One of the most important functions for Coloradans is the role of wetlands in providing clean water. Conservation researchers Paul R. and Anne Ehrlich posited in the 1980s that species are to ecosystems what rivets are to a plane’s wing. Islands are home to some 600 million people—one-tenth of the world's population. ‘The maintenance of wetlands as functioning ecosystems will often ensure that important contributions to development are maintained ’ Jamaican wetlands were formerly much more extensive as most were reclaimed in the 18 th century for sugar production. Why a Wetland Centre? While Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030 acknowledges the importance of wetlands and aquatic systems for supporting biodiversity, it is important that the value of wetland ecosystems in helping to halt and reverse biodiversity decline is recognised more widely. Most people felt that they were places to be avoided, and it was common practice to drain them, fill them or treat them as dumping grounds. It takes characteristics of a distinct ecosystem . Wetlands are important for primary products such as agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Many islanders are endowed with unique cultures and derive much of their economic, environmental and cultural well-being directly or indirectly from the rich natural resources in their immediate environment. So they’re disproportionally important, and nearly two thirds of our freshwater and wetland species are now declining. Wetlands make up only 3% of the UK but are home to around 10% of all our species. Biodiversity Wetland wildlife is in rapid decline around the world. A wetland is an area that is saturated with water , either seasonally or permanently. Biodiversity is important to most aspects of our lives. The 2020 theme for World Wetlands Day is an opportunity to highlight wetland biodiversity, its status, why it matters and to promote actions to reverse its loss.. Species: Arctic wetlands offer unique habitats to both plants and animals. Our Hudson Home Exhibit Isabella Lino-Montes In the not too distant past, wetlands were regarded as wastelands. Island Biodiversity - Why is it Important? This means we value biodiversity both for what it provides to humans, and for the value it has in its own right. Wetland, Lake Arthur Scenic Reserve, West Coast. Recognizing the importance of wetland resources, the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar, 1971) has been instrumental in world wide action at the governmental level for conservation and wise use of wetlands. When healthy, wetlands have a rich natural diversity of plants and animals. By doing so, wetlands help keep river levels normal and filter and purify the surface water. Wetlands are rich with biodiversity and are a habitat for a dense variety of plant and animal species. Wetlands improve water quality. Wetlands are important features in the landscape that provide numerous beneficial services for people and for fish and wildlife. Introduction Wetlands have many surprising benefits including improving water quality and reducing floods. Latest estimates show a global decline of biodiversity, while wetlands are disappearing three times faster than forests. Why Are Wetlands Important? There are 12 Ramsar wetland sites in Western Australia. Drinking water Wetlands help to clean our drinking water. Why Is Biodiversity Important? Many coastal and inland wetlands are popular for tourism and recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, camping and birdwatching. What is a wetland ? Share this article: Share Tweet Share Share Share Email Share. Wetland vegetation acts as a filter or sponge for water and sediment that may contain heavy metals, pesticides or fertilizers. Wetland systems' rich biodiversity is becoming a focal point at International Treaty Conventions and within the World Wildlife Fund organization due to the high number of species present in wetlands, the small global geographic area of wetlands, the number of species which are endemic to wetlands, and the high productivity of wetland systems. Wetlands are critical to water filtration, flood retention, erosion control, carbon storage, nutrient cycling and groundwater recharge. Wetlands are indispensable for the countless benefits or “ecosystem services” that they provide humanity, ranging from freshwater supply, food and building materials, and biodiversity, to flood control, groundwater recharge, and climate change mitigation. Wetlands are a vital source for food, raw materials, genetic resources for medicines, and hydropower, and they play an important role in transport, tourism and the cultural and spiritual well-being of people. Wetlands filter out nutrients for plant usage and produce clean water. What is biodiversity and why is it important? Why are Wetlands important to Biodiversity? But how exactly is biodiversity so important to humanity? 1. These wetlands are of huge importance for other species/groups such as otter and water vole, waterfowl, great crested newt and a large array of insects, fish and plants.