black cherry range. It thrives best in fertile alluvial soil but also grows on dry slopes. ): Also called Rock maple for its hard wood, this important timber tree is found on moist wooded slopes throughout Pennsylvania, Sugar maple wood is used for furniture, musical instruments and flooring and the sap is tapped for maple syrup production. Young trees are heavily browsed by deer and rabbits; rodents consume the seeds. It is one of the most valuable timber trees, found in moist or dry woodlands throughout the state and often planted as an ornamental in large open areas. (Pinus rigida Mill. Keystone State. 30 percent -- or 5 million acres -- are publicly owned by either the federal, state, or local governments. Its wood has a high resin. It is important for regenerating forest cover, protecting soil and slower growing species. Nutt.) Native Americans used the bark for constructing canoes, shelters and containers. Most of Pennsylvaniaâs forest lands fall into two types: The forests of Pennsylvania provide benefits to society while having diverse ownership patterns: DCNR's Bureau of Forestry is charged with conserving the forests and native wild plants of the commonwealth. Managing the state forest system sustainably for a variety of ecological, economic, and recreational values, Protecting the forests of the commonwealth from damage from wildfire and destructive insects and diseases, Promoting forestry and the stewardship of the commonwealthâs forest resources, Protecting and managing native wild plants. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. (Pinus strobus L.) these are typically large trees. (Quercus velutina Lam.) )This tree is a medium sized tree,widespread in Pennsylvania except the Northwestern counties it is more common on poor, sandy soils and areas where forest fires have killed most other trees. The wood is not as valuable as other oaks because in drying, it tends to warp and split. A thornless variety with clear yellow fall color has been developed for the nursery trade. It is often plantedas a shade tree. Acer rubrum is a prolific seeder and readily sprouts from the stump which makes it ubiquitous ⦠Tree identification guides usually tell what type of soil composition and (Amelanchier species) : Amelanchier arborea and A. laevis are small trees, typically under 40' high. You can contact the DCNR Bureau of Forestry at 717-787-2703. The seeds sprout best in open areas after cutting or fire and spread rapidly by sending up suckers from the roots. It frequently escapes from cultivation to grow in disturbed woods and roadways. A valuable reforestation species after fire or limbering clears the land. (Pinus resinosa Ait.) Songbirds, mice and chipmunks feed on the seeds. Pennsylvania's location spanning 40º-42º north latitude and its varied terrain support 134 species of native trees and many others introduced from Europe and Asia. (Acer platanoides L.): Imported from northern Europe and extensively planted along city streets and in parks. Common trees of Pennsylvania. (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) A medium sized tree, typically reaching 60' high, of rapid growth but shortlived. (Populus grandidentata Michx. Seeds and buds are eaten by the Pennsylvania state bird, the Ruffed grouse. (Juniperus virginiana L.) Common in abandoned farm fields The wood is used chiefly for fence posts and moth-proof chests. latin name=(Tsuga canadensis), Pennsylvainas state tree, its wood works great for construction, and its a great source of tannic acid for tanning leather. It takes a hemlock 250 to 300 years to reach maturity, and it can live up to 800 years. (Carya tomentosa (Lam.ex Poir.) While some oak trees flourish Wood used chiefly for paper pulp, lumber, posts and railroad ties. (Salix nigra Marshall) The largest of our native willows, typically reaching 30' in height. Protect clean air, clean water, and public health and conserve working farms, forests, and natural lands. Sugar maple is an excellent ornamental tree for large open areas. They sequester carbon and clean our air. A southern species that reaches its northern limit in Pennsylvania. Not usually used for lumber due to its small size, but it can display aggressive growth suited to protecting rocky slopes from erosion. Prized for its bright rose-colored flowers in early spring. Many birds, squirrels. Only cone-bearing tree native to Pennsylvania that loses its needles annually. A handy pocket manual of the common native and introduced trees of Pennsylvania.. [Joseph Simon Illick] ⦠Chicago citation style Common trees of Pennsylvania. The "white oak group" includes all oaks without bristle-tipped lobes and acorns that ripen in one season. Pennsylvania, with its unique geographical position, has 102 kinds of trees native to the State, although there are numerous introduced species growing and thriving in this latitude and climate. Red maple (Acer rubrum) Red maple, also called "soft maple" or "swamp maple," is the most common tree species in Pennsylvania in terms of both the actual number of trees and the volume of wood available. Northern hardwoods cover about 32 percent of Pennsylvania, mostly in the high elevations of the north. Horticultural varieties with red or pink bracts have been developed. It is found in cool ,moist areas in the forest. (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) The wood is valuable for veneer and many other uses. Twigs are browsed by deer. They filter and protect drinking water and thousands of miles of streams. These forests provide incalculable values and benefits to Pennsylvania citizens and beyond. Prefers moist, cool soils and cool summer temperatures, often found on north facing slopes and swamps. (Platanus occidentalis L.) Large, massive trees typically found on streambanks and floodplains attaining heights of 70'-125' or more. 1 6 Common ServiceberryâAmelanchier arboreaâ BF, PC,SY, LG, S Also know as Shadbush, this deciduous small tree grows from 15-25 ft. and is often found on rocky bluffs and upper slopes. The acorns are valuable wildlife food for wetland birds and mammals. A large tree, the tallest of the eastern hardwoods. (Carya cordiformis (Wang.) No matter where you go in Pennsylvania, you are likely to encounter trees in some form. Some trees, like alder, only like to grow in wet soil, whereas maple grow in many types of soil. Often escaping cultivation, it is now found in disturbed woods, roadsides, vacant lots and railroad banks across southern Pennsylvania. The forests of Pennsylvania provide benefits to society while having diverse ownership patterns: Most common on sandy or gravelly soils of old fields and open woods in northern Pennsylvania, but it can be found throughout the state. Important for revegetating recently cut or burned areas by sprouting from widespread roots. The nuts have a soft green outer caseing with a hard brown shell inside. Although the nuts are too bitter for human use, they are an important food for squirrels and chipmunks. )A small to medium sized tree, common throughout the State. Found in moist open woods and slopes mostly in the southern part of the state, it usually reaches 50'-75' high. It takes careful study of their twigs, buds, leaf scars and bark, and a ⦠Nut Bearing Trees of Pennsylvania The End By: Ryan Mowry Walnut Black walnut trees are mainly found in the souther part of Pennsylvania. The fruits, twigs and foliage provide food for many birds and animals. The heavy, hard, strong wood is used for furniture, boxes, and fuelwood. It provides shade for seedlings of other tree species which follow it in succession and the fruits are food for many birds and small mammals. This tree is very important to both wildlife and people. A common and dominant forest tree throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Fermented sap can be used to make birch beer. Also called Scrub pine, this small tree attains a height of 30'-40' on sandy or poor rocky soils of barrens and ridge-tops. Other trees, such as Black Locust, are very shade intolerant. Although Pennsylvania forests are greatly reduced from the time when when European settlers arrived in America, some old growth remains in A relatively fast-growing tree to 75' high, one of the most common oaks on dry, upland sites. (Catalpa bignonioides Walt.) An ounce â ⦠The original "Penn's Woods" saw white pines reaching 150' and more. Learn about the traits and characteristics of the Black Cherry tree, found in North America. Found naturally on rich, moist bottomlands in southwestern Pennsylvania, but widely planted as an ornamental throughout. (Carya glabra (P.Mill.) As with other hickories, the wood is heavy, hard, and strong and used for tool handles and furniture. Pennsylvania is home to different types of oak trees, both cultivated and wild. It can be distinguished from other maples by the larger leaves, milky sap of the petiole, and the horizontal wings of the fruits. (Prunus pensylvanica L.f.) Also called pin cherry, this shrub or small tree reaches 40', the trunk usually short and branches forming a narrow flat-topped crown. Common trees include sugar maple, black cherry, aspen, birch, hemlock, and ash. Wood of Ohio buckeye is light but resists splitting and has been used to, (Nyssa sylvatica Marshall) Also called Black tupelo, this is tree likes moist areas along streams. "qui", not "Quixote" love stories love stories a.shakespeare by Shakespeare s.shakespeare about Shakespeare #74 ⦠The strong, hard wood is used for fence posts and general construction, but it is not widely available. Additionally, this evergreen tree was used by settlers in the region to build log cabins. Many animals browse the twigs and buds in winter and spring. Tree, Landscape & Hardscape Services Call for a Free Estimate! Unfortunately, several. (Acer saccharinum L.) Found in moist woods and on stream banks throughout Pennsylvania, usually reaching 50'-60' high. The wood is generally lighter in weight and weaker than White ash, but is used for the same purposes. (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) Also known as Yellow poplar, Tulip poplar, White poplar and Whitewood. Many animals, including cattle, feed on the pods and seedlings. Its wood is used chiefly for pulp in manufacturing paper and cardboard.