LBC: NCAR CAM-Chem 6-hr cycling DA/FC experiment: 17~24 March, 2010. NCAR Community Earth System Model . Early comparisons of the CAM-Chem model results (at several horizontal resolutions) along the flight tracks to the TOGA observations in both regions show remarkable agreement for many species, while also indicating aspects of the model that needed improvement. NCAR hackathon - General introduction to Python such as data strictures, input/output, loops and functions.. Unidata python workshop - Training on the scientific Python ecosystem for atmospheric science and meteorology.. Python Tutorial - Comprehensive source for general python exercises and examples. I am using the same ensemble-based chemical data assimilation system (NCAR CAM-Chem/DART and WRF-Chem/DART ) for studies associated with the design of current and future observing systems of the chemical states of the atmosphere. CAM is the atmospheric component of NoRESM. Community Atmospheric Model with Chemistry (CESM-CAM-chem)) using the ensemble Kalman filter approach of the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART). Date offline and online in MOZART, CAM-chem/CLM, WRF-chem . The CESM Distance Learning Course is based on the CESM Tutorial held annually at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. DART, WRF, and MARS . after 1 month of adaptive inflation. Eric C. Apel-NCAR/UCAR Alan J. Hills-NCAR/UCAR Simone Tilmes-NCAR/UCAR Jean-Francois Lamarque-NCAR/UCAR Sue Schauffler-NCAR/UCAR Dan Riemer Elliot Atlas Valerie Donets Alfonso Saiz-Lopez. CAM-Chem . Anthropogenic Emissions •NCAR will work with Pinder et al. More about us These flight tracks will also be useful to encourage future comparisons of CAM-chem results with other models. WRF-Chem Biogenic Emissions • Option 4 (bio_emiss_opt = 3): MEGAN (best choice?!) 12th WRF Workshop, 6/23/2011 12. Nudged with GEOS-5 meteorology or ECMWF . She is currently co-chair of the CESM chemistry-climate working group and leads development of CAM-chem. DART/CMAQ CO assimilation . Tim Butler – IASS-Potsdam . CAM-chem simulation outputs are to be used as boundary conditions for regional modeling. The CAM‐chem component of CESM has been described and evaluated by Lamarque et al. Louisa Emmons . NCAR is not a federal agency and its employees are not part of the federal personnel system. With MOZART tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry . WRF/Chem GOCART Background Data • Includes DMS as well as GOCART – From running prep_chem_sources with GOCART included – Planned to be moved to WPS • Run prep_chem_sources program to produce external binary data files • Convert binary data files to WRF input files – chem_opt = 300 or 301 and/or dmsemis_opt=1 NCAR Imperative 3: Develop, deliver and support a suite of advanced community models. # Dan Marsh, 2020-08-12 # Widget to help navigate through some varables in your output files. CAM … L2 MODIS AOD@0.55μm coverage. On May 17, 2002, its name was changed from the NCAR Community Climate Model to reflect its role in the new system. also prescribed and taken from the NCAR Community Atmo-sphere Model with Chemistry (CAM-Chem; Lamarque et al., 2012), there are five aerosol species including sulfates, sea salts, black carbon, organic carbon, and dust. Home Maps Timeseries I/O CAM-chem Wiki Some potentially helpful learning resources. Planetary Boundary Layer. Member on NCAR Science Requirements Advisory Panel (SRAP) for NWSC-3 procurement (2018-2019) Contributing to and overseeing ACOM Website Design and actively updating selected pages (WRF-Chem, FRAPPÉ, MUSICA, various meeting websites), ongoing Member on Reclassification Committee for NCAR Project Scientist (Spring/Summer 2019) The land use datasets are prescribed as their mean climate values (Hurtt et al., 2011). I worked with Dr. Edwards and … Steve Arnold – U. Leeds . Its most current version is 3.1, while 3.0 was the fifth generation. This makes it easier to debug simple tests using programs like ddd or gdb. CAM-Chem model evaluation of the emissions and distributions of VSLS using TOGA observations over the Eastern and Western Tropical Pacific Ocean. – Separate program made available by NCAR/ACD – Global data with base resolution of ~ 1 km • Leaf Area Index, vegetation type, emission factors – Steps: 1. CAM -chem (CAM4) : MOZART -4 vs. The current profiles_aircraft_noaa.ncl references variables in obs data files that don't exist. Download MEGAN code from NCAR/ACD – megan_bio_emiss.tar – after 1 month of DAMPED adaptive inflation. Additionally the CESM/CAM-chem SEAC4RS (Studies of Emissions Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys) flight tracks for TS1, HL, ISOP, and TS2 and the nudging tests presented in the supplement are also included. Status of CAM-chem Chemistry-Climate Working Group 18 June 2019 Louisa Emmons ACOM, NCAR Co-chairs: Louisa Emmons (NCAR) Xiaohong Liu (U. Wyoming) Liaison: Simone Tilmes (NCAR) Software Engineer: Francis Vitt (NCAR) Chemistry-Climate Working Group Status CESM2 (CESM2.1.0 released) •CAM6 with MAM4 aerosols, CLM5 •MOZART-T1 tropospheric chemistry in TS1 (CAM-chem… NCAR Imperative 2: Develop, maintain and deploy advanced observational facilities and services. It is possible to compile and run CAM on your own Linux PC. (CESM1.2 CAM-chem; Lamarque et al., 2012) framework: the Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers, ver-sion 4 (MOZART-4) mechanism, the Reduced Hydrocar-bon mechanism, and the Super-Fast chemical mechanism (described in Sect. CLM is coupled to the CAM-chem (Community Atmosphere Model with chemistry) allowing for a more … Research. It contains a spectrum of options to handle gas-phase chemistry and aerosols. CAM inflation values for U Wind. NCAR is managed by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on behalf of NSF and the UCAR university community. Louisa has been an active participant in NCAR-led field campaigns, including TOPSE, MIRAGE, DC3, NOMADSS and FRAPPE, using MOPITT and MOZART results to assist flight planning during the … Results are from a simulation at 0.9 degree by 1.25 degree horizontal resolution simulation with 56 vertical levels and specified dynamics using MERRA2 reanalysis. MET fields updated from GFS. Description of CAM‐chem with CAM4 and CAM5 in CESM1.2 ... HIPPO: 5 sets of “pole‐to‐pole” measurements from NCAR GV Latitude Latitude Latitude Latitude Latitude Mar‐Apr 2010 1‐2km 4‐5 km 7‐8 km 4‐5 km 4‐5 km O 3 CO BC HTAP CCMI. MUSICA Version 0 Based on CAM-Chem [2010] and … Reduced Hydrocarbon vs. Super - Fast Chemistry 5 Benjamin Brown -Steiner 1,2,3, Noelle E. Selin 3,4,5, Ronald Prinn 2,3,5, Simone Tilmes 6, Louisa Emmons 6, Jean-Fran ois Lamarque 6, Philip Cameron -Smith 7 1Now at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, 131 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421 -3126 2Center for Global Change Science, … CAM-Chem, WRF-Chem, MOPITT, MODIS. A DART / CAM-Chem reanalysis of MOPITT observations [presentation] CESM Chemistry Climate Working Group Meeting 2016: 2016-02-09: Source and meteorological influences on air quality (CO, CH₄ & CO₂) at a Southern Hemisphere urban site: Atmospheric Environment: 2016-02-01 CAM‐chem borrows heavily from MOZART‐4. Louisa Emmons – NCAR . Global MOPITT CO data assimilation started later over Europe with Claeyman et al. NCAR . Simulations will be run by . Home Maps Timeseries I/O CAM-chem Wiki Create a widget for a quicklook at model output. CESM2 (CAM-chem) ØATM_GRID: ne30np4 Øcam6 physics ØMOZART TS1 w/ simple VBS SOA & MAM4 aerosols ØLND_GRID: ne30np4 Øclm5.0:BGC w/ prognostic crops ØICE_GRID: ne30np4 ØOCN_GRID: ne30np4 ØROF_GRID: r05 GEOS-Chem Global Ø4 x 5 Ø2 x 2.5 Nested-Grid ØNorth America: 0.5 x 0.625 ØNorth America: 0.25 x 0.3125 CAM/CHEM CAM with Chemistry NCAR WACCM Whole Atmosphere Community NCAR Climate Model AM2 Atmosphere Model 2 NOAA/GFDL NOGAPS Navy Operational Global US Navy Atmospheric Prediction System ECHAM4,6 European Centre Hamburg Model Hamburg Planet WRF Global version of WRF JPL MPAS Model for Prediction Across Scales NCAR/DOE LMDZ5 Laboratoire de Météorologie … DART research is broadly categorized along three avenues: one is the research toward data assimilation algorithmic and computational efficiency, another is toward implementing and exploiting the information in observations with one model or another, and another is to learn more about the behavior of an individual model - perhaps by looking at systematic features of the increments.
2020 cam chem ncar