Teresa O'neill . I look forward to a conversation with you about Santa Clara’s future. Motion to approve was made by Council Member, Teresa O’Neill and seconded by SCUSD Board Member, Albert Gonzalez. ... belonging to incumbents Teresa O'Neill … h. ... Santa Clara has a wide range of library and recreation programs for preschool age children. IAFF Local 1171 . Teresa O’Neill has touted herself the environmental candidate for Santa Clara City Council but a review by this news organization found the councilmember owns up to $1.02 million in stocks in oil and coal-mining companies, according to her recent Form 700 disclosures. Teresa O’Neill – Incumbent.                               Direct email: toneill@santaclaraca.gov. Click here to learn more about my background and positions on a variety of topics. Please feel free to contact me to share them. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you to influence decisions on items you care about is to get involved. The donation, from a developer, was used to produce mailers and ads for the candidates who were all backed by the mayor. 4. I have donated countless hours to our community. Teresa O’Neill is known in the bicycling community, but there has been no real change to the state or safety of bicycling in Santa Clara. She was the first Santa Claran to chair the VTA. Teresa O’Neill is a Santa Clara City Councilwoman. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Re-elect Teresa O'Neill to Santa Clara City Council District 4 2020 – FPPC ID 1427848. You can watch it at JedYorkFacts.com.. ... Posted on September 14, 2020 by admin. The Mayor and Council deserve major kudos for helping Santa Clara Unified schools, local restaurants, and residents.” Santa Clara News Online September 21, 2020 Ad paid for by Santa Clara Police Association Political Action Committee. The Santa Clara Police Union has endorsed Watanabe and its political action committee received $25,000 to support her, Robert Mezzetti, Councilmember Teresa O’Neill and candidate Bob O’Keefe. In District 4, Kevin Park holds onto his 57-43 lead over Teresa O’Neill. It’s really, really good. Gary Singh, Union City Councilmember. Kevin Park is running again. You have more power than you may think, if you understand and participate in the decision making process. To effectively represent the residents of Santa Clara, it’s important that I know your ideas and concerns. My only motivation in running again for Santa Clara City Council Seat 4 is to continue to protect the interests of Santa Clarans and make our city an even better place to live, work, and play. City of Santa Clara/SCUSD Liaison Mtg Min 9-6-17 2 Middle School; 3. Please contact Teresa if you would like to help in some other way. Chair and committee member for several HP site United Way campaigns, Medical Emergency Response Teams, Safety Committees, community service projects, St. Justin Parish Community - member of Outreach Team, overseeing various activities of the St. Justin Community Ministry, a church-based community services agency serving three-thousand Santa Clara residents monthly, member and Chair of Parish Council, catechist for high school - and junior high-age youth, member of ministry to the sick team. Santa Clarans are fortunate to have a strong advocate working on their behalf. Speaking of commercials, members of Jed’s Team appeared on commercials during Monday Night Football.. Re-elect Teresa O'Neill to Santa Clara City Council District 4 2020 – FPPC ID 1427848. Councilwomen Teresa O’Neill and Kathy Watanabe share the Leg Drop Award for proposing a financial assistance plan for residential garbage rates.That move will help every Santa Clara household during a tough time. Michigan judge rejects challenge of Biden win in Detroit Donald Trump just … Address (office): City Hall, 1500 Warburton Avenue (95050) City of Santa Clara, City Councilmember - 2012, Chair, Measure A Campaign, Santa Clara Unified School District - 2012, Vice-Chair, Charter Review Committee, City of Santa Clara - 2011, Planning Commission, City of Santa Clara - 2007-2012, City of Santa Clara General Plan Steering Committee - 2008-2010, City of Santa Clara Citizens' Advisory Committee - 2010-2012, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Education Committee, representing Hewlett-Packard Company - 2006, Santa Clara County Committee on School District Organization - 2009, Santa Clara Unified School District, Board of Trustees - 1998-2006, California School Boards Association - 1998-2006, Triton Museum of Art Board of Directors - 2003-2008, Graduate, Leadership Santa Clara program - 2000, AIDS Coalition Silicon Valley Board of Directors - 2000, Project H.E.L.P. ... Teresa O’Neill, Kathy Watanabe and Vice Mayor Karen Hardy. Rafael Trujillo, Rialto City Councilmember. Emily Adorable Santa Clara. Our City » Government » Mayor and Council » Councilmembers, Teresa O'Neill, Councilmember 1500 Warburton Avenue (95050), Office email address: MayorandCouncil@santaclaraca.gov District 4 Posted in Uncategorized permalink. The City of Santa Clara’s Campaign Finance Ordinance requires us to stop accepting donations for the remainder of the election cycle. Mercury News, 1/29/20 2. Some people were surprised because that time is … United Way Silicon Valley - 1990-2011 - member of Community Building and Impact Committee and Emergency Assistance Network Advisory Board. Silicon Valley Power As a long-time Santa Clara resident, I care deeply for our City and its residents. The minutes of June 7, 2017 were approved. Search Search. A solid economic foundation is critical to the ongoing success of our city. Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto - Contracts Manager, Legal Dept. Kathy Wanatabe, Santa Clara City Councilmember There, they made lifelong friends and established many connections to the Santa Clara community. But you can judge for yourself. Santa Clara City Hall’s Quest For a Captive News Channel. Thank you for your support. In addition to serving on the City Council, the Mayor and Councilmembers also serve as Authority Members of the Sports & Open Space Authority of the City, Authority Members of the Industrial Development Authority of the City, Authority Members of the Joint Financing Authority of the City, Board Members of the Santa Clara Stadium Authority, Authority Members of the Bayshore North Project Enhancement Authority, and Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City.

teresa o'neill santa clara

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