You'll also want to refer to this info and check your contact info should your pet ever go missing, as we discuss in our Tips For Finding Lost Pets article. Box 110275 Bradenton, FL 34211 Now that you have your pet's microchip number and the name and contact info of the registry, call them or go onto their website to update your contact info. Have you ever had to use your pet's microchip? Call your vet’s office, they may well have it in their records OR bring your pet into your vet’s office, animal shelter, or animal control to have them scanned (there shouldn’t be any charge for this). This form can be used to register a microchip that has been previously implanted and not already registered with the Central Animal Records national database. Login with Google, Enter your email address and we will send a reset link to you. The reader/transponder interface must be responsive enough to enable the identification details to be read when the reader is passed over the site of implantation. While the SPCA and Action for Singapore Dogs have microchip databases for the details of dogs they have rehomed, the two main databases for microchip registration are with the AVA, which includes microchip registration as part of its annual dog licence renewal, and Pet-Call, a privately run database which charges $15 for a lifetime membership to its microchip database. PetLink identification products alert everyone at-a-glance that your pet has a microchip, and can help speed its chance of getting scanned and returned to you if lost. We've sent you an email with instructions on resetting your password. Register with a licensed animal registry as per Dogs and Cats above. Implant into the nuchal ligament, 3 cm below the crest and approximately half-way between the poll and the withers on the left-hand (near) side. Refer to the NLIS (National Livestock Identification Scheme) information on the website of the relevant state jurisdiction. He has the sweetest personality, and just loves attention and to give kisses. All adverse reactions should be reported to the AVA and the manufacturer. Up-To-Date? After all, properly registered and microchipped pets make their lives SOOOOOO much easier and help to keep the shelters less full. What to Do When You Find a Lost Dog6 Tips for Finding Your Lost DogLost Dogs (and Cats): Your Pet Versus 4th of July FireworksPet First Aid: Would You Know What to Do (and What NOT to Do)?Free Downloadable Lost Pet Poster Template. If state legislation permits implantation by non-veterinarians, this should only be permitted after a suitable training course and under the supervision of a registered veterinarian. Devices and systems used for electronic identification of animals must conform to relevant Australian Standards for implantation and scanning devices. Prior to implantation with a microchip the animal should be thoroughly scanned to ensure a microchip is not already in place. But it's even easier and faster to look up your pet’s microchip number on the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup site — you plug in the number, and the site will tell you if and with which registry the chip is registered (example below), when it was last updated, and provide the necessary information about how to get in touch to check and update your contact information. If residing in NSW, dogs and cats must also be registered with the NSW Companion Animal Register, Thoroughbred horses – use only microchips supplied by the Australian Stud Book.