The protestors who caffeinated Boston Harbor were railing against the Tea Act, which the British government enacted in the spring of 1773. The British government swiftly reacted to the Boston Tea Party. The act retained the duty on imported tea at its existing rate, but, since the company was no longer required to pay an additional tax in England, the Tea Act effectively lowered the price of the East India Company’s tea in the colonies. ammianus. This act eliminated the customs duty on the company’s tea and permitted its direct export to America. Within the Tea Act, Parliament granted the East India company a monopoly (the only business in a specific trade or product) over the American tea trade. The series of measures, among other things, repealed the colonial charter of Massachusetts and closed the port of Boston until the colonists reimbursed the cost of the destroyed tea. Tea only made its way to England in large quantities in the first years of the 17th century. Parliament responded with a series of harsh measures intended to stifle colonial resistance to British rule; two years later the war began. This historical event is known as the Boston Tea Party. It reinforced a tea tax in the American colonies. Unfortunately, the Americans were not at all pleased with this move. Cooper. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. All Rights Reserved. The act allowed the tea to go directly to America instead of having to be imported to Britain and then re-exported to the colonies. Although the monopoly decreased the price of tea, Americans realized that Parliament was only regulating American trade, and had the power to interfere in American business whenever it wanted. 1 Answer. The Tea Act was a follow-up to the Revenue Act, that was one of the laws in the Townshend Acts which set new import duties (taxes) on British goods including paint, paper, lead, glass and tea. Tea Act. After the British government rejected their arguments, the colonists resorted to physical intimidation and mob violence to prevent the collection of the stamp tax. “Boston Tea Party.”, The History of North America. A glut of tea and a diminished American market had left the company with tons of tea leaves rotting in its warehouses. A related objective was to undercut the price of illegal tea, smuggled into Britain's North American colonies. The principal objective was to reduce the massive amount of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive. The Act derives its name from the fact that the colonies were forced to buy authorized stamps made by Britain whenever they purchased any of those printed mater… Lv 7. Other colonists viewed the act as a Trojan horse designed to seduce them into accepting Parliament’s right to impose taxes on them. In 1763, the British Empire emerged as the victor of the Seven Years’ War (1756-63). Summer Teacher Institute for Virginia Teachers, American Revolution Museum at Yorktown: The Transformation, African Americans and the American Revolution, FOCUSED: A Century of Virginia Indian Resilience, 18th National Exhibition of the American Society of Marine Artists, TENACITY: Women in Jamestown and Early Virginia, Blast from the Past: Artillery in the War of Independence, AfterWARd: The Revolutionary Veterans Who Built America. To express their displeasure, the colonists organized popular and effective boycotts of the taxed goods. George Washington was another American who condemned the destruction of tea, but his harsh reaction to the Coercive Acts illustrates their tremendous theoretical significance. The Results to the effect were through the Leaflets of us reviewed, before we then the User insights in detail view. The colonists resisted the new tax, arguing that only their own elective colonial assemblies could tax them, and that “taxation without representation” was unjust and unconstitutional. On the night more. In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, the first direct, internal tax that it had ever levied on the colonists. Tea Act, (1773), in British American colonial history, legislative maneuver by the British ministry of Lord North to make English tea marketable in America. Tea was sold in the … A previous crisis had been averted in 1770 when all the Townshend Acts duties had been lifted except that on tea, which had been mainly supplied to the Colonies since then by Dutch smugglers. British settlers in America were initially r… Due to protests from British merchants, whose trade was seriously effected by the American colonists refusing to buy the goods, Parliament repealed all of the duties (taxes) - except the tax on tea. For more Awareness, how CBD tea supplier Ever acts, a look at the Studienlage to the Ingredients. Although many colonists continued to refuse to drink tea out of principle, many others resumed partaking of the beverage, though some of them salved their conscience by drinking smuggled Dutch tea, which was generally cheaper than legally imported tea.The American consumption of smuggled tea hurt the finances of the East India Company, which was already struggling through economic hardship. Although the victory greatly expanded the empire’s imperial holdings, it also left it with a massive national debt, and the British government looked to its North American colonies as an untapped source of revenue. Each year around the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, a re-enactment party is thrown in Boston and visitors can tour replicas of the Dartmouth, the Beaver and the Eleanor, the three ships that were docked in the Boston Harbor and loaded with the East India Company's tea. Two great superpowers of the time – France and Great Britain, battled for the control of their colonies. In response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament attempted to punish Boston and isolate the colonies. The “tea partiers” were not protesting a tax hike, but a corporate tax break. The Townshend Acts were a series of measures, passed by the British Parliament in 1767, that taxed goods imported to the American colonies. Although it was a private concern, the company played an integral role in Britain’s imperial economy and served as its conduit to the riches of the East Indies. It was intended to benefit the East India Company by giving them the exclusive right to sell tea in the colonies, creating a monopoly which the colonists perceived as another means of “taxation without representation” . The First Continental Congress, which was comprised of delegates from the colonies, met in 1774 in reaction to the Coercive Acts, a series of measures more, The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). The act granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England, and to commission agents who would have the sole right to sell tea in the colonies. © 2020 A&E Television Networks, LLC. If Parliament expected that the lowered cost of tea would mollify the colonists into acquiescing to the Tea Act, it was gravely mistaken. Contrary to popular belief, the Quartering Act did not force colonists to house British soldiers in their own homes. The most spectacular action occurred in Boston, Massachusetts, where on December 16, 1773, a well-organized group of men dressed up as Native Americans and boarded the company ships. 6 years ago. The Coercive Acts and American Independence. This would undercut their claim that only colonial legislatures could tax the colonies. After the Tea Act was passed, colonists boycotted tea. Facts about the Tea Act 4: the Boston Tea Party . Wer die verkleideten Aktiven tatsäch… Parliament did not, however, renounce its right to tax the colonies or otherwise enact legislation over them. The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. He was born into a prominent Boston family and studied at Harvard.

tea act significance

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