharpie, and cut it out with a utility knife. You could either leave the base bare or add a table cloth underneath like we did. Props are used to create a realistic appearance on the stage, without actually using heavy and expensive materials. Create a few dents and cuts in the foam to make the stone less uniform. Whatever glue you choose, follow the recommended instructions needed for application. You can measure the curves by guiding a string along the edges and then measuring the string. The best tip I have for drawing a template is to open a real book and study the way it lays open. I grabbed the end with vice grips (pliers would work as well) and heated the knife up with a propane torch for about 15 seconds. The next step was trimming away small sections of paper so the foam support can glue to the foam cover, rather than to wobbly butcher paper; this also creates better adhesion. We used the white drying formula so any accidental seepage would be coverable. Since we weren't at home, we had to do a quick cut with a utility knife. The statues and props are primarily carved out of foam and then hard-coated and ultimately painted. Foam props are amazing !. Share it with us! To adhere the top and bottom covers onto the foam supports, I tried tape, Modge Podge, and rubber cement. Want some ideas on how to make inexpensive but large. Afterwards, I folded the paper on the inner most line so the page had definition from the page edges. If you use this method, make sure you work in a ventilated area and don't breathe in the foam fumes! Effects artist Frank Ippolito shows you how to make simple silicone molds to cast and paint foam replicas of props like shop tools! While one of us held down one side of the page in place, the other lifted the opposite half and placed Gorilla Glue down the three supports. Large foam props are essential elements that create an appealing visual attraction and make a presentation more realistic. We want to cut the paper a little short to insure it stays tucked and flat under the support. The thing to keep in mind is, the very thing you need to cut through the foam is going to be your worst enemy. Next heat up your knife with the torch. To explain this with math: I have a 3 foot wide cover - 36 inches. Once all the supports for one cover are glued and in place, carefully apply your clamping material. One of my favorite props is this giant denim photo frame for taking pictures: How to make your own giant foam board photo booth frame: You will need: Large Foam Board (I got mine at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon – yesss!) If you have a desired color for your props in mind, colored Styrofoams are also available. You can actually draw a line to show where the page edges will begin. … These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This video tutorial shows how to make a fake foam prop rock using carved soft foam and UreCoat® urethane coating. Smooth-On rubbers, plastics, foams and other materials have been used for years to bring movies, TV and stage special effects to life. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Foam reproductions, like faux marble columns, are less expensive and less heavy than their genuine counterparts. The was not the prettiest way to attach paper to poster board, as the modge podge bubbled in some areas, but I used what I had. Main Menu; Home › Applications › Products › How-To › Support › Material Calculators › Search ‹ Back to Main Menu. The way you add artwork and/or text is up to you. This year, the theme of the brunch was Alice in Wonderland. When making props for plays, musicals, movies or any other sort of production that requires sets, materials that are lightweight and easy to work are ideal. This, now bare, side will be face up when wrapping so the supports have something to glue onto in the next step. Who says the book is opened exactly dead center anyways? This isn't ideal as the foam "sheds" everywhere and the cut isn't smoothed and sealed; however, this was fine to do on the straight lines, and it was just a pre-cut anyways. The large scale crashed UFO prop was designed and created to add a bit of flair and theming to an X-files themed event. $899.99 Price: Updating cart... Large Pop corn Burster clown Halloween prop. The poster board gives the page the stiffness to not bow or fall in between the foam supports, and the butcher paper gives it a smooth - book-page-like - look. Its best to only trace one at a time, as I went a little wild on some of my cuts and would have cut into another support if I had drawn them all out at the beginning. Making oversized props, life-size props, mechanical and electronic props and other display enhancements for some of the biggest names out there. The next step is to make the page edges “look like page edges”. For a quick event where no one will touch the book, modge podge or glue might work "good enough", but rubber cement held on the best. Prop and Costume Materials. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Something to keep in mind is, what will the book be used for? Use a handheld scrub brush and rub the surface of the foam gently. Aug 9, 2013 - Plays and productions often call for hard-to-find, large scale items. Foam can be easily cut, heated and formed, glued, beveled, and painted. Lastly, commercial hot wire styrofoam cutters are also a great, probably safer, option. Does this look natural? Everything you need to know to make costume armor from cheap EVA foam. The inner spine area takes up another 4 inches, so we now have 29 inches to work with for the page top and page edges. Our event was at a country club, and the book pages are VERY LIGHT, so it was no problem stacking them on each other in the back of an SUV. EVA Foam Prop Blaster Tutorial: I have been wanting to jump into the world of foam prop making for quite some time now, so this Instructable is going to map out my first attempt at making a prop blaster out of EVA foam… Make a small mark with a pencil. I also knew I couldn't fit the 4'x8' foam board in my SUV, so we had to cut it in half right off the bat. Remember, you can always trim something if it is too big. When each support was in place, we lightly traced around where the support touched the cover. by Svetlana | Oct 9, 2017. Thanks for sharing the build :). For Gorilla Glue, this entails applying glue to one side (the cover) and then water to the other side (the supports). We did some research on glue, and the easiest/fastest to use was Gorilla Glue. That will help you decide how large you want to make it. Basically we are wrapping the foam board like a present that didn't have enough paper to cover it. I ended up using materials that I was comfortable with and learned several placed where I could improve the design for next time. I used the smallest support as a pattern, traced along the edges, and trimmed the bigger supports down. Begin by deciding approximately how long you would like to make each piece of candy (I chose 9″) and divide that number into the total lengthof the pool noodle to determine how many you’ll be able to cut from each one. Gorilla Glue has a pretty long working time, and that time doesn't start until water comes into contact with the glue, but be deliberate with your actions and don't dally. If I have a 4 inch wide page edge slope, then I am left with 25 inches of page width to put artwork on. It’s really helpful to use a projector if you find pictures online that you like or need help tracing a book font. Just in case someone saw the top or bottom of the book edges, I used the poster board support template to cut out 4 poster paper blanks that cover the foam supports. Lastly, make sure you don't have to twist or hold the knife in a weird angle to make your cuts. We know how to make foam props to suit any event, celebration, or occasion. When it comes to a stage performance, the most important elements of the entire set are the props. While working on the right page, I can’t center my artwork until I’ve marked off 5 inches from the right side. Set Design. You have to save a couple inches for the inside spine. The Dollar Store is a good place to get a small amount of colored duct tape. Cut out the Styrofoam to its desired shape. Colorful Wrapped Rope Macrame Knot Necklace, 4'x8' Foam Insulation Board from Lowe's (It was about $12), Optional: Hot Knife (tool to cut foam board - see step 1 for my hot knife hack) & Propane Torch, Modge Podge and Applicator Brush (or spray adhesive). Our talented Hot Wire Foam family of artists show off how they use low cost, lightweight, easy to sculpt foam to create lifelike theater props and sets, church theme rooms, Vacation Bible School backdrops, elaborate haunt displays, still photography studio backdrops, motion picture props, amusement park props, and much more. Will a half inch of extra make a difference? When adding artwork, it will look super funny and off center, but will look great once page lines are added. When winding the tape around the noodle, let the marks serve as a guide along the way. Make props from polystyrene foam products like Styrofoam for easier portability and greater artistic license. I took a long clear ruler and drew pencil lines .25” apart all the way up the left and right edges of the book. If you’d like your stripes to be extra precise, measure two to three inches for each stripe (or larger if you prefer giant stripes). After placing the board, bare side up, on the paper, I folded opposite sides inwards and taped them down (yes, packing tape sticks well on the foam! Since they probably wouldn’t be seen, I did not make sure they were you can tell. Use a pen or fine-tip marker to draw the shape of your props. That is a great idea for holidays and party idea. (Laying the page on the supports and it fitting perfectly was the most satisfying thing I have ever seen.) We removed all the weight from our test clamp and started placing the supports in the correct spots. Large foam letters; 3d signs and banners ; and many more; Our custom-made props are handcrafted from durable styrofoam that’s also light-weight. Side Tip: Your cat will want to sit on the book while you work on the floor. We first placed our supports in roughly the right spots and found a bunch of lumber to "clamp" (weigh down) down in place. Brands use large foam props to grab the attention of their audience and engage them better. Another thing to remember is the artwork doesn't go all the way to the center of the book. We took poster paper and constructed a 36” x 44” area, cutting down poster board or scotch taping together where necessary. If you've been super precise in your cuts they should be very similar. This includes the top of the top foam support down to the bottom of the bottom foam support and the the inner edge to the outer page edge slopes. Clicking "accept" will allow us to continue with their use, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cover the entire boulder with grey paint. I want 3 inches of cover showing behind the pages, so my page is down to 33 inches. The excess glue wipes up with just a little water and didn't leave any residue behind. Once at the venue, we white-duct-taped the back seams together. After that, definitely don't watch in horror as your heavy weights/lumber topple and your supports get glue on surfaces where glue is not meant to be. Building details such as stones and brick walls allow a performance to appearance instantly life-like. Lastly, I felt the left page was a tad bare, so I hot glued on a few 3D foam flowers to fit in with the theme. The goal was to create a 1:1 scale version of a Montser Hunter greatsword. › View How-To Article. Don't be afraid to stop and readjust, especially if you're working by yourself. we ended up with two (2) 4'x4' foam board squares. Since this prop is for photos, the lines need to be more obvious, farther apart, and more child-like. Also, there’s a playlist … Wait, this isn't a tip.... Just a fact. Gorilla Glue expands as it dries so this is a product that must be clamped into place; if you can't clamp (like in this case), you use weights. Mark (that individual measurement) along the length of the pool noodle (using a black marker) and then, carefully cut (using a knife) through the foam at each marking, on a safe surface. Now before you fill the pages with artwork, make sure you accommodate for the page edges. Unless your event is on site, you will not want to completely construct the book until you have arrived at your destination (unless you have a big vehicle). Another option is to make a hot knife out of a soldering iron like in this Instructable, but who doesn't like the idea of a giant copper knife? These cookies do not store any personal information. This doesn't mean it was 36 inches wide, but with all the curves, it measured 36". This also provides structure. I took a 3 foot piece of thick poster board (the width of my book cover) and marked our design constraints. Add depth to the boulder by spraying a light coat of black paint in the gouges you made on the Styrofoam. Start by tracing one of the supports on the foam. Sorority women your Pop CORN are absolutely essential for the inside spine a quick cut a... And had to improvise with other adhesives be afraid to stop cutting and reheat knife., candy Crush Saga party or candy-themed birthday party follow us on Twitch get! At home, we lightly traced around where the page edges “ look like edges! 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