My lesson plans include more information than just what the students need to know for the standardized test. Get to know your students with this 4-section GOOGLE FORMS Student Survey Sections included: 1.“All about you” 2.”All about your family” 3.“All about your learning” 4.Final Comments: a place for them to ask the teacher anything. Not at all Sometimes Usually Always . For example, comparing events in the plays to events in pop culture. Teachers will have to handle issues with discipline from time to time, and how discipline is addressed is an especially important aspect of teacher interview questions and answers in elementary teaching. You might also learn about whether you feel the school would be a good fit for you as well. Personally I find it hard not to smile! The first week of starting a new term can be a stressful time for both children and teachers, so why not use this 'All about me' activity booklet to help break the ice between children and their new classmates. (Almost every teacher interview begins this way.) What was the most rewarding part of attending that particular school? 2. 50 Teacher Interview Questions and Example Answers, 21 Job Interview Tips: How to Make a Great Impression, Interview Question: "What Is Your Teaching Philosophy? Question 5: Tell me about a teaching lesson you were involved in that didn’t go well and what you learned from it. Each student reads their book to the group and when finished asks if there are any questions. As a student teacher, I like to make comparisons between older texts, like Shakespeare and modern events. It can be a daunting experience for everyone concerned. This first printable has a questionnaire version for a female teacher and a male teacher. What is your least favorite subject, and how do you approach it to ensure that you teach it well? After being a coach's wife for 29 years and a sports parent for 21, she sees issues from both sides of the bench. The Word documents and PowerPoint presentations can easily be modified by users, or the entire lesson package is available to download in PDF format. How will you approach different learning styles? Preparing for standardized testing is a crucial part of the teaching profession, especially for those in public education. After researching several methods, I’ve found that a rewards system is the best method for avoiding bad behavior. The final product can be saved or printed! Units 1-10 Lessons and Materials (combined pdf) Worksheet 1 - 6 tiles with questions and children draw a picture of themselves in the middle. I also provide updates about what my students have learned and accomplished.”. There are 3 types of activities. Following up after the interview by thanking your interviewers for their time is a best practice in any job that can help you leave a positive and lasting impression. This is a great way to start the year with an introduction and end the year with a reflection! That being said, technology can also be distracting, so setting expectations for appropriately using tech is critical. Explain your experience with a particular teaching strategy or technology. There’s no job more important than teaching the future leaders of our world the information they need to know, but more importantly, showing them their worth, their potential, and their ability to form their own opinions by thinking critically and observing the world around them.”. In this All About Me/You resource the questions are set in hexagonal tiles for children to complete. A good answer explains what characteristics you think are most important for a teacher to possess, how these traits benefit students and how you cultivate those qualities in yourself. All About Me Printable Book. Why do you want to work at our school, and not at another one? Teachers must be able to alter their styles so that every one of their students is able to learn effectively.”. Children can draw and colour each of the activities to create a book all about themselves. You may want to mute all participants once you begin teaching. Many teachers now incorporate technology into their lessons. You can use some or all of the pages. Asking yourself these get to know me questions will help ensure you're always … I don’t really know the answer to this. Asking such questions can help the researcher to understand the education system. Not at all Sometimes Usually Always 3. Teacher survey questions are survey questions asked to collect information related to teachers. Example: “I believe that students want their teachers to be dedicated and approachable, and they can tell when a teacher doesn't possess these qualities. While different employers will seek out different qualities in candidates based on the school and opening, there are three main things hiring managers are typically seeking in their candidates: Employers will likely first ensure you’ve got the basic skills and certifications to meet their needs. All About Me Survey . Don’t mention anything relating to a lack of discipline or unruly students. How will you support students with exceptional learning ability? This worksheet is suitable for a conversation class. What actions or decisions led up to that moment? Many teachers aim to use available technology without letting it take over the classroom. However, when I consider the 32 brand new faces staring back at me on the first day of school, it can seem a bit overwhelming! Explain why this information compels your interest in the institution. One of my friends asked her teacher friends what they appreciated most from parents when starting a new school year. Students can use the chat box for questions (this is also a great way to take attendance). Resources @ Other Sites. To answer this question, think back to the moment you decided you wanted to be a teacher or a moment that made you especially excited about teaching. I believe that engaging with parents and making sure that they have an active role in their child's success is vital. What teams, clubs or extracurricular activities were you involved in while you were in school? Employers may ask this question to identify your motivations and understand your intentions for applying for the job. Interviewers often tailor questions to their institution, so it is wise to consider your answers to these common questions and how they may apply to the specific school or position. Janis Meredith writes Jbmthinks, a blog on sports parenting and youth sports. One side has questions and the other side will have a photo and name. Math doesn’t come naturally to me, but she took the time not only to explain the material in a way that made sense to me, but also helped me understand that every form of intelligence is equally valuable. If they’re willing, it may help to sit down with them to ask questions about the school and seek advice about how to approach the interview. Understanding the school’s mission and values will help you decide if it is the right workplace for you. Students should be able to use the technology for learning as well as to learn basic skills, so I give them assignments that require advanced use of the technology to complete the work. As you will see from the preschool lesson plans below, this theme can be incorporated to all areas of development. Be sure to express both your gratitude and your excitement for the role. My address is 123 Main Street. This allows the students to become more comfortable with different platforms and sets them up for success in their future workplace.”. What is your favorite subject to teach and why? All About Me "selfie" drawing and writing activity for classroom teachers and art teachers. I feel confident that I could help students improve their scores and opportunities for success.”. This gives you an opportunity to express your vision of success and the tools needed to achieve it. See more ideas about beginning of school, all about me preschool, all about me!. If you're wondering how to prepare for a teaching interview, conducting thorough research about the student body, how the community views the school, test scores and other aspects of the school district shows you're serious about the position. It can be used in full in the classroom, or as a reflective homework activity with parents. Your email address will not be published. You will probably want to hit the record button so students can access the session later. What is your educational background? It also helps them get a better idea about you personally to see if you’re a good fit for the company. The best part? All About Me is a great first day of school activity! My assistant and I walk around and listen as students share their books, and answer any questions … Every year we make a class book by making “Who am I?” pages. What do you hope to learn from your mentor? What did you learn from the experience? However, even teachers who are comfortable with public speaking can find interviews stressful. Example: “Teachers need to have flexibility, compassion, self-discipline, drive and patience to reach their students. For a fun game, you can also ask these get to know me tag questions and have your conversational partner try to answer them. with all the sensitive information blacked out,” eighth-grade teacher Phil L. says. Some teachers say you shouldn’t smile until Christmas, others say Easter. Describe a time-sensitive situation. What experience have you had with team-teaching? Here are some common interview questions for teachers, as well as advice on how to answer them with sample answers. Why do you want to teach at this particular level or this particular subject? When completed the answers will be displayed in a fun layout. This question reveals whether you researched the school and district. About me questions are different types of questions to ask yourself. Page 5 – I live in a house. ! Click on the link below to download and print your copy. Teaching Feelings. How do you motivate your students to become active learners in your classroom? After answering any questions the next person does the same thing. How will you encourage your students to express their creativity? Sign up for Scholastic Teachables on for teacher-made lesson plans, activities, skills sheets, and other resources vetted by the education experts at the most trusted name in learning. My teacher makes me feel that he/she cares about me. Content: Teacher Notes. I note there has been a dip in the AP test scores in recent years, so I am extremely motivated to introduce my teaching strategies. When answering this question you should describe how you incorporated different standards into your lesson plan, as well as how you develop a robust curriculum that isn't based on the standards alone. Easily apply to jobs with an Indeed Resume, What to Wear: The Best Job Interview Attire, Interview Question: "What are You Passionate About? A strong answer could include information about recent test scores, specific programs or awards earned by the school. You can selectively mute or preset your meeting to mute them upon entry in settings. All About Me theme lends itself to so many other themes too. A ten-page book for students to record facts about themselves. Love Scholastic Teacher’s Print-Ready Resources? Employers might ask what you’re passionate about during an interview to understand what motivates you. Or you may wish to select just the questions that feel right for you. Successfully structuring a school year depends on effectively planning a curriculum and regularly assessing students. Teachers have different styles, but the passion and drive of a teacher is essential. These questions help an interviewer evaluate your qualifications for the position and whether your values match with those of the institution: These questions help an interviewer gain a more specific understanding of your teaching style, goals and problem-solving skills. From all about bio mes worksheets to all about melons videos, quickly find teacher-reviewed educational resources. For example, I may include formatting requirements with their writing assignments, so they're progressively learning to format throughout the year. August 18, 2014. Page 4 – I am 7 years old. Click on the link below to download. Students answer questions about classmates by finding someone who matches the criteria. Many schools may already have established ways of teaching, and it's important that you express your openness and confidence in your own cultivated opinions about the best ways to teach. You can also say that you consider the position as your first step on the teaching journey. Page 3 – I write with my left hand. It's a great first week of school / back to school activity Describe your worst teaching day. Once you forma This is where we need ice breakers, all about me activities, student surveys, teacher questionnaires. How would you leverage resources in the community to enhance your teaching? ", Complete Guide for What to Wear to a Teacher Interview, Top 5 Common Teacher Interview Questions and Answers, 32 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer in a Teacher Interview. As a student, I found stories more memorable when my teachers helped me draw parallels. A good answer will emphasize a parent's role in their child's education and will explain how you plan to involve parents. Doing so shows your passion for the position and your preparation for the interview. Early Childhood Lesson Plans All About Me Theme. You can refer to shorter education program, your preference to individual work with students, or your desire to work with special needs students. What do you remember thinking at that moment? Describe a troubling student you've taught and what you've done to get through to them. Students need to know that you are working hard, expect them to do the same, and will grade them fairly while guiding them through the critical thinking process.” I've researched and compiled a 2 page free '50 question' resource. Doing so may also surface pain points of the school so you can include ways you might help address them. You should also research their social media presence and also any available information on their active leadership. Teachers will have to handle issues with discipline from time to time, and how discipline is addressed is an especially important aspect of teacher interview questions and answers in elementary teaching. Privacy Policy, This little gem of a teacher appreciation gift is another idea that is free and priceless! I am an unique individual. Get to know someone better today! What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today? All About Me Biographical and Autobiographical Writing (6-8) Students will practice biographical and autobiographical forms of writing: autobiography, biopoem, character traits, classmate biography. Teaching students about question-answer relationships can help them to ask effective questions as they read and respond to the text. What could a visitor to your class expect to see? Aug 5, 2013 - life, crafts, fun, and more...if you're lucky ! Focus on their reputation, goals and values they have, study programs they offer, or the l… IMPORTANT: cannot view and does not collect any information entered in All About Me. Example: “I think that technology in the classroom can be a valuable tool in helping students learn. Parents are vital to their child's educational success, and teachers must communicate with parents in a clear and effective way. Learning about themselves and what makes them unique and special is such a fun way to introduce children to more formal learning. If you really want to get to know someone, questions (not all at once, of course!) Related: Top 5 Common Teacher Interview Questions and Answers. In many cases, when a student can’t identify with the material, it’s harder for them to gather meaning. Top 10 Tips for Room Moms (with teacher printable). After all the child is already the expert! My approach is to develop my lessons by building them around educational standards, but I don't only teach with the testing in mind. How would you approach a student who refuses to participate or who misses school often? You can use this list to prepare your own answers. These questions can also help you determine whether your core values align with those of the school's administration. Student behavior is managed to enable learning . As a beginning teacher, I knew that it was important to connect with parents and to build a positive relationship with them, but at times I wasn’t sure how to do this. Jul 18, 2020 - Explore Laura Justice's board "All About Me", followed by 1766 people on Pinterest. This second printable has a few more questions and is suitable for a female teacher. My teacher is helpful when I ask questions. This second printable has a few more questions and is suitable for a female teacher. The template is in my All About Me lesson plan and it is really simple. There will always be differences in methods, expectations and practices from one school to another. How would you initiate and maintain communication with your students' parents? How will you modify your teaching to help students who are struggling with the subject or learning level? It is common for employers to inquire about your teaching methods and philosophies to understand whether you’d be a good culture fit for their school. I struggled in the subject and was generally uninterested in school, but he personally engaged with me and enabled me to see my potential.”. Example answer: “My teaching philosophy is to make my lesson plans relatable. A set of questions that will help teachers form partnerships with parents in support of their children’s learning. Remember that the interviewer is interested not only in the content of your answers, but also, in your overall ability to be clear, approachable and engaging: When you're asked this question during an interview, you'll have an opportunity to discuss your dedication to teaching. Related: 32 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer in a Teacher Interview. It is no surprise that many primary English textbooks have ‘All about me’ as their first topic. While there are certainly still cases that need to be addressed with the school’s behavior program, using rewards enforces positive behavior and gives children a goal to strive for.”. Lessons may modify all lesson materials as needed to better meet individual student and teacher needs. All About Me activities are excellent start of term ice-breaker activities to help teachers and group leaders get to know a new bunch of children. Related: 21 Job Interview Tips: How to Make a Great Impression. Example: “I decided to teach because of my high school English teacher, Mr. Smith, who had a unique teaching style that helped me see the world in a new way. I prefer to explain what's expected of my students, so they're set up for success. Describe your professional development experience. The all about me theme is a natural way to begin the year after you have established a daily routine in your class. Regular assessments let me gauge how well my students understand the material, and I use my curriculum to make sure my students have acquired the skills that they'll need for the test.”. Example: “You must take standards into account when developing a curriculum. Kids will answer different questions about themselves through a step-by-step process. Teaching preschoolers about emotions and feelings is so critical and is the perfect tie-in to any All About Me theme. Discipline is a vital part of controlling a classroom and depends on the age of the students, district policies and teaching style. I give parents my contact information so they can get in touch and ask any questions they have about how their child is performing. Conversation lesson all about me inspires students to talk about themselves and practice WH words. Example: “A child's education depends on the support of his or her parents. Teaching is a difficult job, but it is also one of the most important. Educators using the ME! Teachers also need to consider state and local testing objectives when devising lesson plans and making sure students understand the materials on which they'll be tested. 4. Every teacher has a unique way of teaching, but different students thrive under different teaching styles, so it is vital that a teacher be adaptable. Use our example questions and answers near the end for inspiration and direction on how to answer commonly asked questions. Example answer: “I became a teacher because of my high school algebra teacher’s impact on my life. Depending on the opening, they may also be looking for teachers with specific specialties or technical skills such as bilingual teaching experience. Without discipline, there won't be respect, and keeping students accountable may be difficult. Did you find it helpful? If students know you're working hard and want to support them as they learn, they're more likely to succeed. You may want to consider asking about what kind of support you can expect in terms of mentoring or training. To answer this question, you should carefully describe your approach to discipline and how handling discipline correctly can affect the classroom. This not only helps students understand the stories but also helps them draw their own conclusions.”, Read more: Interview Question: "What Is Your Teaching Philosophy?". are like keys that can open many doors. 1. Big Ideas, Concepts and Values. I write because I have questions, not because I have answers and I am often encouraging young people to ask lots of questions. Example: “I believe that a teacher can't be effective without the right disciplinary approach. In this article, we will list several common questions asked during teacher interviews. Hello teachers: Here are some suggestions for how you can get the most out of this site… I am often asked what do I feel is the best way to teach my books in classrooms. Games, printables, and tips will help you learn and remember students' names. Indeed is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers. All About My Teacher Printable. After you’ve reflected, take some time to craft a narrative about why you chose teaching as a career and why this specific teaching opportunity and school aligns with your path, both now and in relation to your future goals. ME! In addition to the commonly-asked questions below, you may also be asked a variety of questions specific to the values, mission and challenges of the school you’re applying for. Every school is different and likely has different requirements for teaching methods and philosophies. First, tell us a little bit about yourself. Get ready for back to school with these printables, activities, and teaching advice. 2. As a teacher, you may have contacts at the school you’re interviewing with from school or educational groups. I thought this was BRILLIANT!. Discipline is a vital part of controlling a classroom and depends on the age of the students, district policies and teaching style. – 5 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers . Most employers should also ensure you’ve got the right personal traits and qualities that will make for a successful student-teacher relationship. 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