In the Odyssey, Odysseus states, I tied them [rams] silently together then slung a man under each middle one to ride there safely, shielded left and right. The Odyssey, Book 6, lines 163-174. He looks terrifying to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa and her handmaids as he approaches them. He may of saved his men multiple times, but also got them killed them due to his neglect. Don't use plagiarized sources. Odysseus is an admirable leader when he orders his men to tie him up and do not untie him because he is sacrificing himself for the good of his men. In the Circe episode, Circe persuades Odysseus and his men to stay with her. According to The Odyssey, it is shown that a hero has a quality of being a risk taker; a trait Odysseus demonstrates throughout his journey. He thought of a cunning plan to get most of his men out of the cave they were trapped in. His men try and convince him to leave, but to this he ignores their pleas and says Yet I refused. Because of the horrors he has experienced, he worries about what kind of people he has landed among, whether they are savage or friendly to strangers. He thought of an elaborate, but organized way to blind Polyphemus after drugging him. These were only some main events in the epic that showed his acts of valor, but they supported his ability to be a good leader nonetheless. Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. It chronicles the long journey home of Odysseus, after his time spent fighting in the Trojan War. Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy. Here, take this scarf, tie it around your waist it is immortal. When they land on the island his men are held captive and are turned into animals. Log in here. He is being a leader by protecting his men from the Ciccone 's army by leaving before reinforcements come. Helen is telling the story of how she saw and recognized Odysseus when he came into Troy disguised as a beggar during the war. Up with you, see how the land lies, see for yourself now.". Odysseus knew that he would encounter this monster because Circe warned him about her. Latest answer posted July 08, 2020 at 12:54:27 PM. The major themes in The Odyssey are especially significant because they serve to form the moral and ethical constitution of most of the characters. The Odyssey, Book 1, lines 57-60, 65-68. Atlas daughter it is who holds Odysseus captive, luckless man despite his tears, forever trying to spellbind his heart with suave, seductive words and wipe all thought of Ithaca from his mind. DONT GET DISTRACTED AND LEAVE A MAN BEHIND: On Circes island one man fell off a rooftop drunk and Odysseus and his crew left him behind, Odysseus had to promise him a funeral only after he was reminded he was gone while in the underworld. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. First, he discloses the disturbing information to his. Instead of exploring the land, all Odysseus had to do was avoid it. Log in here. Therefore, he warned Amphinomus to leave his house before the final battle took place. Next, the group was stranded on Circes island and his men were turned into animals by the goddess. So Odysseus moved out about to mingle with all those lovely girls, naked now as he was, for the need drove him on, a terrible sight, all crusted, caked with brine they scattered in panic down the jutting beaches. Odysseus longs to be back home with her in Ithaca, no matter what trials he faces along the way. This shows how powerful a woman Penelope is. Quotes in Odyssey Quote #1 "Tell me about a complicated man. Latest answer posted September 17, 2018 at 7:55:02 PM. Odysseus dauntlessly went after his men and was determined to rescue them from her curse. or friendly to strangers, god-fearing men? Therefore, take me and bind me to the crosspiece half way up the mast; bind me as I stand upright, with a bond so fast that I cannot possibly break away, and lash the rope's ends to the mast itself. If I beg and pray you to set me free, then bind me more tightly still. The father of the gods decides to intervene to allow Odysseus to return home. The Cicones were allies with the Trojans, meaning that they were enemies of Odysseus. So his destiny ordains. In TheOdyssey, why does Odysseus tell Polyphemus that his name is Nobody. Three time and four time happy those Danaans were who died then in wide Troy land, bringing favor to the sons of Atreus, as I wish I too had died at that time and met my destiny on the day when the greatest number of Trojans threw their bronze-headed weapons over me, over the body of perished Achilles, and I would have had my rites and the If one of the gods who rule the skies up there, youre Artemis to the life, the daughter of mighty Zeus I see her now just look at your build, your bearing, your lithe flowing grace But if youre one of the mortals living here on earth, three times blest are your father, your queenly mother, three times over your brothers too. Leaders must fall above their followers in certain ways, like levels of knowledge and readiness for whatever may come their way. He has decreed that the exiled hero is to return home. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Furthermore, Odysseus is very clever, which is a another strong trait leaders should possess. Pity me, lord, your suppliant cries for help." Homer explains how the, Odysseus is not a hero because he stabs Polyphemus in the eye and blinds him. DONT LET YOUR CREW TELL YOU WHAT TO DO: Odysseus showed bad leadership with his men and Helios cattle. Unique to Odysseus as an ideal hero as he was a rare intelligent hero Strategy quotes 'quick witted' 'resourceful' 'at every twist of strategy he excelled us all' - Nestor to Telemachus The ideal wife complements odysseus Puts him above other men as he and his wife can work together as a team. Why was Odysseus not a good leader? 2023 Odysseus led the squadron of soldiers in the trojan horse and is a hero of the Trojan War and the king of Ithaca. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 329-337. Over the course his ten-year journey, Odysseus faces many obstacles including mythical creatures. He is favored by the gods and respected and admired by the mortals. ", "and no one knew him at all I alone, I spotted him for the man he was. Odysseus was a weak leader and his lack of vision in not seeing the strength and possibilities in his men combined with his inability to effectively communicate to those around him ultimately led to his failure of not being able to safely deliver his men back to Ithaca. . Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Traits of being a good leader are being determined, being intelligent, and using good judgement. Odysseus longs to be back home with her in Ithaca, no matter what trials he faces along the way. No finer, greater gift in the world than that when man and woman possess their home, two minds, two hearts that work as one. Latest answer posted January 22, 2021 at 1:12:04 PM, Latest answer posted December 06, 2020 at 10:35:48 AM. A hero's funeral then, my glory spread by comrades - now what a wretched death I'm doomed to die! The opening line of The Odyssey introduces Odysseus by his epithet, "the man of twists and turns." Odysseus is "the man of twists and turns" because his journey, and his story, are anything but straightforward. At that moment to there shock this Cyclops does not for tray the "rules" of the Gods. Human feelings are always mixed, and there is no true unconditional love. Out to sea again! (Homer 984). Long-enduring great Odysseus, overjoyed at the sight, bedded down in the midst and heaped the leaves around him. The Odyssey Quotes and Analysis "Tell me, why do you weep and grieve so sorely when you hear the fate of the Argives, hear the fall of Troy? Not only that, but he does not expect of his men what he is not willing to do himself. Accessed 5 Mar. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Odysseus also leads with his clever ideas when he orders the Greeks to build the Trojan Horse so they could raid Troy and destroy it. Then, being much troubled in mind, I said to my men, "My friends, it is not right that one or two of us alone should know the prophecies that Circe has made me, I will therefore tell you about them, so that whether we live or die we may do so with our eyes open. This is despite her maids fleeing at the terrifying sight of him. Odysseus is visited by Athena and reminded of the losses the army has already suffered; leaving now would make those deaths a waste rather than a sacrifice. I went up to this club and cut off about six feet of it; I then gave this piece to the men and told them to fine it evenly off at one end, which they proceeded to do, and lastly I brought it to a point myself, charring the end in the fire to make it harder. Then, he planned for his men to escape concealed by being bound under the bellies of sheep. ", She pitied Odysseus, tossed, tormented so she broke from the waves like a shearwater on the wing, lit on the wreck and asked him kindly, "Ah poor man, why is the god of earthquakes so dead set against you? As Odysseus claimed his name to be "Nohbdy . The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 538-545. Penelope is the wife of Odysseus; she does not remarry while he is away. this Quote Book 6 Quotes (Hom. The epic poem "The Odyssey" is written by Homer and takes place in ancient Greece 700 B.C. Odysseus showed bad leadership when his curiosity resulted in some of his men dying. That is the gods' work, spinning threads of death through the lives of mortal men, and all to make a song for those to come." Alcinous, 8.647-651 ", "Three, four times blessed, my friends-in-arms who died on the plains of Troy those years ago, serving the sons of Atreus to the end. Scarring his own body with mortifying strokes, throwing filthy rags on his back like any slave, he slipped into the enemys city, roamed its streets all disguised, a totally different man, a beggar. But listen to me now./ Tiresias and Circe both insisted/ we must avoid the island of the Sun, the joy of mortals. And no one there could hope to rival Odysseus, not for sheer cunning at every twist of strategy he excelled us all. "Noman is my name, and Noman they call me, and my father and my mother and all my fellows'. What relevance does the Iliad have in modern times? Ultimately his loyalty to family and homeland is more important than anything Calypso can offer. According to the article, The Nine Traits that Define Great Leadership, explain that an optimistic leader The very best leaders are a source of positive energy. Therefore I led them back to the ships weeping, and sore against their will, and dragged them beneath the benches, and bound them in the hollow barques. Generally I think Odysseus is a good leader because he saves his men more times than he lets them get killed, for example on the island with Polythemus. For example, when they arrived at the Land of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus ordered three of his men to explore the island for dangers, rather than all at once investigating the situation. As Odysseus and his men prepare to face Kharybdis and Skylla, his men are nervous, so Odysseus reminds them "'Have we never been in danger before this? This is an epic simile, another characteristic of epics in which the writer spins really elaborate comparisons. Early in the poem we are informed that Odysseus had chosen one of his friends to be the overseer of his family and property. Yes, the terribly challenging circumstances in narrative in which the Odysseus finds himself is a challenge of courage and heroism of which very few would willingly volunteer. reserved. How true to life, all too true . Odysseus believes that he is going to die at sea, thanks to the storm sent by Poseidon. Even if Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, he is not a hero because he is self-centered and ignorant to other people's values and needs.There are multiple examples of Odysseus being self-centered, such as not taking people's advice.