This led to the sudden closure of our university campuses, mandatory transition of all in-person courses and activities to online platforms, and the cancellation of our DNP student poster session. Page completed her DNP from Virginia Commonwealth University in May 2020. Results indicated that 95% of the staff nurses scored 100% on competency assessment. The national conference sustains the organization. Familiarize yourself with the Zoom toolbar. Integrating the virtual format can provide a valuable platform for dissemination of scholarship for distance learning programs. We required use of an Adobe PDF format for the poster to prevent distortion or lag time during online scrolling that can occur using a PowerPoint® template. The purpose of this article is to describe the creation, format, and lessons of adapting the DNP student poster session using a synchronous, interactive design. Specify plans made with key stakeholders/facility to sustain the initiative. The DNP Project Roadmap: The Key to Navigating Project Success. Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. Submission Manager Thank you for sharing your expertise and submitting your abstract for consideration of presentation at the 2021 National DNP Conference taking place on August 11-13, 2021 at the swissotel Chicago. a.Proceed logically through the section headers, summarizing key concepts.b.Take time to explain your graphs and charts with the outcomes of the initiative. Nurse educators were challenged to develop innovative solutions for students to complete course requirements. On my honor I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this paper. The meeting originally scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana will now be a virtual meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic. [J Nurs Educ. g. Get an answer. Abstract Problem: Worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among the Jamaican population is 11.9% (WHO, 2016). Speak naturally and look directly into your camera when speaking to your audience. The selected faculty taught courses in the DNP program and had robust knowledge of the DNP project. The DNP degree is a clinically focused, terminal degree that prepares NPs and other advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to improve healthcare delivery and health outcomes. Our DNP student project is completed over a three-course sequence and must be an evidence-based practice (EBP) change or quality improvement initiative. Poster Presentations: Sara L Bauer, "Evidence Based Care of Homeless Women: A Protocol for Depression" Regina Cole, "Academic Electronic Health Record System Criteria Relevance and Attitudes toward Adoption in Accredited Schools of Nursing" Guidelines were provided for students that began with their description of the background and significance of the clinical problem, a brief review of the literature that provided the scholarly evidence for the practice change, implementation methods, evaluation of project outcomes, and implications for clinical practice (Table 2). Faculty moderators were the Zoom platform hosts and enabled screen sharing to display the posters for all session participants, facilitating smooth and timely transitions between student presentations. 2 . The purpose is to help you determine how effectively you are integrating other sources into your own writing. The abstract for a DNP project should be a minimum of 150 wordsand a maximum of 350 words. When you submit your DNP project final draft to the Graduate College, you will be required to include an extra copy of the abstract for storage in the online abstract archive. May 6, 2020 . International Abstract Award Dawei Chen, MD, MB - Shandong University Resident Clinical/Basic Science Research Award ... Heejin Kim, DNP, AOCNP - University of Michigan Resident Recognition Award - … This format may be especially valuable for use of scholarship dissemination by distance learning programs. 2020 Abstract Awardees Congratulations to the 2020 Annual Meeting Abstract Award Winners! More than 150 students and faculty attended the virtual poster sessions. In response, DNP program faculty developed an alternative virtual poster presentation session for scholarly dissemination of student posters—a virtual poster session using the Zoom Video Communications platform. The first course focuses on development of the proposed initiative, the second course on the planning and implementation phases at a clinical site, and the final course requires the evaluation and dissemination of the project outcomes. Discuss the interpretation of your project outcomes using the charts, graphs, or other schematics you designed for your poster. Figure. Evaluation of outcomes How did the experience of completing an evidence-based practice initiative enhance your professional growth?What advice would you give other students beginning development of their own project initiative? The virtual platform was successfully used for an interactive presentation by DNP student and nursing faculty participants. Login to the Zoom meeting 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start. Keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking. We hope the 2020 virtual conference will still have the spirit of New Orleans, and we look forward to seeing you in person in NOLA in 2022. When our campus was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty developed an alternative to the in-person session, transitioning to a virtual session using the Zoom Video Communications platform. Ensure you can share the six posters on your desktop. Students and faculty had positive feedback regarding the virtual format. CLASS OF 2020 DNP PROJECTS 3 8. Moderators introduced each student and kept speakers on track by maintaining the 10-minute time limit for each presentation. Students were grateful to have an event to provide support and encouragement to each other, and faculty offered congratulations and expressed their pride in the students' accomplishments, both on the successful completion of their final scholarly project and their upcoming graduation from the DNP program. The session is set up to mirror a professional conference poster session, and each student is expected to attend their poster session for 90 minutes to answer questions and discuss their project with attendees. ... in March 2020 … How did the experience of completing an evidence-based practice initiative enhance your professional growth? Include the students' names and poster title for introduction purposes. Twelve faculty were recruited by the DNP program director to serve as moderators, one per session. Address correspondence to Lauren Diegel-Vacek, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CNE, FAANP, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Illinois Chicago, College of Nursing, Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science, 845 South Damen Avenue, MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612; email: Individual student poster presentations were formatted to begin with a formal presentation for the first 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes dedicated to questions. She is currently employed at Virginia Women's Center (VWC) as a Woman's Health Nurse Practitioner and is an advocate for women, especially adolescents. Do not add the word “Abstract” at the beginning; do not list keywords at the end. FREDRICH RAZ BSN, RN & KRISTOPHER TORIBIO BSN, RN Melnyk, B. M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program has an enrollment of more than 500 students, each completing a scholarly project at the end of their academic program. Abstract submissions are accepted from April 20, 2020, through April 15, 2021. The setting for this DNP project was a 326-bed, suburban hospital in Northern California that was facing challenges with preventing falls with injury and rising sitter costs. The college has a dedicated information technology (IT) department that introduced Zoom Video Communications for use by faculty 3 years ago. During the discussion period, ask participants to begin by introducing themselves by name and affiliation—it will facilitate a sense of personal communication. Each DNP project team includes the student, one doctorally prepared faculty mentor with a professorial appointment at our CON, and one designated practice mentor who is employed at the clinical site where the initiative is implemented. The abstract should have the title of the DNP Scholarly Project centered and typed in capital Using timetable, introduce one student every 15 minutes and share their poster with attendees during that time. The meeting originally scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana will now be a virtual meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program has an enrollment of more than 500 students, each completing a scholarly project at the end of their academic program. Nursing scholarship uses knowledge in a variety of ways to improve health and transform health care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2018). The 2020 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society will be held Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 2020. Specify plans made with key stakeholders/facility to sustain the initiative. a.Create a quiet environment without distractions as a courtesy to your colleagues in attendance (e.g., no pets, children, texting, or other distractors).b.Keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking.c.Make sure your video background is camera ready or use a virtual background. Assignments for the final course of the project sequence include both development of a poster and writing a publishable manuscript focused on their project topic. These requirements reflect our philosophy that the DNP project is a foundational experience for students' future scholarship (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). Doctoral Education Conference Theme: Re-Imagining the Future of Doctoral Education in Nursing Submission due date: November 22, 2020. We are continuing to accept abstract submissions for 2021 Chicago until April 15, 2021. Follow Us . "Dog" is an abstract word. The small-group session setup allowed them to participate in multiple sessions to support their student colleagues, as well as to learn about their EBP initiatives. Background: In 2004, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) called for all nursing schools to phase out master's-level preparation for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and transition to doctor of nursing practice (DNP) preparation only by 2015. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD) *Eligibility note – students who finish a dissertation (or EBP) project after the last MNRS conference in March 2020 are still eligible to submit a student poster even if they have graduated. Notification of selected posters will begin after April 15, 2020. Take time to explain your graphs and charts with the outcomes of the initiative. Additionally, the focused time and attention each student had with an engaged audience allowed for structured oral presentations, which is not always achievable during the brief visit with students standing with their posters. 2020: Projects [PDF]. Many faculty initially expressed concern about the ability of an online presentation to demonstrate a robust level of scholarship; however, after participating in the virtual sessions, they strongly believed that there were benefits to the virtual sessions when compared with our standard face-to-face poster session. Remind participants that additional poster sessions are available for them to join. Become an APS Member Submit a Meeting Abstract Submit a Manuscript Find a … What challenges occurred during the implementation stage? We are working to send out communications to all involved by the end the of April 2020. The virtual poster session was a valuable platform for scholarly dissemination of students' DNP projects. Using a virtual platform for student poster presentations could be successfully used for dissemination of scholarly project outcomes for any DNP program. Clinical implications for practice and next steps Submit your abstracts describing programs, courses, initiatives, or evaluation strategies that characterize the conference theme, Re-Imagining the Future of Doctoral Education in Nursing. 2017: Projects [PDF]. Be prepared to step in if the speaker or participant discussion is too long or off track. Practice your presentation aloud: We used an on-campus poster session in the final week of each semester as a forum for dissemination of the outcomes of student projects for the past 5 years. What challenges occurred during the implementation stage? A training session for the moderators was designed and led by the DNP program director using Zoom. The poster assignment includes writing a scholarly, evidence-based formatted abstract and developing a poster to disseminate the process and outcomes of the student's DNP project. The COVID-19 pandemic closed university campuses across the country. Abstract The aim of this evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention project was to decrease agitated behaviors in residents with dementia as well as educate the staff on the proper implementation of doll therapy. (2018). FALSE. Time yourself so information is complete and not under or over allotted time. Assure students that you will keep them on track to stay within their time limit. Faculty moderator guidelines were developed based on the standard expectations of a moderator for breakout sessions at a professional conference (Table 1). Abstract Purpose: In a diverse southern California outpatient oncology clinic, assess the need for standardized pre-chemotherapy education for newly diagnosed cancer patients to aid in the improvement of health literacy, self-management of side effects, satisfaction, and reduction of anxiety. Please submit your poster/oral abstract to the APS before filling out the CEU Application (closed for 2020). The authors have declared no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Both students and faculty were engaged in the sessions, and moderators facilitated question and answer sessions after each presentation. Expert answered|KevinWagner|Points 6163| Log in for more information. What advice would you give other students beginning development of their own project initiative? Submissions will be accepted through March 31, 2020. There were twelve 90-minute sessions, with six students assigned to each session. Both faculty and students were accustomed to using Zoom videoconferencing technology for classroom teaching via synchronous course sessions, as well as one-to-one faculty–student meetings. The toolbar above the abstract box provides shortcuts to creating paragraphs, … However, the therapeutic response rate of patients to DNP varies from 20 to 60%. Create a timetable with each student scheduled for a 15-minute time slot. Today, five years after the AACN's deadline, nursing has not yet adopted a universal DNP standard for APRN practice entry. Introducing the DNP students to abstract and poster development and presentation prepares them for future scholarship. Control your environment: Recognize that you are the meeting host with control of the meeting toolbar. 2020 Sigma Theta Tau‐Iota Tau hapter Research Day ook of Abstracts 10 Interdisciplinary Curriculum: The Value of Conflict Engagement Training for the Healthcare Workforce Margaret Anne Begley MS, BA, BSN, RN Shelly Luger DNP. Campus closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenged nurse educators to develop innovative solutions. Due to the large number of students scheduled to present at the virtual sessions and the volume of anticipated participant attendance, the IT department set up the Zoom meetings and required passwords for attendees for added meeting security. 7 Last updated: 01 2020 Abstract – Copy and paste the abstract of your DNP Project in the abstract box. 1 (2020) Asia Plahar, University of California, San Francisco; Download Abstract. A new learning module describing the format and guidelines for the virtual poster session was developed and placed on the course Blackboard™ site 4 weeks in advance for students to review. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Asked 14 days ago|11/5/2020 1:29:13 AM. 2016: Projects [PDF]. 2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Thursday–Sunday, October 29–November 1 2020; Time Zone: Central Time, USA Search: Word search of titles and abstracts only. Practice “sharing” and “stop sharing” of document from your desktop screen with meeting attendees. The final 5 minutes of the session was designed to allow attendees to ask the student questions about the project implementation, topic, or lessons learned. 04/26/2020, Kimberly Ford. The mission of the Virginia Association of Doctors of Nursing Practice is to connect, coordinate, and unite DNP providers and executives in Virginia thereby increasing visibility and optimizing their overall impact to improve healthcare and healthcare outcomes of the population. Each session included five to six students and one faculty moderator. Student feedback regarding the virtual presentation session indicated that the guidelines provided were beneficial to prepare for their presentations and that they were comfortable using the virtual format as a form of scholarly dissemination. DNP students from our regional campuses around the state also attend to present their posters. Check that your audio and video functions are operating. titioner competencies framed the PII. New answers. 2020;59(12):697–700.]. How are you disseminating the project outcomes to key stakeholders? The dissemination of outcomes is a vital part of the EBP process to share the results of practice changes with colleagues and stakeholders (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). DNP 801 Topic 2 DQ 1 You will submit your written assignments to Turnitin in your courses as you complete the program. Semistructured interviews were conducted with faculty and students after the virtual poster session. Turnitin reports assist you in determining if … Dissemination Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students create a DNP project at the culmination of study. The meeting links were distributed to college faculty and students via the CON LISTSERV® but were not made publicly available to prevent uninvited attendees. The main reason for the large differences in the clinical efficacy of DNP therapy is genetic factors, some of which affect pharmacokinetics (PK), … 1 DNP curricular design ensures NPs acquire the knowledge and skills needed to provide high-quality care through integration of evidence-based practice and organizational leadership. a.Recognize that you are the meeting host with control of the meeting toolbar.b.Know how to mute and unmute participants.c.Practice “sharing” and “stop sharing” of document from your desktop screen with meeting attendees. (2006). The abstract will be transferred to the 2021 conference and you will be receiving a status update soon. Abstract Background: Social isolation in the elderly has been identified as a risk factor for poor mental and physical health, as well as higher rates of mortality, depression, and cognitive decline. Dress in attire appropriate to an in-person professional, scholarly presentation. Dr. Diegel-Vacek is Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science, and Dr. Carlucci is Clinical Assistant Professor and Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty Director, University of Illinois Chicago, College of Nursing, Chicago, Illinois. Post-Master of Science in Nursing students were assigned according to the focus of their Advanced Practice RN specialty certification. Do not read the poster—describe and discuss to engage your audience: Know how to mute and unmute participants. Tell us what you think about », Get the latest news and education delivered to your inbox,, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2018, The Value of Peer Mentorship as an Educational Strategy in Nursing, The Nursing Shortage and the Future of Nursing Education Is in Our Hands, Gaming in Nursing Education: Recent Trends and Future Paths. Abstract submissions are accepted from April 20, 2020, through April 15, 2021. To minimize confusion, this document is the compilation of two separate documents – The DNP Scholarly Project Manual and the DNP Scholarly Project Guide. The 2020 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society will be held Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 2020. The authors thank Mr. Kevin Grandfield for his editorial assistance. However, in March 2020 the governor of Illinois issued an executive order to shelter-in-place in response to COVID-19 (State of Illinois, 2020). Commend the students on their project accomplishments and presentations. Be alert and ready to assist a student presenter experiencing any technical difficulties. All individual sessions ran smoothly and required minimal IT support, making this a feasible option for future poster presentations. The EBP poster assignment required students to use a standard template developed by the IT department for faculty and student conference presentations. Poster presenters must register for the conference HERE! Lauren Diegel-Vacek, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CNE, FAANP; Melisa Carlucci, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC. A wide variety of nuclear science topics are covered including: Additionally, local, regional, and national conferences where our students had abstracts accepted to present their DNP project posters were cancelled. Begin the session by introducing yourself and welcoming students and faculty. Abstract Section of Final DNP Scholarly Project Paper . Students may present their poster at a DNP student poster session held on our main CON campus with students from all DNP specialty foci or, alternatively, at a poster presentation at a local, regional, or national professional conference. Twelve virtual sessions were held, and 73 students presented DNP project posters. Donepezil (DNP) is the first-line drug used for Alzheimer's disease (AD).