(Related: There probably isnt a real avian flu crisis like the media and the Biden regime are claiming, though, since the U.S. government is using fraudulent PCR tests to diagnose hens before slaughtering them.). Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! . Tractor Supply (TSCO) Being Blamed for Egg Shortage. Most commercial feeds will use vegetable oil. I prefer to do all my hatching before Feb. Yet farmer sources report that they are seeing a much-greater-than-normal reduction in egg production, to the point where many report that hens are laying zero eggs instead of merely a reduced laying frequency. They don't appear sick with avian flu; they're not dying," Carlson said in the video, which was also shared on Facebook. With so many choices offered in most feed and farm supply stores, you could get a headache trying to read all the different labels! I realize that the feeds I mentioned are certainly not a complete list of what is available in our country. . I purchased some starter feed from tractor supply. Fish meal will supply some protein and also a good source of calcium and phosphorus. Usually all that is needed. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. GAB About Us (Related: There probably isnt a real avian flu crisis like the media and the Biden regime are claiming, though, since the U.S. government is using, Egg prices have increased from an average of $1.71 per dozen 18 months ago to more than $7 a dozen today. Two UFOs shot down today over North America and CNN is openly talking about it whats going on? Poultry Feed Equipment Shop All. No, improper nutrition, disease are likelier to blame, The Bill Gates egg shortage conspiracy isnt all its cracked up to be, 95-item list of food-destroying incidents demonstrates that "you are duped if you think they arent planning a food shortage. 100% Natural Dried Mealworms. Tests to be conducted will include aflatoxins, heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, zinc, copper, strontium, etc. Method: First, you need to add the feed to the bucket and cover the feed in the water. "So, what's causing that? Location. Its board of directors is composed of 10 people, some of whom are tied to globalist entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF). You know darn well that this is intentional, one commenter wrote about Tractor Supplys Feedgate. Trending Now - Over 10% off pet supplies, tools, lawn care, and other price cut deals. You may unsubscribe at any time. CLAIM: Tractor Supply chicken feed allegedly laced with ingredients causing chickens to stop laying, reformulated its Producers Pride chicken feed. 910 VIEWS. The whole bottom half is molded and rock hard. Egg eating can be a problem but I was always able to break them of it. Unfortunately, these feeds are not available in all markets. They have already been doing evil things but now it will intensify.. The Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH), based out of Arkansas, has been accused . If possible, learn the manufacturer of the feed being sold under a store label. Now, I have tried Dumor by TSC but my girls seemed to dislike it and I saw a drastic drop in egg production, I got a third to half of my normal collection. PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide, Study finds new use for food waste, reusing it as feed, bioplastic, Commercial octopus farming could have a negative ripple effect on sustainability and animal welfare, warns scientists, Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream Mike Adams interviews former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, Fauci in deep trouble as emails reveal he may have lied to cover-up his role in COVID pandemic, STATISTICAL FACT: Youre far more likely to die from covid vaccines than from covid itself, NBC News correspondent drops truth bomb on Biden regime about plot to take Crimea from Putin: Its not gonna happen, Insurance industry CRUMBLING amid covid vaccine excess deaths and massive investment losses, Examination of Japanese mermaid mummy yields surprising results, Woke United Airlines puts rainbow on San Fran-to-Sydney jetliner with all-LGBTQ crew, gets ripped on social media for no emphasis on safety or skills, Naomi Wolf: Autopsies on the vaxxed confirm COVID vaccine damage is damaging body organs, Scientific report shows that East Palestine air has higher than normal concentrations of NINE toxic chemicals, World Health Organization pushing for global vaccine passport scheme, Studies show saffron can fight cancer and protect against chemotherapy-induced damage, Canada waging war on Dr. Charles Hoffe for speaking out publicly against covid vaccines, TAINTED BLOOD: 80% of the blood supply contaminated with spike proteins from mRNA jabs, blood banks accidentally admit, Dr. Lee Merritt accuses federal government of lying about Ohio train derailment, IT KEEPS HAPPENING: Tanker carrying thousands of gallons of propane fuel FLIPS OVER in Florida train derailment, Top 10 myths told by covid experts that are now completely debunked, Japanese scientist warns: COVID vaccine harms are now a global problem, Thanks, Obama: U.S. defense official declares Iran can construct a nuclear bomb in about 12 days, Eight alarming cover-ups and contradictions in the East Palestine train wreck chemical nightmare now spreading across multiple states, From LAB to LUNGS: The real COVID timeline in a nutshell. This is adequate and acceptable nutritionally for him too, even though he is not producing eggs. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. If you know even a little about the ingredients on the label of each bag, you can decide what is right for your flock. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! "After careful review with (suppliers) and industry experts in animal health and poultry care, it is clear that recent online commentary regarding these products is false and unfounded," the company said in a statement to PolitiFact. What Is A chicken Tractor: This video gives my idea of what a chicken tractor is. They offer dog food (which is comparable to price to Petsmart and Petco) all the way to horse feed and anything in between! Which foods contain the highest levels of dioxins and how do they get into the food supply? What Is Going On With Tractor Supply Chicken Feed? Mine get fresh foods daily as well greens, fruits, vegetables, plain popcorn, milk n oatmeal, and more. Reports by some backyard flock owners that their hens have stopped laying eggs, along with exorbitant egg prices, have led to a barrage of claims blaming the feedand Bill Gates, too, of course. Country Companion Dried Mealworms. I get about the same amount of eggs while using Purina. ", Natural News, CLAIM: Tractor Supply chicken feed allegedly laced with ingredients causing chickens to stop laying eggs; company board members tied to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein, Jan. 26, 2023, PolitiFact, Is RNA making chickens lay fewer eggs? This, coupled with the avian flu psy-op and now the Tractor Supply Feedgate issue, has created an. REPORT: New Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Formula Stopping Egg Laying, Company Board Has Ties To WEF. We have crappy, dreary weather and I don't use a light. Come see our birds, coops, supplies and friendly experts at your local TSC store today! My hens have always been free range with only oil seed being fed plus a little of various brands of layer feed. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. Online claims have emerged, corroborated by others, that the popular "Producer's Pride" chicken feed sold by the Tractor Supply chain has been recently altered and that its new formulation . Telegram Then we have Mark Weikel, another Tractor Supply board member who worked as president of Victorias Secret, owned by Leslie Wexner, from 2003-2007. One hen will start it and eventually others copy her. "Some chicken farmers have noticed something odd: their chickens aren't laying eggs. . Interesting observation catherenec, I have actually observed the opposite in my flock (also mixed). Some hens slowed down in the winter. CLAIM: The popular Tractor Supply chain of farm stores has reportedly reformulated its "Producer's Pride" chicken feed, causing hens that eat it to no longer produce eggs. Prepper news similar to other channels like Canadian prepper, alaska prepper, full spectrum survival, pinball preparedness, the economic ninja, and goshen prepping. Yep, responded another. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. Egg shortage was manufactured! There is no evidence that chicken feed is being sabotaged or affectingthe number of eggs that backyard hens are laying, poultry science experts said. Great source of amino acid, calcium, and omega 3s. 496. If you have a rooster, dont worry. Always worked for slow to start layers. The Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH), a private contractor hired by Norfolk Southern to test water, soil, and air quality in East Palestine, Ohio, has a history of downplaying the impacts of environmental disasters to benefit its corporate clients. But once daylight starts to decrease in the fall, many small flocks slow production or stop altogether. RSS. In some cases, a starter ration will pave the way to a grower ration. Apple will pay customers $700 for a slowed-down iPhone. This could be because [] CLAIM: Tractor Supply chicken feed allegedly laced with ingredients causing chickens to stop laying eggs; company board members tied to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein, reformulated its Producers Pride chicken feed, Food preservation tips: How to salt meat for your stockpile, Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace, Trump at CPAC: Were Never Going Back to the Party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush (VIDEO). Last year I decided to try switching to Purina to see if there was any difference. The sinking of the Titanic was orchestrated by the Rothschilds and J.P. Morgan to kill prominent businessmen who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve. Canada is to thank for American football. ConAgra is one of the GMO top dogs that produces terminator seeds that eventually go sterile and that also cause the soil they are planted in to go sterile. The theory of something sinister going on with chicken feed picked up in January. (Related: There probably isnt a real avian flu crisis like the media and the Biden regime are claiming, though, since the U.S. government is using fraudulent PCR tests to diagnose hens before slaughtering them.). ), glyphosate and a full slate of microbiology including e.coli, salmonella, yeast and mold. This is formulated for growth and development of bones and internal organs. Check out Kalmbach feeds, family owned since 1963. The Gateway Pundit reportedly asked Weikel point blank if he reported directly to Epstein during his time at Victorias Secret. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. 152. Thanks for watching! There is no evidence that chicken feed is being sabotaged or impacting the number of eggs that backyard hens are laying, poultry science experts said. 1. This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. The ones that are doing it will usually stop because they are more concerned about their new surroundings than eating eggs and they tend to forget they had the habit. By the end of December, more Our feed is from the CO and is locally produced. Tractor Supply "Producer's Pride" Chicken Feed has been recently altered & its new formulation is causing chickens to stop laying eggs. We recommend GoodGopher.com as a free, uncensored email receiving service, or ProtonMail.com as a free, encrypted email send and receive service. Joe Biden closed schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. Egg prices have increased from an average of $1.71 per dozen 18 months ago to more than $7 a dozen today. All the veggies they can eat I also feed them bugs I purchase at thirty bucks a bag it is the scraps and the bugs that keep the yolk orange. Prairie's Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed. If you are interested in feeding your layer hens a corn-free, soy-free, or organic feed, checking most feed dealers websites will give you information on where the feed is available. A commercial egg shortage, meanwhile, has primarily been because of an avian influenza epidemic, which has killed millions of birds in the U.S., not feed. 29 Mar 2018 . Horses should be provided with a predominantly fibre-based diet, either grass, hay, haylage or a hay replacement in order to mimic their natural feeding pattern as closely as possible. Does it even matter? All Natural, Non-Toxic. Chick Days are here, at Tractor Supply! Some people use it for training the chickens to go in the coop at night. 16 reviews of Tractor Supply "Love this store! Notice: There are affiliate links present on this website, both from the control of Survive the News and from other websites that we do not control. Check Price. The current avian influenza epidemic has hit the U.S. hard. The engineered takedown of Americas food supply is well underway. Helps reduce stress. Personally, I dont mind using a coccidiastat for my chicks, but I am uncomfortable adding antibiotics to their feed without a reason. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. That's okay. Non-commercial use OK, cite NaturalNews.com with clickable link. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. >Yet farmer sources report that they are seeing a much-greater-than-normal reduction in egg production, to the point where many report . Online claims have emerged, corroborated by others, that the popular "Producer's Pride" chicken feed sold by the Tractor Supply chain has been recently altered and that its new formulation is causing chickens to stop laying eggs.Some suggest a deliberate reduction in the amount of protein in the feed may be causing the reduction in egg production. This, coupled with the avian flu psy-op and now the Tractor Supply Feedgate issue, has created an egg crisis with no end in sight. Proudly powered by WordPress No idea. I have also 'blown' eggs (poke a small hole in both ends of the egg shell and blow the yolk and white out the other end). Purina has an option in the organic, soy-free market but it is only available in some parts of the United States. Multiple online sources, many of them hen farmers, say that ever since Tractor Supply changed the Producer's Pride formulation, their birds have gone desolate. (3-4 weeks ago) And I am reaching the bottom of the bag. Best for chickens older than 18 weeks. However, the recent reports of chickens not laying eggs have led to public concern that the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) may be artificially causing food scarcity. . Autocracies have grown weaker, not stronger., Female student-athletes in Florida need to provide their schools with detailed information about their periods., The United States of America no longer exists because President Joe Biden signed away our sovereignty as a nation.. Tractor Supply's "Producer's Pride" and Purina's "Dumor" brands of chicken feed accused of preventing chickens from laying eggs. So next time you shoot your mouth off to attack someone make sure your doing it with manners an knowledge. In the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker. There is also talk although unproven that Tractor Supply may have tampered with its Producers Pride formulation to deliberately cause an egg-laying crisis. Clearly something is causing that. All other accountable variables are equal so I am concluding it is a lower nutritional value of the new feed. I will be switching back to DuMOR asap. Privacy Policy Poultry and livestock supplies on sale for up to 30% off Just like the flu the chickens were given, as well as food plants being destroyed and no more fertilizer shipments. Jacqueline Jacob, poultry extension project manager at the University of Kentucky, previously told PolitiFact that feed ingredients are heavily regulated and that flocks might experience sudden drops in eggs because of management practices, improper bird nutrition, parasite infection, disease and stress. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* Vanguard is one of the big three index funds BlackRock and State Street are the other two boasting major financial support from the WEF and possibly even the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in China. #emptyshelves #Foodshortages #InflationAlways come here for the latest news on all prepper related food shortage. The phosphorus level is usually around .40%. Humm.. My local TSC usually has 5-6 tubs set up, one with meat chickens, one with assorted bantams, one with ducks, and the others holding a rotating assortment of laying chicks. Online posts suggest something nefarious has happened to chicken feed, but agriculture experts are calling, well, foul. Strange.. Follow Natural News on Brighteon.Social, Telegram, Parler, Gab, Mewe, and USA.Life, Privacy Policy I buy from the local feed store. I tried upping the protein and adding some cayenne pepper. Join My Weekly . Note: Mike Adams has committed to acquiring and testing Tractor Supply chicken feed products in his food science lab and sharing the results publicly, whatever they show. 1. Buy Purina Flock Raiser Pellet Poultry Feed, 50 lb. Is chicken feed being altered to expedite global famine and the depopulation agenda? Got eggs coming out my ears. He then pivoted to chicken feed. If there is a problem with feed, it's isolated to specific brands and would likely be subject to a recall. I have hatched zero. Check in about 30 minutes or so, you will need to top up the water as the feed will absorb it. Temporarily increasing the protein for laying hens, during the yearly molt may help them regrow feathers faster before the winter weather. Horses are naturally grazers, they eat little and often. Natural News, an online outlet known for promoting conspiracy theories, claimed in a Jan. 26 article that, "the popular Tractor Supply chain of farm stores has reportedly reformulated its Producers Pride chicken feed, causing hens that eat it to no longer produce eggs. Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. Proudly created with Wix.com. Deanna, there is no reason to be rude, you evidently dont know much about chickens or you would not be telling me not to feed scraps an to feed my chickens properly. Q: What is the Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH)? "There is no current evidence that any feed producer for backyard flocks has changed their feed formulations," he added. There is no evidence that commercial feed is being sabotaged to negatively impact the number of eggs that backyard hens are laying, multiple experts said. You know darn well that this is intentional, one commenter wrote about Tractor Supplys Feedgate. Our food is next. Posted on January 25, 2023 by Anonymous. Possible consequences of the actions taken in the story could include increased scrutiny of CTEH and other private contractors hired to test the environmental impact of incidents like the East Palestine train derailment. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Save up to 10% Off with Tractor Supply coupons for March 2023. If raising an organic flock of chickens is important to you, then search for an organic chicken feed in your area. Best Natural Plant protein chicken feed. Purinia brand. a cattle panel, or chicken feed. You know darn well that this is intentional, one commenter wrote about Tractor Supplys Feedgate. As a growing pullet reaches maturity, the nutritional needs change. Click this link for the original source of this article. Points. "From backyard flocks that I have dealt with, I suspect thermal stress is having a big effect on egg laying," Blatchford said. He concludes with, "If you can control the food, you can control the people.". Chances are it is being milled by one of the major feed companies anyway, but offered at a discount price due to volume bought, lower advertising cost, and cheaper packaging. Boots on the ground reports from viewers on chicken feed issues from Tractor Supply and empty shelves at Walmart, Aldi, and other grocery stores across the U. For those who are unaware if your cks. The engineered takedown of Americas food supply is well underway. Brand I buy is as locally sourced as possible. Protein levels should be between 15% and 18%, sourced from grains, or soybean meal. On the other hand, it can help the chickens to keep warm during the cold weather months when added to a regular layer ration in small quantities. ), glyphosate and a full slate of microbiology . Im in a more rural area and theres an abundance of farm eggs trying to be sold. Some have concluded their chicken feed may be responsible.". Document shows that Hunter Biden paid Joe Biden $50,000 a month in rent. Sold by Tractor Supply farm stores across the country, the feed is comparable to the other major commercial feeds. Its board of directors is composed of 10 people, some of whom are tied to globalist entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF). . Avian influenza outbreaks reduced egg production, driving prices to record highs in 2022. Nature's Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets and Crumbles . Now, the claims have become broader and more conspiratorial, with people speculating that producers purposely tampered with feed formulas to halt backyard egg production and force people to buy eggs at high prices. Norfolk Southern, a major US railway company, has come under fire for its handling of a recent train derailment and controlled explosion in East Palestine, Ohio, and the private contractor it hired to test the environmental impact of the incident. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some residents have expressed concerns about the potential long-term health and environmental effects of the controlled explosion and the chemicals released into the air and water as a result. It may also lead to greater awareness of the potential risks associated with signing away ones right to sue in such situations. Check Price. Vanguard is one of the big three index funds BlackRock and State Street are the other two boasting major financial support from the WEF and possibly even the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in China. Come join the discussion about livestock, farming, gardening, DIY projects, hobbies, recipes, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Lightmade sure my lights were on to give them 12hrs of light. Media Information Author: Ivar Casandra. I get many eggs daily! Required fields are marked *. This could be because of a reduction in the amount of protein contained in the feed, or it could be caused by other factors such as aflatoxin contamination. Fat content should also be specified. If someone really wanted to answer this question, they must keep some chickens on commercial feed and keep a similar flock on local feed while holding all other variables the same. I'm experiencing this sudden drop in production in 2 flocks I manage. Theyre trying to kill us by starving us.. The hens can't break them and soon get bored with trying. Other things can influence egg production. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)a disease infecting birds and poultrystruck egg-laying hens throughout 2022. Dumor is one of the well-known private-label brands on the market. Other fact-checkers have debunked these claims, too. My 5 grain actually has 5 grains, the layer mix no clue since it is a pellet. It is simply supply and demand," said Samuel Aggrey, the Richard B. Russell Professor at the University of Georgias poultry science department. Multiple online sources, many of them hen farmers, say that ever since Tractor Supply changed the Producer's Pride formulation, their birds have gone desolate. No, improper nutrition, disease are likelier to blame, Jan. 25, 2023, RELATED: The Bill Gates egg shortage conspiracy isnt all its cracked up to be, RELATED: 95-item list of food-destroying incidents demonstrates that "you are duped if you think they arent planning a food shortage. My meat birds are also not putting on weight nearly as well as in years passed and Im pushing butcher day from 8wks to 10wks (at least) to compensate. Multiple online sources, many of them hen farmers, say that ever since Tractor Supply changed the Producers Pride formulation, their birds have gone desolate. There was no difference between Purina Layena Omega and the Tractor Supply DuMor Layer Pellets. For hens to lay eggs regularly, two things must happen, experts told us they must reach a certain weight, and they must have at least 14 hours of light per day. (Natural News) The Michigan State University shooter is a 21-year-old man named Lynn Dee Walker. Your email address will not be published. The gene-splicing technologies employed by ConAgra are bad for both plants and humans, this same farmer confirmed. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. Nutrena Feed has a line of chicken feed called NatureWise. Rumble 25 Jan 2023. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. Excess calcium fed to growing chicks can actually result in weak bone formation because the higher than necessary calcium causes fast bone growth. Once they learn those eggs taste horrible, they will stop. Permalink to this article: Calcium and phosphorus, along with adequate vitamin D work together for strong eggshell formation. During that particular time period, pedophile pervert Jeffrey Epstein had a power-of-attorney document in his possession that allowed him to hire, manage, and fire all of Wexners employees and take control over the companys finances and entities. "Our suppliers have confirmed that there has been no change to the nutritional profile for these products. CLAIM: The popular Tractor Supply chain of farm stores has reportedly reformulated its "Producer's Pride" chicken feed, causing hens that eat it to no longer produce eggs. Your depleting the nutrients in their diet by giving them stuff they dont need so of course theyre not going to lay properly..! Soy-free, organic, non-GMO, all-natural, vegetarian, name-brand, generic brand, store brand; so many choices and how do you make a decision? Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. It can also be used as a training reward in other situations. He told them to switch their feed to a local feed store, let the chicken free range & add light & they started producing eggs again. JavaScript is disabled. Advertise Information, Email Newsletter Egg prices have increased from an average of $1.71 per dozen 18 months ago to more than $7 a dozen today. Visit your nearest Tractor Supply store for low prices on everything you need to care for your pets, lawn, tools, livestock and more. Rifles were involved in 297 deaths in the U.S. in 2022 and constipation killed 2,167., Drinking or using tap water treated with chlorine is dangerous because chlorine is a poison., Joe Biden described America as the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping., Kid Rock tweeted, Some people wouldnt recognize tyranny if it slapped a mask on their face, made them stand 6 feet apart, and forced them to take a vaccine for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate., The train that derailed in Ohio was carrying over 300,000 gallons of a chemical that was banned in 1974.. Products are correctly labeled, and no changes have been made to the guaranteed nutrients.". Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. Natural News, CLAIM: Tractor Supply chicken feed allegedly laced with ingredients causing chickens to stop laying eggs; company board members tied to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein, . It depends on what I could get on clearance at the store. Did your Chickens Stop Laying? Check Price. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! Find here Poultry Feed, Murgi Dana manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India. Egg shortage and inflation strangely timed with revelation that yolks naturally mitigate covid vaccine spike proteins, Thailand to become first country in the world to declare its Pfizer contracts null and void, CDC data reveal that multiple covid jabs can knock up to 24 years off a persons expected lifespan, ENVIRO-TERROR in Ohio as TOXIC GAS CLOUD unleashed when authorities set fire to vinyl chloride to DISPERSE it over skies, farms and rivers, EVIDENCE: Government sent deadlier covid vaccines to red states to depopulate conservatives, FEMA map shows areas most at risk of being targeted by nuclear warheads in a war, WEF promises to ban dangerous eggs following scientific discovery that eating them cures covid naturally, HUGE: World War III escalates as corrupt US officials seek to protect their criminal operations and bioweapons research in Ukraine, Z-DAY APPROACHES as Russia prepares massive assault wave against Ukraine and NATO, Over 60 scientists call for an end to covid-19 "vaccines" after documenting foreign toxins that damage the blood and impede circulation, DIOXINS GALORE: How to BLOCK toxic chemical exposure fallout in the food, water and air, Eric Coppolino and the Health Ranger call for the TOTAL EVACUATION of East Palestine due to extremely toxic dioxin fallout that will poison the land and crops for GENERATIONS, East Palestine train wreck may have created largest dioxin plume in world history, EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who suddenly died crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures - NaturalNews.com, Nourish your brain by choosing organic food - NaturalNews.com, Unvaccinated blood banks?