For business. Standard Gun Maximum possible: 1.199 s, With 50% Crew: 235.7 m 1936 is unique to the FT AC, and it is the only tank destroyer with an autocannon in the game. One of the obvious choices was to improve the existing stack of Renault FT tanks, French tanks from the First World War. 100% Crew Because of this, the FT AC must be used as a sniper tank and nothing else. Stay up to date on the latest news about Renault FT AC. 50% Crew: 2.16 s With 100% Crew: 0.393 m The Renault FT AC To see, click open. One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. With 100% Crew: 300 m Despite this, close combat with other tanks should generally be avoided. One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. Newly installed gun would have an elevation + / - 15 ° lateral and 6 ° on either side, while crew was to consist of three men. For this episode of History of Tanks, Sam briefly delves into the history of the Renault FT AC, the French tank destroyer we know from World of Tanks that never came to fruition in real life. Both and Max Crew %: 2408, With 50% Crew: 0.508 m 100% Crew Succeded by With 100% Signal Boost: 360 m Char Renault FT at the Musée de l'Armée. Scegli la tua prossima auto nuova Renault, configurala e ottieni il prezzo finale. Both and BiA: 3041.8 This gave the crew-the commander, who doubled as gunner, and the driver-an enormous advantage over the blind crew of heavier tanks. There are three 25 mm guns to choose from, each an improved version of the one before. Advantageous Damage Per Minute Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables,,, Fast reload times. Rammer: 634 Both: 2199.4 At the time there was around 1580 FT tanks in service, and as much as 1300 of them in reserve, so the idea of converting obsolete tanks into capable tank destroyer was in a sense logical step considering the situation France was facing. Rammer: 1.53 s Nominal DPM: 1934.1 Rammer: 2219 The tank never left the drawing board. Years of cutting army budget left France unprepared for the inevitable war. Renault FT AC - 3D model by Degit22 (@degit22) [968ceec] Explore Buy 3D models. 100% Crew: 1934.1 1937. Theoretical Damage Per Minute With both and GLD: 1.251 s The gun has sufficient penetration, decent reload time and dpm, making it an excellent damage dealer, especially from the bushes. FT AC. The 25 mm antichar mle. 25 mm AC SA-L mle. This configuration applies to the highest possible modules that can be mounted onto this tank without equipment, perks, camo, or skills applied with a 100% trained crew. 100% Crew: 2004.1 Camouflage Rating: Stationary: {{{CamoStationary}}}% Moving: {{{CamoMoving}}}%, The following is spoilers and historical inaccuracy about this vehicle! One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. However, it cannot fight … 46 • VIII AMX AC mle. Using Shell Type 3 (70 Damage): Follow these steps in order. Surviving vehicles. 3 (Commander also serves as the Radio Operator and Gunner also serves as the Loader) The Renault M26/27 engine and the ER 52 radio carry over from the. Tier Advantageous Damage Per Minute Both and Max Crew %: 668 Nominal DPM: 2625 With 100% Crew: 1.438 s May reach a maximum speed of 21 kilometers per hour, this is a very low speed. Renault FT AC | Road to tier X French TD | WoT Blitz - YouTube It cannot go toe-to-toe with any of the other Tier 2 tank destroyers. With Recon and Situational Awareness: 315.2 m It can also be fitted with a rapid firing autoloader that can shred many same tier tanks to low health. Both: 648.4 The original Renault FT 17 tanks were armed with either a 37 mm cannon Puteaux or a 8 mm machine gun Hotchkiss model 1914. Login Sign Up Upload. The RenaultFT AC is … With 75% Crew: 267.9 m As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolescence after WWI, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. Wargaming Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Profile This page was last modified on 5 January 2018, at 06:58. Both and BiA: 640.4 Both and BiA: 660.4 Renault FT Both and Max Crew %: 3193. All rights reserved. 50% Crew: 1519.7 100% Crew As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolence, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. It offers an interesting selection of guns that can make short work of anything it comes across. The Renault FT AC is a French tier 2 tank destroyer. Maximum possible: 0.361 m, With 50% Crew: 1.858 s In the factory it was just called ‘FT Char.’ The word ‘Char’ means tank. It does not have the speed and mobility that the Panzerjäger I has either. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. 100% Crew: 552.6 The next project would be called FU then FV etc… Inside the Factory it was not called the ‘Renault FT’ as everyone inside the Renault factory knew it was built by Renault. Rammer: 2149 Both: 3005 75% Crew: 513.4 Vents: 1979.6 The Renault FT AC is a Tier II French Tank Destroyer. Renault FT AC. Maximum possible: 431.7 m. The Renault FT AC is a French tier 2 tank destroyer. With Coated Optics: 330 m Posted on March 24, 2016 by fochcat. Renault FT AC France - Tank Destroyers As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolence, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. Both and BiA: 3061.8 Click Open to read. With BiA and Vents: 0.376 m It can also be fitted with a rapid firing autoloader that can shred many same tier tanks to low health. Both: 628.4 However, all the 25 mm guns have a significant weakness in the fact that they lose penetration at ranges over 395 m, forcing the FT AC to fight at relatively close ranges. With an impressive gun depression, the Renault FT AC is better used as a hilltop sniper. 50% Crew: 434.2 Battle Tier Using Shell Type 2 (20 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute Take a look at all the features, reviews, and video in one place. 75% Crew: 1726.9 50% Crew: 2082.4 General Both and BiA: 2241.4 46; AMX AC mle. Both and BiA: 1.47 s With BiA: 0.384 m When affected by 100% Relaying: 330 m 100% Crew When the tank entered service with the French army it was called … II - III Sniper/Support Tank Destroyer Vents: 1.66 s Price Preceded by Maximum possible: 429.5 m, With 50% Crew: 235.7 m As for the Renault FT AC’s capabilities of being a tank destroyer, it struggles with ranged combat thanks to the gun penetration dropping over distances. Price Using Shell Type 1 (20 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute All three use the same ammunition, with the same damage and penetration. Having the chassis of the FT, it is also quite slow and, being heavier, has noticeably worse maneuverability. 50% Crew: 454.2 100% Crew: 1.7 s Class The Renault FT AC excels at the stationary tank destroyer role. 100% Crew One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolence, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. Renault-ft-ac 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free. 1936 is not necessary for anything, nor does it carry over to other tanks, but it is interesting to use. 3600 50% Crew: 1589.7 They were not an abbreviation. Crew Members Considering that there was around 300 FT tanks conserved with their armament removed, the plan also included a series of completely new, factory rebuild vehicles. Mivel a Renault FT a második világháború kezdetén még kelendő volt és többé-kevésbé modernnek számított, ezért megtervezték a páncélvadász változatát is. All Tier I and II tanks along with certain Tier III and IV tanks (including some Premium vehicles) will be retired from the game with the next update. One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. 1934 and 25 mm antichar SA-L mle. 50% Crew: 2062.4 The 25 mm automatique mle. Both and Max Crew %: 1.41 s. Standard Gun 100% Crew: 2645 Vents: 2706.4 One proposal was to convert … Unlike the T18 and AT-1, the FT AC has an excellent view range, which helps it as a sniper. Una proposta prevedeva di convertirli in cacciacarri, ma questo progetto non fu mai implementato. Like on most other tank destroyers with weak armor, Upon reaching 100% on the first skills, dropping the commander's skill for. Vents: 585.6 The performance of both weapons hopelessly inadequate in anti-tank combat, so French army had the idea to modify the existing vehicles with the 25 mm S.A. Mle 1934 and later the more modern 47 mm antichar model 1939 anti-tank gun. The Renault FT AC bis suspension is not required to mount modules and equipment, and can be saved for last. Renault UE 57. Being based on the Renault FT, the FT AC is not a very fast vehicle, though it turns quite well. What the FT AC does have is a very interesting selection of guns. Once Camouflage and Sixth Sense have been trained, more specialized skills may be considered. First-shot DPM: 2645 Both: 1.5 s 3D. Itâs movement is sufficient for getting around the battlefield when needed, but you should only do this when your hiding position is endangered by the enemy team. With 75% Crew: 267.9 m With Binocular Telescope: 375 m 47 mm SA-L mle. With GLD: 1.308 s Excellent DPM with top gun, Excellent guns with good aim times and penetration, Fairly big target thanks to the gun shield being counted as part of the hull, Fairly limited gun traverse and elevation. Renault FT AC. 75% Crew: 2364 Páncélvadász változat. Nominal DPM: 552.6 100% Crew One proposal was to convert them … With 75% Crew: 0.443 m Renault FT AC. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. 37 offers an excellent combination of good penetration, rate-of-fire, accuracy, aim time, and damage. 0. One proposal was to convert them into tank destroyers, but the plan was never implemented. Both and Max Crew %: 2338 Both and Max Crew %: 688, Standard Gun 3 (Commander also serves as the Radio Operator and Gunner also serves as the Loader). With almost no armor to protect it, itâs gun has excellent dispersion for its tier, and as such makes it an effective sniper coupled with low hit points. Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Although existing in large numbers, FT was the completely obsolete at the beginning of World War II. This speed does not allow you to quickly move around the battlefield, which in turn complicates the game on this tank. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem. SHOP NOW. Cancel. XP Price Firing the same ammunition with the same penetration and damage, this autocannon is capable of shredding enemy tanks fooling enough to stay in the FT AC's sights. At first glance, the Renault FT AC does not seem to offer anything that other tank destroyers do. The letters ‘FT’ were a project production code. 48 • IX AMX 50 Foch • … Vents: 565.6 1937 is required to unlock the 47 mm SA-L Mle.37 and the 25 mm automatique mle. The Renault FT AC is a Tier II French Tank Destroyer. Also note that the shell penetration is done a 100m or less, corresponding to the shell type being used. Sneaky little thing. The following tanks will […] The Renault FT AC marks the end of its French tank destroyer line. Hello, tankers! Both: 2985 Most of your moving will be later in the game once the battle has progressed on. First-shot DPM: 2004.1 FT AC. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. With almost no armor to protect it, it’s gun has excellent dispersion for its tier, and as such makes it an effective sniper coupled with low hit points. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. These steps are arranged to minimize the pain of stock grinding. First employed in very small numbers, the Renault was amazingly successful towards the end of the war. In World Of Tanks, the French anti-tank self-propelled gun Renault FT AC is on level 2. II Itâs also worth noting that the view range is same as the Radio range, so you canât report enemies farther than your view range, proving quite the frustration. None can use HE shells. II Renault FT AC • III FCM 36 PaK 40 • III Renault UE 57 • IV Somua SAu-40 • V S35 CA • VI ARL V39 • VII AMX AC mle. 1937 are almost identical, with the second gun being slightly more accurate. At the time France suffered from chronicle lack of armor. Renault FT AC Pháp - Chống tăng Khi binh chủng tăng Renault FT của Quân đội Pháp trở nên lạc hậu, người ta đã nỗ lực để nâng cấp chiếc xe này . The RenaultFT AC is a French tier 2 tank destroyer. Tank Destroyer Black Friday Sale Use code: BLACKFRIDAY and save 30% on 3D models. The FT has very light armor, and will be destroyed with incredible ease by almost every tank Tier 2 and up. Role Renault FT AC video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior. It also has very limited gun elevation and traverse, and its armor is quite bad, comparable to the Panzerjäger I. It can also reliably damage targets at longer distances than the other 25 mm guns. The 25 mm antichar SA-L mle. The Renault FT (frequently referred to in post-World War I literature as the FT-17, FT17, or similar) was a French light tank that was among the most revolutionary and influential tank designs in history. © 2011–2021 Immediately after Germany invaded Poland, whole France was in Panic. {{#ifeq:ARMOR_PIERCING_CR|ARMOR_PIERCING||, Standard Gun 100% Crew: 2625 The content you were about to view is not suitable for minors. Both and BiA: 2311.4 Renault FT AC: A December 1939 plan to convert France's obsolete FTs into tank destroyers. 280 75% Crew: 1.9 s Both: 2269.4 1937. With wholly penetrating hits The reason Wargaming did this is due to game balancing in most cases! The 25 mm automatique mle. Renault FT AC di MeinGasBillistTooHigh. With BiA: 1.407 s This tank has had different names at different times. Advantageous Damage Per Minute Reload Times Popular Renault-ft-ac 3D models Rammer: 614 With 100% Crew: 300 m The Renault FT AC excels at the stationary tank destroyer role. The 47 mm SA-L Mle. It was designed to have a 47mm APX anti-tank gun instead of the turret. Vents: 2049.6 Blitz Renault FT AC - read more about Renault FT AC, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android 48; AMX Canon d'assaut 105; AMX 50 Foch; AMX 50 Foch (155) AMX 50 Foch B. Info Valuta il tuo usato e scopri le offerte. Poiché i numerosi esemplari di Renault FT a disposizione dell'esercito francese stavano diventando obsoleti in seguito alla fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale, furono compiuti alcuni tentativi di modernizzazione. Forward/ Reverse Both and Max Crew %: 3173 With 75% Crew: 1.622 s As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolescence, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. With BiA and Vents: 1.376 s Rammer: 2916.6 Francois Vauvillier - Le testament - Idées et projets - Du Pére des Chars - Et La Part des Cousins Pauvres Un Antichar Dissimulé Mobile Pour les Divisions D´Infanterie, Histoire de Guerre no.78, 9/2007. The 47 mm SA-L Mle.37 is required to unlock the Renault UE 57. 100% Crew: 572.6 First-shot DPM: 572.6 You’ll be doing a lot of camping in this tank. When the Renault FT 17 was subsequently equipped with a 37-mm gun, a periscope was also fitted. Vents: 2686.4 We wanted to share information with our community in regards to a very important change coming to World of Tanks Console. Renault FT AC; FCM 36 Pak 40; Renault UE 57; Somua SAu 40; M10 RBFM; S35 CA; ARL V39; AMX AC mle. It does not have the fantastic combination of high speed and powerful armament that the T3 HMC has, nor does it have the incredibly powerful guns that the AT-1 has access to. As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolescence after WWI, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. Pascal Danjou - Juin 1940 L´Impossible Sursaut, Tracstory no.5. It excels at holding down a position, preferable behind some bush. Nominal: 1.7 s 75% Crew: 1796.9 Il Renault FT Modèle 1917, spesso chiamato in modo errato FT-17, è il più famoso carro armato leggero francese utilizzato durante la prima guerra mondiale. Contatta un consulente in video chat. 1936. 75% Crew: 2344 Rammer: 2936.6 As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolescence after WWI, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. As the French Army's vast fleet of Renault FT tanks passed into obsolescence after WWI, some efforts were made to upgrade the vehicles. 21/8 km(h This configuration applies to the lowest possible modules that can be mounted onto this tank without equipment, perks, camo, or skills applied with a 100% trained crew. 75% Crew: 493.4 Researchable tanks Did this is due to game balancing in most cases but it is also quite slow and, heavier! Ac excels at the stationary tank destroyer role 21 kilometers per hour, this is due game... 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