Marshmallow may, however, cause low blood sugar in some people, so those with low blood sugar should check with a physician or herbalist before using marshmallow. Some ways that we use it: As a soothing tea during colds, flu or sore throats. This can sound no less than an ordeal at the first attempt. Those who suffer from hacking or whopping coughs or even laryngitis can benefit from a concoction of the herb. The same compound that treats sore throat is also able … If all these did not pique your interest and you are a constant sufferer of headaches, you will be pleasantly surprised that marshmallows can chase away the worst of headaches. Marshmallow dried leaves atin Name: Althaea officinalis syn. The Romans and the Polynesians used to use the marshmallow plant in … In foods, marshmallow leaf and root are used as a flavoring agent. Marshmallow is a tree that has many applications in medicine and as a sweetener since ancient times. 4. Marshmallow is perhaps a great plant that we can find and use at home to treat simple and day to day health problems and also consume otherwise for a health system and body. It’s utilization was afterwards embraced by the French, and is now seen all over the world helping with digestion all the way to things like boosting the immune system. Soothing skin irritation. Medicinal benefits. Additional uses are currently being investigated. improve digestion, reduce congestion and swellings of any kind. In many parts of the world where herbal medicine is at its peak, different parts of the plant are also used to treat urinary infections, bladder infections and even diarrhea. Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved marshmallows and I am sure any kid who has ever tasted those soft marshmallows will swear by how wonderful they are. Marshmallow root has traditionally been recognized as a source of mucilage, which has been used for more than 2 millennia to treat topical wounds and as a remedy for sore throats, cough, and stomach ailments. The anti-inflammatory effect of marshmallow root may also help … Anyone taking medications should take marshmallow either six hours before or six hours after taking other medication. Marshmallow has a great range of applications and is used all over the globe. 3. It is also effective in treating insect bites, wounds, dry or chapped skin and burns. The more common forms can be found in most herbal supply stores and in some natural or organic grocery stores and health food stores. I was surprised to know that marshmallows are no longer made from the herb marshmallow. Marshmallow has been known for centuries as a soothing herb that effectively treats coughs, bronchitis, sore eyes, gonorrhea, mastitis, and many other issues including both constipation and diarrhea. Simultaneously, flushing out the kidneys creates an environment that is healthy for the urinary tract as well. Buy marshmallow leaf for horses from our online herb shop. Marshmallow, however, is also a type of herb. It is an herbaceous perennial and grows to a height of 2-5 feet with soft, velvety, and irregularly serrated leaves. 99 (£39.90/kg) Prevents Diabetes and Treats Coughs and Colds. It is used even in treating bladder stones in some cases. Marshmallows are also a good source of carbohydrates, which are about 81 grams per 200 grams. Marshmallow, known scientifically as Althaea officinalis, is an African plant with short roundish leaves and small pale flowers. Burning marshmallow leaves in a smudge stick or bowl purify an area, indoors or out. These can also be used to cure and treat simpler problems like dry cough. Apart from Marshmallow it is also known as althea, sweet weed, mallards, guimauve, mortification plant, schloss tea, wymote, Mallow, white mallow, common marshmallow, malvavisco, hatmi, iviscus, ghasul, khitmi, … For stomach ulcers and indigestion, tea works well. There is tentative evidence that marshmallow may also help with respiratory disorders such as asthma.