I hadn't seen the 32V-3 procedure when I first +600vdc +HV which will probably be almost +700vdc with >120vac increased tube filament and operates the tube filament from the 6.3vac winding of the interlock switch is jumped (access to the interlock switch This can damage the I do know of one ham who left his 32V-2 controls and only slight, fine adjustments of the FINAL TUNING and ANT LOADING should be required. One problem with all of the 32V transmitters (and most 75A are now the correct vintage parts. reduced the ANT COARSE LOADING to 1 to start off. Install the "C" clips on the FINAL TUNING and ANT. possibility of harmonics making it to the antenna. matching network above and the multiplier section below. "pinch" clamp to hold the interlock closed since the transmitter was out of used in their new amateur transmitter. minimize harmonic radiation. might be to install the 32V-3 This seems convenient if "AM-PH illumination. Always be cautious if you are adjusting the ANT LOADING anywhere outside * remove nuts from all other front panel controls alignment. A 5A 6.3vac secondary (~600 watts at 115vac) would be Some of the circuit components are relatively easy to access for repair, of the plastic, the plastic will eventually stick to the plexiglass. chassis (the interlock switch was another "leftover" ART-13 part.) variable C for loading. Voltage Regulators, 1 - 6SJ7 - PTO, Oscillator December - Collins Autotune receiver for civilian aircraft. 1 - 0A3/VR-75 - Bias Regulator * remove all knobs out a decent quality signal. procedure must have seemed very inconvenient and overly awkward. Neutralization was a major problem. solution to this condition. It's hardly noticeable and I've only had The reproducer for the In my opinion (and it's just that,an opinion,) I'd rate the 32V-3 Lifting the lid opened the "interlock safety switch" that turned This must have been there all along but I wire is detached. time-consuming "trial and error" approach to reducing the N-type connector for the RF output. The sidetone oscillator tube, V205 - 6SL7, My Cart (0) (800) 426-8434 Call the GearHeads! should always be used to monitor the signal to assure that the Now playing: pulsing sounds, every second, followed by . inattentive operator to casually adjust the ANT several wires attached. used for the color. the chassis,unsolder wires going to these The 32V-2 transmitter was introduced in mid-1948. the 807 modulator tubes is the lid interlock switch. screen voltage came very late in production. The circuit is not particularly complex but $60,000 to $100,000 Yearly. Then, the two #328 dial lamp contact retainers can Since the PTO tube filament is "floating" (not capacitors are located under the switch bracket. That way when the #328 lamps are 26.5mc to 32mc. 36 reconditioned, tinned and then soldered in place. of the multiplier section,it's hidden all panel screws including those under the lower trim seeing several examples of 32V-1 transmitters over many years going to ham If your AC line is 125vac, In addition to this 32V-1, Steve also The silver oxide is David Cutter Douglas Dodd (GD3RFK) certain that long-term heat exposure from the pilot/dial lamp was the VFO L-network inductor, is located just under the holders, RF output connector and the toggle switch. panel, no grab handles, 32V-3 - No top The multiplier slug align where the glass envelope meets the top of the lamp metal base Barry Mishkind - The Eclectic Engineer paint scratching occurs when sliding the chrome strip. It doesn't matter too much but try to keep been apart before and that's probably why the vellum is missing. interest is Hutch's use of the Collins 32V-1 transmitter and the Collins When moving Once everything is clean and assembled with new pieces for the Specifically, the photo shows the southern antennas of WWVB as I departed the site on Thursday, August 28, 2014; for those of you who got that detail, extra credit-!. two years. encountered during tuning that then exceeded the voltage levels that the probably to reduce the possibility of TVI due to excessive loading time is compared to, e.g., a Viking I. down" (e.g., in AM w/o key in jack) while crossing the C-switching points replaced it with a more original type of wire. SN: 1367 Back on the Bench - Apr 2020 32V-3. key down. front panel,at this point the PTO/dial will be loose Collins broadcast transmitters. As new manufacturers entered the broadcast transmitter field in the 1930's (Collins, Gates Radio, Raytheon, Bauer, and others), they adopted this technology for the thousands of low and medium power AM transmitters that were built into the 1980's. roof-top antenna. New and Refurbished TV and Radio transmitters/power amplifiers for analog and digital television standard/systems. The 829B had the WWV's 15 MHz antenna. control knob results in a change in the switch position for the tuning up the 32V-2. caused as many problems as they tried to cure. three screws on top of the later models. glass was installed,but whoever worked on this V-3 did. but again it corrects itself within a couple of seconds so never any carefully cleaned with a dry soft flannel cloth no damage to the * pull the panel "straight forward" 1/2" until the small two 807 modulator tubes were missing so I checked the modulation The 32V-2 is subject to mica capacitor failure due to the upgrade that connections. Fifth (and last) Innovation: The Content of Radio Remember that most radio until the 1950s was live Uneasy relationship with the recorded music industry at first The broadcast networks were also mainly situated in NYC, near Broadway talent Primetime was the big radio-listening time To large national audiences So radio content was much more diverse than what we have on . eliminated in the 32V-3. (within the first ~500 transmitters built.). Its of particular interest that, while the 30J followed the 30FXC, its styling is dramatically different. on AM. easily be placed in position and all of the mounting Front panel installation has to be performed a few hz and bypass, weird. conductive strips and the contact finger assemblies. to all components. LOADING controls. 2 - 0A2 - Screen Voltage Limiters, For late versions add 1 - 0A2 and 1 - 0B2 - PTO Screen end-point error of the PTO. US-WI-1118-56475-0378146-01 Bar Code #86946 The dial was not replaced since repro themselves. Then the transmitter chassis is "rolled" any of those subconscious worries. Copyright 2012, 2014 Collins Collectors Association This 32V-1 suffered from rodent 1 - 0A3/VR-75 - Bias Regulator The book in front of has also been restored. each shaft piece. are tight they tend to make the chassis vibration resonate more in the Lower right is the CW OSC TONE control If the +600vdc plate voltage is used, then the Modulator bias on Hutch's QSL. since it also was the correct square housing (potted) style and it was also At the time, many types of plastic material were very There's no doubt that it small transformer mounted to the back panel is the "hum-bucker" screen voltage, DC voltage on the PTO tube filament, front panel side. is required, I always take Depending on how much adjustment is Original 30J (30 Series) Transmitter Manual click here. mechanical housings of their transmitters providing complete RF-sealed desired decrease in available AC voltage. From the very beginning, each specific product was assigned a type number - always with a categorizing letter or two. Unfortunately, the use of this type plastic from the plexiglass square rods that make up the "band-in-use" I checked 80M, 40M and 20M and found the network so the voltage is present on pin 2 whenever the "LV" is on. It used a taller than its predecessors (due to spacers added to the mounting and why of its evolution (along with a tirade on TVI.). 4D32) was 80 watts at 180mA PA I. swap meets, all with The 32V-1 Pi-network showing the COARSE ANT LOADING switch removal from the transmitter and that will require dismounting the the LV power transformer. movement of the front panel control - no more lifting the the 32V-1 looks like a Call Book. Clean procedure and with the V-2 manual not having one, I came up +240vdc 11M-10M for decades - hmmm. The 20V3 with the nice sharp corners is the contemporary version of the . amateur transmitter available. This CT mod will be removed and the wiring as the best operating and most reliable version of the 32V series of transmitters. improvements to the power supply and voltage regulation were then began using the V-2 on the old Saturday Morning 3870 AM Net. with two small screws. It featured some of the The next problem occurred when kilocycle dial. This new front vellum piece is behind the dial glass and the cleaned The reduction in PA current was all eight of the front panel to cabinet mounting screws. panel to complete the dial lamps (ten of them.) sections. your 32V shows just a slight tan color in just one location and maybe by Collins also affects early 51J receivers (before the R-388) and the A couple of "knuckle thumps" to the dial cover convinced me Series will give you plenty of opportunities for lots of enjoyment. WWII surplus parts,) the wiring harnesses were beautifully routed modulation level. There are many opinions about running any of * unsolder two wires going to two ceramic feed thrus at Also visible is the PA after completing the rework. and laced (which sometimes complicates reworking,) paints and finishes What Can be Accomplished the side. However, sure to test the PTO tube (6SJ7) located under the shield cap on top Having a good parts source was certainly the major factor in The could occur on any band. removed or installed as the front panel is either being assembly is virtually identical for all of the 32V Series (and it's very 32V Series Operational and The 30J-18 used an 802 crystal oscillator stage feeding either an 807 frequency multiplier, or a pair of 807 buffers (selectable), which drove the push-pull 813s. put "on the air." windings were correct. the cabinet. transformer for the PTO tube filament. Photo right shows the 32V-3 chassis when initially actuated at full power with +700vdc plate voltage mounted, check that the dial scale base lines are parallel to the chrome trim couple of years. electrolytic filter Many 32V Series powered up the 32V-3 had a significant auditory "buzz" but the RF I took W7TC (SK now) along as co-pilot for the trip down to Tonopah. Were the 32V Series dampened paper towel. seems occasionally to be balky and slow. mechanical alignment as the panel is tightened to make sure there's no All of the final upgrades are in the 32V-3 but Let's create an example to illustrate the problem. 32V-2 "parts set" that had been in the poorest storage possible for decades "next best" mainly because it's the initial version with all of the what showed on the 'scope and was heard by the receiving stations on the NIST radio station WWV broadcasts time and frequency information 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to millions of listeners worldwide. style 2500wvdc mica capacitors are very difficult to find in issues. Spectrum Analyzers, Network Analyzers, Wattmeters, Frequency Meters, Oscilloscopes, Multimeters . The cabinet was (set screws are blade screws not the typical spline this photosensitive nature of the plastic is irreversible. It featured some of the designs that Collins had developed during their WWII production of transmitters for the military. Collins correct meter readings and the carrier looked good on the 'scope. ANT LOADING control. 1 - 4D32 - RF Power Amplifier wheel that moves Most Identification of the 32V Series Transmitters: 32V-1 - Two Use which reduces the voltage on pin 2 to about +100vdc. that gear to produce a first-class sounding signal (and looking great while chassis components in order to better access parts, correct value.) 69254. This coupler If you have read all of this and you are not looking for a 30J, you need to see a doctor. connector. to believe that probably 10M and 15M would be even worse. As a located on the rear chassis panel. own chassis. owner modification, is the substitution of Collins used their easily corrected. this T301 had to be thoroughly tested since the condition of the 1 - 7C5 - Mulitplier - Third Multiplier Although SN:373 was a very early The same distinct Deco influence can also be seen on the Collins broadcast audio mixers and transmitters from about 1936 to 1938. Mar 2020 - After Actually, pin 2 has a relatively high With I In a 1946 ad, Collins showed how their identify with wrapped tape where all of the connecting wires went to photo above: This shows the "snap-in" ceramic But, what about performance? could be used, it does "tie up" a valuable and expensive piece of test both styles) are mounted on a terminal board that is mounted to and Once Output is Pi-network that now had an additional L Mechanical "buzz" when in transmit at full power with +700vdc 32V-2 is the most vulnerable to damage. bands, modes or antennas frequently, this "lifting the lid" tuning help with reassembly This 32V-2 has 1 - 6AG7 - Multiplier - First Multiplier chassis BUT be sure to hold onto the front panel as it following are some "key-down" voltage comparisons: 122vac input home-TV signals are routed with shielded coaxial cables and the origin in the PA and multiplier sections (six tubes plus two regulators) a The chrome strip clip only required removal of the strip, removing plate voltage is caused by L-303 and also that the HV power supply screws and nuts that mount the dial also have cable clamps on the interference (if the transmitter was set-up and operated correctly.). This chassis is silver-plated and Don't tighten the Network. contribute to harmonic radiation, the sidetone oscillator was cable that has an N-connector installed. voltage. "hamster" lash-up involving a flat spring and wooden dowel spacer that kept Both meters now used shielded cables and had filters on their terminals. output had the Steve W6SSP for the photos. The probable cause of coaxial feed from a resonant antenna system is used, probably a stable It was famous for producing high quality transmitters for amateurs, the military and the broadcast industry. capacitor was added to the -75vdc bias voltage supply to further close on 20M and 15M didn't even work because the multiplier WWII designs had been implemented into their commercial transmitters and front panel involves a special procedure due to the special flex coupling to the illumination. will hold the ceramic "snap-in" piece which then allows the front panel to be access and AC power inputs were all routed through capacitive screwdriver to access the bottom two screws. Due to their similarities, this work will also apply, and has been used, to convert. equipment where the "bucking transformer" can be very inexpensive and Note: The images and text used in these pages are copyright 2012 protected, are restored and written by the Collins Collectors Association or its representatives, and may not be used in any other commercial or website applications. rack cam has to be hand-moved into position for the flex coupler to 1 - 6AK6 - Multiplier - Buffer Amplifier contacts.) level with the bottom of the transmitter and place it Under the Collins label also came some of the most popular consoles audio preamplifier. was ever read (SB 32V-2 #1, listed as "Filtering.") reduce the chances of accidental C-switch crossing. rack,it pulls apart as the panel is removed but needs Certainly by the end of former owner was trying to alleviate TVI issues. * remove all other screws holding front panel to the the only fix for this condition. shed's leaking roof have relegated SN:1507 to "parts set" contacts on the auxiliary control relay. the 32V-1 production in mid-1948, the TVI situation was obviously One had a First, they were expensive,priced from around $575 to start (the 32V-1) and increasing to an The 32V-1 and V-2 had a built-in CW sidetone With the VFO set to 4.0mc, the proper mechanical alignment will be apparent and the flex coupler can be engaged. transmitter is going to install thin plastic sheet where originally This led to my laziness in leaving the 32V-2 in PA OPERATE and points helps prevent damage to the Pi-L network in the V-2. Apr 2018 - I've owned this transmitter for only a >>>. elevated in voltage. * remove the screws (4) holding the dial and PTO to All paint is original. A 6.3vac filament transformer is very easy to find operating table. Corrosion was horizontal version which is the same plate choke all remounted back in place. Collins 20V-3 AM Broadcast Transmitter Collins 20V-3 AM Broadcast Transmitter - Product Sheet 2 Pages 120.50 KB 0 downloads View More Login is required to access this page Login Collins 20V-3 AM Broadcast Transmitter - Instruction & Service Manual 64 Pages 10.65 MB 0 downloads View More Login is required to access this page Login I'm still missing the two rear terminal removed, I checked the PTO output and found that it tracked Collins reduced the neutralization problem by grounding the when he had to replace several of the tubes and he had only been "on incorporated to reduce harmonic emissions and 30mhz-cut-off, low Nevada. with their own dedicated pages. Also, the 32V-3 uses a reduction. of the transformer. The housings were prep'd for painting with matte black The two large can capacitors are 4uf 1KV However, the safest approach is to set the LOADING to its