*** N.B. Earned Value Analysis is a project management technique and a standard that can be used to measure a project’s progress at any given point in time, forecasting its final cost, analyzing variances in schedule and cost as time proceeds. 55% of the total activities within the work package, as the sum of the hours of the activities planned to be completed at the end of week 6 = 550 hours. Overview. Earned value management is mostly used in government projects but can be applied in many projects. Earned Value Management Systems Manager 01/2010 to Current Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems – El Segundo, CA. I believe, Earned Value Analysis(EVA) concept is lot simpler than it is made out to be. You are the project manager on a project that has $800,000 software development effort. A simple example of Earned Value Management (EVM) calculations to illustrate the EVM article on Planisware's online Project Portfolio Management glossary. We expect the work package to take 12 weeks. There are hundreds of earned value calculation examples on the internet and in project management books which can be used to get more relevant examples for your industry or type of work - but the general theory and calculations are the same. Earned Value data is expressed in budget terms (using the currency of the local environment), which is one of the reasons why it has been misunderstood in the past – it’s not a financial tool, it is a tool for project management. Customers increasingly require contracts to be pro-actively controlled to assure delivery on time, to budget and to specification. Such metrics could be produced across a project, say at work package level. Benefits include: 1. You are now reviewing the project status and you have ascertained that project is behind schedule. This can also be expressed in other more useful ways, as described in the worked example below. It is very different to simply looking at planned versus actual spend (£ / $) data. Earned value management systems (EVMS) Earned value analysis (EVA) is a tool that can significant help project. The most important use of this data is by all those in a project team who are responsible for managing work (using EV data via structures such as the work breakdown structure) to understand their cost and schedule performance, throughout the project lifecycle. PV or BCWS = Hourly Rate × Total Hours Planned or Scheduled, AC or ACWP = Hourly Rate × Total Hours Spent, EV or BCWP = Baselined Cost × % Complete Actual, EV = baseline of $800 × 91.7% complete = $734, (NOTE % Complete Actual (below) to get the 91.7%), BAC = Baselined Effort − hours × Hourly Rate, % Complete Planned = $800 PV ⁄ $800 BAC = 100%, % Complete Actual = $1100 AC ⁄ $1200 EAC = 91.7%, SV = Earned Value (EV) − Planned Value (PV), SPI = Earned Value (EV) ⁄ Planned Value (PV), CV = Earned Value (EV) − Actual Cost (AC), CPI = Earned Value (EV) ⁄ Actual Cost (AC). Earned Value Management Technique Formulas and Explanations; Below are some sample PMP questions based on EVM, Q1. Assuming an organisation follows the principles that underpin good practice in EVM systems, it provides important data to project teams, without which teams can operate in a vacuum regarding their performance, or even worse, they could operate in an environment of false optimism that does not see the level of challenge or issues in their project, until it is too late to make a real impact on the same – something that occurs far too often in projects. If you are required to perform an Integrated Baseline Review, it will require preparation and the attention of those who will participate in the review. Earned Value Management Example Problem 3. The 550 hours can also be translated into cost (£ or $) using average cost rates. The production of EV data requires that a performance measurement baseline, drawn directly from the project plan, comprising of the following: EV was not developed simply to report status to customers – it may be used in this way, but if this is the only way it is seen, a huge degree of the value of using the method will be lost. This article gives an earned value management example, explains earned value management formulas, analysis, and chart. If you use a good work break-down structure, assigning earned value may end up being a lot easier.. For example, if you had a task called "Purchasing" that spanned the entire project period, the planned value for that task would be highly nonlinear. This e-book is offered at no charge. It is very different to simply looking at planned versus actual spend (£ / $) data. Earned Value is not just worth it – it is a fundamental tool to being in control in large scale risky development programmes. there are many ways of measuring progress and calculating EV – this is just one example – and a full discussion of this topic itself is outside the scope of a simple worked example (we favour 0/100 over all other methods to assure maximum objectivity) . Earned value analysis is a project management method used to calculate the project status from two perspectives:. Is the project ahead of or behind schedule? Earned Valued Management System (EVMS): This is the collection of tools, templates , processes and procedures that an organization uses to do EVM. A number of things: at its most basic we are behind schedule (earned is less than planned) and we are over budget (actual is greater than earned). They somehow dread formulas and calculations. The principles behind the method represent best pr… EVM integrates the scope, schedule, and cost of a project. Cost. The best way to look at the earned value calculation is to see an EV calculation example. The following shows the basics of how EV works in practice, using a simple one task example: Imagine we have a work package to design a new widget (made up of a number of activities) with a budget of 1000 hours, having defined all the activities and estimated the effort (i.e. The Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). For example: The above question has raged in some environments for many years. PMIS Consulting Limited Actual Costs – Labour and Materials: Actual cost data must then be gathered against by the elements in the PMB – this requires that business systems and processes enable useful and timely capture of actual cost data, via the structures that are employed in the EVM system – not something that falls naturally from all business systems. The point is that you can do earned value analysis calculations on any project, but unless you have complete earned value management in use on your project, it will be extremely unlikely to obtain correct results. documentation and personnel to be made available at the review. It has the ability to combine measurements of the project management triangle: scope, time, and costs.. The Oxford Science Park As a minimum, the following should be agreed / prepared before the review: IBRs are often preceded by some form of readiness review – given that an IBR should be held as soon as possible and practical following contract award, the scheduling and resourcing of these activities needs to be considered urgently from contract award onward. Benefits of earned value management. It is also widely used in other industries such as Construction, Oil & Gas and others in the UK and elsewhere. At the end of week 6, we planned to have completed 55% of the workscope (by effort), i.e. It’s the main reason for the big focus in the earned value world on the word integration (of cost and schedule data structures etc) – this is critical to making EV work. So why is much of EVM data expressed using budget values (even schedule data)? You are managing a project which is into six months of its execution. Assigning Earned Value. Let us see a brief introduction of Earned Value Management; Earned Value Management is a technique that helps Project stakeholders to measure project performance. Earned value management (EVM) is a systematic process used to measure project performance at various times throughout a project life cycle. To illustrate the concept of EVM and all the formulas, assume a project that has exactly one task. Objective Measures of Progress progress must be assessed periodically – there are many ways of doing this and the important rule (backed up by a mass of evidence) is that the more subjective the methods are, the less reliable the EV data is likely to be and the greater room there is for unwanted ‘surprises’ downstream – (we support complete objectivity in progress measurement, and can show that this is possible. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Earned value management is a method that combines scope, resources, and schedule to asses project progress and performance. Earned value management is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress. Scenario: Supposedly, you are allocated a website project management work with the budget at $200,000. Jul 7, 2014. Fax: 0871 528 3858 (UK only). When a piece of work is completed, it is “earned”. defining and communicating your EV requirement including the incorporation of the Integrated Baseline Review process, determining appropriate data access and reporting requirements, defining and agreeing on performance review cycles and processes, agreement on the specific objectives of the review and exit criteria, the scope and timing of the review and how it will be conducted. we find our actual expenditure of those same completed activities to be 480 hours. Earned value management requires that a … Many practicing professionals find the earned value terms and definitions confusing. Oxford, OX4 4GA The actual cost of Activity A is ₹ 2,00,000 and that of Activity B is ₹ 1,00,000. Earned Value Management (EVM) Status Chart – the most common form of graphical output used with EVM. What can we derive from this? The task was baselined at 8 hours, but 11 hours have been spent and the estimate to complete is 1 additional hour. In simple terms, Earned Value itself is the contract (or authorised) budget value of work successfully accomplished on a project. In the past, it has often been mistakenly believed that EV data is only produced for financial reasons or for reporting to customers – this is totally wrong. 8 Responses to 7 Example PMP Earned Value Questions Alex August 25, 2017 at 11:38 am # For question #3, you should specify that only cost variance is assumed to stay the same. There are two teams of programmers that … Successfully Presenting Earned Value is a free e-book which will help you learn to implement and present Earned Value schedules. Earned value example is based on a simple software development project I explain in a short video. At the end of week 6 we could perhaps find: In earned value language, this gives us Planned Value of 550 hours, Earned Value of 350 hours, and Actual cost (in hours) of 480. EVM was first adopted by the United States Department of Defense in 1967 and today is at the heart of the project control systems, for example, by the governments of the UK, USA and Australia, to help manage the performance of contractors engaged on major development contracts. It is a means to provide objective measures of cost and schedule performance throughout a project life-cycle. The aim is to highlight (cost and schedule) issues early, thus providing the maximum time to minimise their impact and provide a realistic opportunity to develop recovery plans where necessary. In project management, an earned value analysis serves as an effective tool or material for controlling project cost. For this project, because this is an example we will simply produce all of the earned value metrics in one table. In a single integrated system, earned value management is able to provide accurate forecasts of project performance problems, which is an important contribution for … Earned Value Management System (EVMS) — the process, procedures, tools, and templates used by an organization to do earned value management. The data is converted to a single unit of measure so that planned and ‘actual’ cost and schedule data can be compared literally side by side, for example graphically as below. Earned value analysis uses three key pieces of project information: the planned value, actual cost, and earned value, which are shown in the below diagram. Many other methods have been proposed over the years, often being too complex or leading to unreliable EV results). Schedule. Email today to find out more on how to conduct a successful Integrated Baseline Review. More elaborately: EVM is used to track the progress and status of a project and forecasts the likely future performance of the project. READ MORE on www.slideshare.net. In the above chart, the task (or project) is behind schedule and over budget, often expressed as Cost Variance (Earned Value less Actual Cost) and Schedule Variance (Earned Value less Planned Value). Let’s say you are the project manager for the renovation of … The rules you use for assigning earned value are highly dependent on how you define your project tasks. Project Planning. EV gives objective measures of status against the cost and schedule goals of a project – there are no more primary or fundamental goals in project management. Estimate of forecast total duration for the task = current plan: 12 weeks / SPI (.64) = just under 19 weeks (although this is a very rough estimate that should be reviewed against project schedules for work remaining). As we showed you during the introduction, earned value analysis requires four things to be set up during the project planning phase: Dividing the project into tasks; Assigning each task a start and end date UK MoD Commercial Policy Guideline No.8 – Earned Value Management – Commercial Issues (Nov 2004), US NDIA ANSI 748 – A Standard for Earned Value Management Systems – Intent Guide (Jan 2005). Traditional methods of representing project data (such as simply comparing planned to actual spend) often contain no aspect of performance, which at best can be a significant weakness – at worst it can even be completely misleading.