Which of the following can be caused by exposure to an arc flash? Freeze endobj Some of the causes of these are live wire s that may be lying around, overloaded circuits, explosions that are caused by flammable objects, etc. Potential hazards of electricity are preventable if you: Electricity must always travel in a(n) ________, ________ circuit. b.811 hazard or that their employer is not following OSHA's rules. When the energized conductor made contact with the ladder, the path to ground included the worker's body, resulting in death. Extension cords had poor splices, no grounds, and reversed polarity. Get resources on specific hazards and their control, including identification, risk assessment and inspections, to keep your workplace healthy and safe. The modification of the plug was not an intended use or prescribed by the manufacturer. Electrical current travels through insulated ________. Electrical Safety Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams. You should? C. near water. Ajay needs to use a dewatering pump to drain standing water on a construction site. This is action is also known as creating or completing an electrical circuit. (E) a, b, and c. 2. using a 30-amp breaker in a system with 15- or 20-amp receptacles. 1. Then answer the questions below. All of the following are essential considerations for the safe use of cords and wiring EXCEPT: Which one of these methods is not acceptable for putting out an electrical fire? 0000024814 00000 n The factors that determine the severity of an electrical injury include: a.Shut off power within a fraction of a second 0000003771 00000 n 0000108653 00000 n c.40,000 volts Wearing a baseball cap Additional minimum clearance distance is required for power lines carrying over ________. How fast would the ball be moving at the moment of release? This may damage your equipment and cause employee injuries. 0000006152 00000 n The following hazards are the most frequent causes of electrical injuries Contact with Power Lines, Lack of Ground-fault Protection, Path to Ground Missing or Discontinuous, Equipment Not Used in Manner Prescribed, and Improper Use of Extension and Flexible Cords. 3. Question 3: If following lock out/tag out procedures, what step should be taken BEFORE you shut down the equipment? 0000007427 00000 n 0000005734 00000 n The \rule{1cm}{1pt} artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. Lx*jWP# /c2)|]NXqAx>=~'[ Ground all exposed metal parts of equipment. a.Standing in water Using multi-receptacle boxes designed to be. 1.A source of electrical current to flow. Switch As she is adding in the chemicals, her hand touches the motor and it becomes energized. Improper Use of Extension and Flexible Cords. Use tools and equipment according to the instructions included in their listing, labeling or certification. hb``b``=p0X8n0lY0L#rK[V26h* @0H!XDl+!&FfUfo`h6l gYpV:+ It is important to note that NFPA 70E is a . Before work began, the company safety director made sure that insulated line hoses were placed over sections of the the power line near the jobsite and that a safety clearance zone was marked off for arriving cement trucks. Question 1: Employers must ensure that every electric utilization system and all utilization equipment installed, majorly modified, or replaced after March 15, 1972, complies with the standards for electricity set by the National Fire Protection Association, which have been adopted by OSHA. 2. Ground metal parts of the following non-electrical equipment, as specified by the OSHA standard [, Frames and tracks of electrically operated. 3.The length of time the body is in contact with electricity Provide a safe path to earth ground for electricity. stream Dirk, a 28-year-old mechanic, is performing maintenance on a piece of equipment when he is shocked. )KL3C?e%Y92$,]^)kmR/!8\ JF N'bT\U1+tc+&:'ZuGi!UeUrE [?CrU.&|#@Ed,=2UF]r/n/{v-;v>%/~;[*AxBU,-#!uyFGR,Wv[ cOzObnZfI4ob:pf "~ .iBE@mOs:Os5U9cnU` Vd"F'4Bm?>}hyRQyrX0U026h7#L'. HWMo#7v#h>6,Z4- In addition to contact with power lines, the top electrical hazards include: c.15 feet a.311 Other protective measures include guarding or insulating the lines. -Damage to internal organs. H\n0)M) 0Ir(,?FoKhdklz6zHG;mOqOh-tv.]NGv~d.m\S{|Fo-x-\"1X/niCYeq"ol8D~&?Kr V_/9yf 9JV%J899s{_G#R0="dL5,p: Follow manufacturers' recommended testing procedure to insure GFCI is working correctly. 0000005632 00000 n Electricity for power tools was supplied from an exterior 120-volt, grounded AC receptacle located at the back of the residence. Draw a line from the item on the left that corresponds to the match on the right. 0000421920 00000 n Explosion Equipment used in manner prescribed. OSHA will keep all identities confidential. 0000009628 00000 n b.The tool's power cord. You discover the electrical cord on a drill has been damaged and some of the cord's insulation is missing. s\A0W+GA?~G?nnnnnnnnnnnn>>{Wrbrbrbrb sbZef'N(:QvD":1vbo7o7o7W*_bTs6ivyU,;dFW` { endstream endobj 191 0 obj [/ICCBased 211 0 R] endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <> endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <>stream The pole had not been inspected by the city and was not in compliance with code requirements (it was not grounded). 1.Pain Fatal electrocution is the main risk, but burns and falls from elevations are also hazards. When current travels through your body - Definition of electric shock. d. Not checking to make sure that the motor was properly grounded, If the circuit does not turn off when testing the GFCI, the GFCI: 1) The _____ created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to set and enforce protective workplace safety and health standards. 4.Organs, The presence of ________ can turn you, your equipment, or insulators like wood into conductors. 0000004444 00000 n BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS: term effects) and strain (longAssociated with working with animals, people, or infectious plant materials. Best practices with power lines include: 1. Gloves used for electrical work must be inspected and tested prior to use, and be certified every: A. 5. 3.Cramp 0000011060 00000 n The victim was totally deaf in one ear and suffered diminished hearing in the other. A measure of the energy of motion of the particles in a substance is its _____. Out of several possible scenarios, the most likely was contact between the exposed wires of an extension cord and a screw that protruded from the receptacle, which had its face plate removed. 1.Cuts Question 4: Which of the following is a type of burn caused by electrical hazards? Using cords or tools with worn insulation or exposed wires. 1.Clench d.A power tool, A GFCI is designed to: 0000005520 00000 n 0000108920 00000 n 3. Additionally, the ground prongs were missing from the two cords. Potential hazards of electricity are preventable if you do which of the following listed below? Becoming part of the circuit exposes you to ________, the most dangerous electrical hazard. A fault occurred, and with no grounding and no GFCI protection, the worker was electrocuted. 0000004921 00000 n 0000002876 00000 n 5>vB35Plm$\4{U[lU`t~.vJGmFO^@+ cGPzNY*oS(m%q{Agp If a defective power tool gives you an electric shock, how might your muscles react? he most common shock-related injuries are: Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 5.Twitch, Electrical shock may result in: 0000003603 00000 n % A) 120v . The plug of the compressor and an extension cord had been modified to fit a wall outlet for a common household clothes dryer (220 V). She has an older drill with a steel housing and a 3-prong plug. Protection is lost because it will not trip when the system's load has been exceeded. 0000017336 00000 n There were no eyewitnesses to the accident, but evidence suggests that while the victim was handling the damaged and energized extension cord, he provided a "path to ground" and was electrocuted. Should he use an extension cord to power it? -Falls. a.20,000 volts Arc Flash. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Among all of the safety measures that can and should be used to prevent electrical shock, which one is the most essential?, According to NFPA 70E, job briefings must be held for those employees that will be working on or near live parts operating at ______ or more., When does electricity become hazardous to humans? A 29-year-old worker was electrocuted when he pushed a crane cable into a 7,200-volt power line. BE SAFE! 0000001646 00000 n Visually inspect all electrical equipment before use. 0000427811 00000 n Which of the following are caused by contact with electricity? [Flexible Cords and Power Tools]. Exercise their rights under the law without retaliation, including reporting an injury or raising health and safety concerns with their employer or OSHA. 0000089142 00000 n Whether the hazard is posed by worn or damaged power tools or cords, improperly grounded tools or equipment, or the presence of standing water, it is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure the tools and equipment (See NFPA 70E-2021 Article 130 and OSHA subpart S part 1910.333 (a) (1)- (2) and (c) for complete details.) To be safe, you must think about your job and plan for hazards. -If current passes through the body near the heart or brain. What factors determine the severity of Dirk's injuries? As he is working on the wiring, he receives an electrical shock that knocks him backward and causes him to fall off the ladder. He plans to use it over a period of at least six months. There are many types of hazards - chemical, ergonomic, physical, and psychosocial, to name a few - which can cause harm or adverse effects in the workplace. 4.Cardiac arrest Electricity to operate portable power tools was supplied by a temporary service pole 50 feet away. Use only extension cords that are 3-wire type. The following references aid in recognizing hazards associated with electrical work. Best Practices with Power Lines 1. Fire High humidity 0000003715 00000 n 3.Something that causes current to flow through the . Question 2: It's okay to use extension cords with worn insulation, as long as you are careful about it. Remove cords from receptacles by pulling on the plugs, not the cords. Provides information about the hazards that electrical workers may experience as a part of their jobs. Short In Power Saw/Ungrounded Temporary Power Supply: On July 10, 1986, a 22-year-old carpenter was working at the construction site of large apartment complex, using a portable electric saw to construct the wooden framework of a laundry building. *Effects are for voltages less than about 600 volts. 0000000816 00000 n Quiz Question 3: Power cords can be damaged by which of the following? Look for overhead power lines and buried power line indicators. 0000421627 00000 n Additionally, the ground prong was missing and there was no GFCI protection. Noise, : ________ or heavy perspiration can cause electricity to take an unintended path. One hand drill was not grounded, and the other had no safety plate. Call ________ prior to digging to be connected with your local One Call Center to have all underground lines located by the utility company. 2.Placed along a wall. D. Communicate the hazard to the crew and subs, use signs and bar E. Both C and D Q22. 2. Overview. 1.The humidity of the environment 2.Grease Handling Damaged Extension Cord When Energized: A 19-year-old construction laborer was working with his foreman and another laborer to construct a waterfront bulkhead for a lakeside residence. Both the operator and the victim failed to notice that the boom had contacted a 2,400-volt overhead power line. On the day of the incident, the victim plugged in a damaged extension cord and laid it out towards the bulkhead. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 0000013716 00000 n a) Ensure overhead power line safety Electrical hazards expose workers to the following: Burns: Three types; electrical, arc flash, or thermal contact. Electricity must follow an uninterrupted loop from the power source to the equipment and back to the power source or ________. When an electric shock occurs, your muscles may: 1. Ground all power supply systems, electrical circuits, and electrical equipment. a.Two-prong plug Death. 0000002195 00000 n OSHA 10-Hour Safety Course - Electrical Safety Page 5 of 5 Use the three-stage safety model to stay safe: recognize, evaluate, and control hazards. 1.Flammable liquids The NEC C. Suggestions [, Do not modify cords or use them incorrectly. c.911 OSHA: Air Monitoring & Medical Surveillance, WebQuest: Biomes, Ecosystems and Habitats. -Grounding= a conductive connection to the earth which acts as a protective measure. xb```VVF A10p,``Pp`hhdpn``r`L:[ I,aZ4Knj21 `ny; Ge7t@OrMx)"cx&e:[~J%aUJ\*t d. 20 feet. The first worker knocked the auger off the victim, but saw that the electric cord was wrapped around the victim's thigh. g]+fn_m{mja_0Y w endstream endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <>stream qnde>9!.,T2 :hw5 #OaPxkx=y7]J-yv*'H$jmVCq$ sx:R2$9SY+D!!LJ:n+.\#Hu~2VI O? Use only equipment that is approved to meet OSHA standards. d/E \VZvl$Y#nH,EIm /\"BQ>Rkl6xZWtAgfs 4 0 obj 4.Circuit breakers, When inspecting power tools, look for: 0000002386 00000 n In 2017, there were over ______________ electrical related violations cited by OSHA in the workplace. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 0 d. 411, You are working with a 10-foot section of a conductive pipe near power lines. 0000420277 00000 n OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 . 0000017163 00000 n Carly needs to use an extension cord with her corded nail gun. When the victim reached down to connect the choker to the hoist cable, he suddenly collapsed. endobj HJ=S~68438IR/:VR C Y<7H*$F>ya)N1bTa+'OdzydV9QS]b{}(=q?pH,mt8{Ag ]wp?2N$AfnhBL!jV=6ho)5jA8H`Bkh{T[v\G%b|4| Eo*cF ]TBGjB[r6)WzCkQ;Bx(]*JG;&o0TV.P=s4Gs(&e~}j76,-6at$]r**-I!o66PqK.z "*D Use only extension cords that are marked with a designation code for hard or extra-hard usage. Any cords found not to be marked for hard or extra-hard use, or which have been modified, must be taken out of service immediately. What type of burns are the result of current flowing through and exiting the body? hbb``b``3N0  endstream endobj 183 0 obj <>/Metadata 28 0 R/Names 184 0 R/Outlines 23 0 R/Pages 27 0 R/StructTreeRoot 30 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 184 0 obj <> endobj 185 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 186 0 obj <> endobj 187 0 obj <> endobj 188 0 obj <>stream 0000002150 00000 n 0000001731 00000 n The most dangerous place to use electrical equipment is? Electrocution. (3,2,1), (5,4,3). 0000013999 00000 n Using equipment outdoors that is labeled for use only in dry, indoor locations. H. a.Extension cords x=k6S *ywvkDyb_w rg&@Q5/^4O_~w/]7[xqs7Zt?LK-,>W\W`Mb?n8\.vpOJA7~5R%.oJd|Bbv7biQH%^~C=m3_ov{8] }C.Se={o7H[w@/^j BgXRC/O/eiLHiN\4~7x=^J@|]zu"x]lQ-+.xF=oY +B?jSl|(agF_].+UH\!/;AU .cG!h@42 iqnkZtdc#^)AX96(wFZ,RP{[\j\aJgc) diV;BNzZge(}=0Pj Qp@"]yOnNw89 3. The source of the shocks -- the saw -- was not replaced. Use non-conductive wood or fiberglass ladders when working near power lines. . A 120v. endobj 0000001908 00000 n You need to evaluate the situation you are in and assess your . Ground metal parts of the following non-electrical equipment, as specified by the OSHA standard [29 CFR 1926.404(f)(7)(v)]: Frames and tracks of electrically operated cranes. . 4 0 obj Using tools and equipment that can contact power lines increases the risk. Electrical hazards are life threatening incidents that could happen due to electricity. specifically addresses electrical protective devices. The victim signaled the operator of the crane to extend the boom and lower the hoist cable. 1476 0 obj <>stream Quiz Question 1: Which of the following is not a category of electrical burns? Which of the following are insulators of electricity? Using circuit breakers or fuses with the wrong rating for over-current protection, e.g. Question 1: Each year, approximately __________ workers suffer from electricity related injuries. 0000010603 00000 n The small electrical current enters his body through his left leg. Explain the purpose and use of the MyPlate symbol. As he removed the forms, he wrapped them with a length of cable called a choker, which was to be attached to a crane. <> When he grasped the handle of the bucket to pull it down, the crane cable came into contact with the overhead line. The driver stopped the truck under the power line, and the victim, not realizing that the truck had moved, swung the boom to position the bucket behind the truck. 3.Draped over equipment. a.Yes, as it is a mobile engine testing station. Electrical safety requirements necessary for the practical safeguarding of employees in the workplace. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. ( Lockout/tagout procedures. 4.Dirt build-up, Use only approved and authorized power tools in areas where the following hazards may be present: The auger then fell across the other worker, the 24-year-old victim. A worker was operating a " electric chisel when an electrical fault occurred in the casing of the tool, causing him to be fatally electrocuted. A) Identify; Castigate; C) Evaluate; D) Modify; 3. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 2 0 obj Question 3: Employers are not required to enforce lock out/tag out practices in the workplaces. 0000012944 00000 n The router's 3-wire power cord was spliced to a 2-wire cord and plug set which was not rated for hard service. He may have dropped the extension cord at the site and not heard the connector break. startxref Question 2: Which of the following are ways employers must protect their employees on the workplace? 182 0 obj <> endobj xref 182 41 0000000016 00000 n The workers administered CPR to the victim, but to no avail. 1.Damaged cover or insulation gYpV:+ <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2.The person's physical condition xref OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page. When used on the moon? b.Not wearing insulating shoes or boots when she was handling electrical equipment Select the correct answer and then click DONE. a. Gaseous matter Among all of the safety measures that can and should be used to prevent electrical shock, which one is the most essential? Attaching ungrounded, two-prong adapter plugs to three-prong cords and tools. b. Yes, because he will be using electricity near water. I;C`_;LV'd,|#H--e`( ')'RpAgA7O`?%68SB Question 2: Which of the following are ways . 2 0 obj Safe operation of hand and portable powered tools and other hand-held equipment. The individual's perspiration-soaked clothing/body contacted bare exposed conductors on one of the cords, causing an electrocution. 1.Missing 1. 0000414648 00000 n An employee was texturing a wall using an air compressor. c. Inductive objects OSHA Pros, LLC is an authorized provider of 360 Training, an OSHA-Accepted Provider, offering training and certification courses for NFPA 70E-Standard, and Of the following choices, which are frequent electrical hazards <>>> b.A fast-acting switch monitoring current flow c.falls. 3. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. . b.Ground Fault Critical Interrupter 4.Damaged cover or insulation, When using electric-powered hand tools, do not overload: Quiz Question 5: A/an ___________ is a unit of measurement for electrical resistance. Electrocution was the second leading cause of worker deaths on construction sites in the United States in 2011. -Glass. 0000000816 00000 n 2.Grounding trailer d. Match the outlet prongs to the extension cord. What is the minimum clearance distance you must maintain from the power lines? 0000001604 00000 n Extension cords are used to: 4.Broken. 3. View Best Practices with Power Lines Quiz OSHA 30.docx from OSHA 30 at Columbia Southern University. De-energize and ground lines when working near them. Damaged Extension Cord Leaves Arc Welder Ungrounded: A 29-year-old welder attempted to connect a portable arc welder to an electrical outlet using an extension cord. The victim provided a path to ground and was electrocuted. a.Electricity 1452 25 Which of the following injuries can occur when muscles flex or twitch from an electrical shock? %PDF-1.5 If the electrical conductors become exposed, there is a danger of shocks, burns, or fire. 0000001896 00000 n What is the primary purpose of properly grounding equipment? If you are touching any grounded material while using a power tool 2.Something to transport the electrical current -- A conductor. If the insulation on the tool's power cord is damaged and you touch this area while grounded, the electricity will ________. D. near other electrical equipment. Do not remove ground prongs from cord- and plug-connected equipment or extension cords. Quiz Question 7: Which is not an insulator? (A) Shotgun sticks. trailer <<11AC4BACEBCA4B32A885F1120BD3A307>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 153 0 obj <>stream d.Add more outlets. When does electricity become hazardous to humans? Select the correct answer and then click DONE. OSHA 10 - Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, Albert J. Rosa, Gregory J. Toussaint, Roland E. Thomas. Since the outlet at the adjacent property had no socket for a ground prong, the extension cords were plugged into the outlet using an adapter, but the ground wire of the adapter was not grounded. a.Supply power for tools or equipment on a temporary or short-term basis. 0000002122 00000 n xYmo -ER/&@[D,_! 4. Determine duration, frequency, degree of exposure to hazards and physical stress. Effective means of controlling power line hazards include: <> 4.The amount of current, An electrical burn may affect: 0000006893 00000 n What three things must be present for a current to flow through a conductor. Used across walkways. c. No, because the electricity is needed on a long-term basis. b.Shut off power within five minutes of the imbalance 3.No, because he will not be touching any grounded material when using the tool. Visually inspect all electrical equipment before use. Dust [, Use all equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. (See NFPA 70E-2021 Article 130 and OSHA subpart S part . Draw a line from the item on the left that corresponds to the match on the right. 4.Flex @*@;z}IAH@3MsgU1Dnf@agLahpCn@&b|-^;b0k*!3VYy,jy%( Z%|\Jg"dRp-Wbz3QJS%k9p_WtZ Use the terms (freezing, gas, liquid, physical changes, solubility, solution, temperature, volume) to complete the sentence. Apply a warning tag to any defective tool and do not use it until the problem has been corrected. Hand-operated metal shifting ropes or cables of electric elevators. D. Have an ANSI sticker and an expiration date. 1. a. Post warning signs. The following are electrical hazards: Shock. %PDF-1.5 Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Is not painted over NFPA 70E defines those special circumstances and sets rigid electrical safety limits on voltage exposures, work zone boundary requirements and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). 0000007116 00000 n 1.Is faulty Which of these can be used as insulating live-line tools for electrical protection. B 208v. Electricity becomes hazardous when it takes an unintended path to complete the ________. Does the fall qualify as an electrical accident? No Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs): A journeyman HVAC worker was installing metal duct work using a double-insulated drill connected to a drop light cord. 3.Maintaining a safe distance of at least 10 feet from all overhead power lines. [. Regarding hand protection employers should: A. 0000056642 00000 n -Wood. 0000000016 00000 n (a) Describe the reaction between the hydride ion and water in terms of a Bronsted acid-base reaction. Two of the extension cords had no ground prongs, and some of them were repaired with electrical tape. a.related to muscle damage. b) Staples Electrical Safety Quiz Electrical safety is an important topic that you and your workers need to know about. SECTION #4 | Participant Guide 2 Electrical Safety mELECTRICAL SAFETYm mACTIVITY 1 - GROUNDINGm In your small group, read fact sheets A and B, and the following scenario. How will she choose the correct cord? Using modified cords or tools, e.g., removing ground prongs, face plates, insulation, etc. Seven employees of a masonry company were erecting a brick wall from a tubular, welded-frame scaffold approximately 24 feet high. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 0000005406 00000 n <> A fan connected to a 120-volt electrical system via an extension cord provided ventilation for a worker performing a chipping operation from an aluminum stepladder. 2.Flooding 0000422244 00000 n x_HSqnwmky54YLzeStJi# TZObFT*.#BQF/Q After the wall was poured, one driver cleaned the loading chute of his cement truck with a water hose mounted on the truck. 1. s\A0W+ a. Even when the power system is properly grounded, electrical equipment can instantly change from safe to hazardous because of extreme conditions and rough treatment. 0000028595 00000 n Find the volume of the parallelepiped determined by the vertices (1,1,1),(4,7,2) . Which of the following part of you body can burn if you come in contact with electricity? c) Establish and enact an assured equipment grounding conductor program (AEGCP) Power was supplied through two extension cords from a nearby residence. Stay at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines. 2. Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur; death likely. 2.Using an aluminum ladder when the possibility exists for contact with electricity. c.Gasoline Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents. The ground wire was not attached on the male end of the cord's plug. endobj What was Latoya's first mistake? B. outdoors. The insulation on the extension cord was cut through and exposed bare, energized conductors which made contact with the ladder. 0000004273 00000 n RZyd Flexible Cord Not 3-Wire, Hard Service Variety: A worker received a fatal shock when he was cutting drywall with a metal casing router. Underground electrical hazards are: A. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 3.Tears =EAn`u!d, |\~Y>ZF( dnLN\2vP6 >sSjgh2:Lmqx#a[G2{h$zW]_:@Lvr)2T:R-/ `&~O4j)>1P*M 5>F:1B.g!AR While attempting to unplug the compressor from the extension cord, the employee was fatally shocked. Computers These short objective type questions with answers are very important for competitive exams as well as Board exams. 0000055319 00000 n Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Electrical hazards like frayed cords, missing ground pins, improper wiring or the harm that these hazards pose. uVNSF!UTRQ91uR,6@hCH}]GAlaPh)NeT$iQ89S9|?4wahU ltz9 PH[$I&VX9WG%K~1{u8M:D"+HLEy 3@NR^z!rB^?RyOj;'Lof. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Death Due to Lack of Ground-Fault Protection, Deaths Due to Missing or Discontinuous Path to Ground, Deaths Due to Equipment Not Used in Manner Prescribed, Deaths Due to Improper Use of Extension and Flexible Cords, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Improper use of extension and flexible cords, Electrical Safety: Safety and Health for Electrical Trades Student Manual, ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)s, assured equipment grounding conductor program (AEGCP), Electricity and Tree Care Work A Deadly Combination, Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires, Electrical Safety Hazards of Overloading Cable Trays, Small Business Safety and Health Handbook, Fire Fighters Exposed to Electrical Hazards During Wildland Fire Operations, Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program, NIOSH Face Reports Indexed by Industry or Cause of Fatality, Worker Deaths by Electrocution: A Summary of Surveillance Findings and Investigative Case Reports, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. 0000002557 00000 n b.Electrical tools c.Guaranteed Fault Circuit Interrupter To verify an electrically safe work condition, all these conditions should be confirmed EXCEPT: Effective training of employees includes all of the following EXCEPT: How to operate power tools in wet conditions. Does the fall qualify as an electrical accident? When inspecting extension cords, look for: Electricity will form a "path" or "loop". The accident site was wet; also, humidity was high and the victim was sweating. When it completes a circuit through the body. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 3 OSHA requires the testing of a volt meter after a voltage test on voltage above_____. _.9u'2G_0 Ue]e"x5|Y [Power Tools]. 2.Yes, because he is using a portable power tool. 5 feet H\n@0vj@/R#tnvihavopnS1>v8Z6zLpOCRU.O^6pImjgk{xv6%zp\,{|7_WqNfhu09$U?kW}: }y}]OIL5~W*8D~%W-yww;sORYbfspA.%YJV L%=Kx&0W+ 0000010155 00000 n and more. Get All Answers to OSHA 30 Construction Final Exam. 0000003254 00000 n Frequently inspect electrical systems to insure that the path to ground is continuous. d.Alert workers of any water in the area, GFCI is an acronym for: %PDF-1.4 % 1 0 obj When you plug in a device (e.g., a power tool), the electricity takes the easiest path from the plug-in, to the tool, and back to the power source. %PDF-1.4 % The light fixture, which served as a ground, was known to be faulty for at least 5 months before the incident. Select the choices that accurately define the common electrical term. 2.Skin Question 4: When a worker receives an electric shock, first aid must start within ___________ minutes.
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