You need to sign in to tag. Enter the tag you would like to associate with this record and click 'Add tag'. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. For example, MacDonald will not appear under the letter M but under D. Eight of them are searchable here whilst the ninth, the Arctic Star, was not awarded until 2012 and records of its award do not exist at The National Archives. Germany turned submarines, battleships, aircraft and mines on Britains supply lines, while British and American shipyards worked tirelessly to replace those ships that were sunk. 3rd Radio Off. Medal record of Alfred Harry Badman, BT 395/1. All Web: UK, World War II Medals Issued to Merchant Seamen, 1939-1945 results for ae. Much of the information would have come from the Royal Navy. From 1845 onwards a system of examinations was introduced for masters and mates. We landed in Bordeaux a few weeks later and were taken to the prison camp Caserne Colonial Bordeaux. There was also no minimum qualifying period if service was terminated due to death or disability while on active duty. She was torpedoed and shelled by the German U-boat U30 without warning, becoming the first merchant vessel casualty of the Second World War. The two Ellerman ships City of Lincoln and City of Edinburgh had to return to Liverpool and the Clyde because cargo had shifted. During the one-way exchange of fire (the raider kept of range), Able Seaman George Smith was seriously injured and the third engineer, Mr. Gibson, and the steward, Mr. Gernardt, were killed. The Guildhall Library does not hold crew lists. Below is the last movement card for the SS Athenia. William Gibb and Sgt Fox found my Grandad's body in the South West corner of the West Huskisson dock. The National Archives' catalogue This record (browse from here by hierarchy or by reference) Catalogue description Registry of Shipping and Seamen: War of 1939-1945; Merchant Seamen's Service. Become a Member While the crew were preparing and lowering the lifeboats which were filled with personnel as they calmly filed up from the troop decks, HMS Challenger approached and skilfully placed her bow under the port quarter of Anselm, Many men jumped on board before the two ships became separated. By 05.47 all remaining boats were being rapidly filled by the use of side ladders and side decks while the remaining personnel jumped into the sea to grasp the lifelines of boats and rafts. Awarded for service between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. Records 1939 - 1946. Saudi Arabia and the Second World War (1939-1945) 16. heavily illustrated book presents the details of those ships and describes the fate of those lost between 1939 and 1945. Merchant Navy 1939-1945 Royal Navy 1939-1945 Naval Warfare Atlantic 1939-1945 Malta 1939-1945 British Home Front 1939-1945 British Army 1939-1945 Submarines German Home Front 1939-1945 Prisoners of War, . In some cases, not all the cards relating to a vessel have been amended to reflect the latest name-change. Military ; Card Catalog ; Member Search ; DNA. Hello, I have just started to look for my deceased fathers merchant navy records. There were still some men on the after deck, but could not see if they had jumped clear before the ship sank. But by the time its recommendations were implemented in 1994, the 15-year- old deckboys would have been in their mid-60s, while a seaman of 50 when the war ended would have been 100. The T124X records detail the sea service of merchant seamen who served on Royal Navy ships (or Royal Navy auxiliary vessels). The image you order will usually come with a number of medal records for other seamen. These were to be my grandfather's final words on earth. You can search for ships official numbers through the Crew List Index Project. Consult copies of the Mercantile Navy List for 1860 to 1864 in The National Archives reading rooms for alphabetical lists of masters and mates (with certificate numbers) as well as one-line obituaries for deceased seamen. To find out about a seamans entitlement, contact the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen. Read tagging guidelines. The cards are of different colours depending on the type of qualification: Consult registers and renewals of certificates of competency ofmasters andmates in BT 317; masters, mates and engineers in BT 318; just engineersin BT 320 (1913-1935) (in process of transfer from National Maritime Museum under references RSS/ENG/5-6); and fishing officers in BT 396. If anyone knows of my father, Captain Len Chapman I will be pleased to hear! George James William "Dick" Durling BEM. Our This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. giving a true reflection as to when the name-change was made. The story was hand written and falling apart but I have typed it up for preservation. He was rescued, repatriated and managed to survive the war. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. Show all records. Find answers to your research questions at, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. Some useful printed works include: The Roll of Honour of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets 1939-1945, 3 vols (London: Ministry of . These records are digitised cards recording the movements of British and Allied merchant ships during the Second World War. At this point the body of Matthew Towers A.B. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicArticlePage1939BodySliceText","type":"slice-text","primary":{"__typename":"PrismicArticlePage1939BodySliceTextPrimary","content":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"After the declaration of war in September 1939, the Ministry of Shipping then under the control of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Gilmour took control of the merchant fleet. Main image:Allied convoy crossing the North Atlantic in 1942 during World War 2. Visit the Crew List Index Project (CLIP) website, which has information about merchant seamen on British registered ships from 1861 to 1913. Merchant ship movement card (catalogue reference: BT 389). Samaria sailed out of Liverpool on Friday 14th of May 1943 and was on the Clyde Monday 17th of May. The Atlantic Star was also awarded to those awarded a gallantry medal, with no minimum qualifying period. To view all records for an individual, select 'ALL' in the Service box. The ship turned out to be a disguised German raider. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Merchant Navy campaign medal records 1939-1945. are on the same page. Genealogical enquiriesshould be made in writing and search fees are 30. Merchant Navy Awards 1939-1945 Merchant Navy Awards 1939-1945 This collection details over 9,000 awards made to those who served in the Merchant Navy from 1939-45. Divided first by country and then by shipping company, the book includes the ships of such great However, service was considered military in nature for those who served between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946. Welcome to the The British Merchant Navy - Old Friends Plus. 1939 194 Yeah, reviewing a book Embleme Wappen Malings Deutscher U Boote 1939 194 could . (6th June 1944 - 8th May 1945). The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Contents Part Two 11. In any case, there might be a legitimate reason why only some cards indicate the latest name, i.e. Index record for Merchant, Leslie Arthur in the World War II Index to Allied Airmen Roll of Honour, 1939-1945 from, historical military records. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Let us know. To have have kept all the cards together would have rendered them out of alphabetical order (in contravention of the specification) with possible adverse consequences for the list. On the 23rd November the convoy was ordered to split into slow and fast convoys. A merchant seaman had to serve in the Atlantic, home waters, North Russia Convoys or South Atlantic waters. In themerchant navy the term officer can refer to a master, mate, engineer, fishing boat skipper, second hand or cook. This information will help us make improvements to the website. The date commemorates the sinking of the first British merchant ship in 1939, just hours after Britain declared war on Germany. When they reached Aden on 15th August the convoy was disbanded. The details are in an appendix entitled An Alphabetical List of all the Masters and Mates in the Merchant Service. The movement control staff in Durban were receiving signals from London changing the instructions for the destinations of the various troops. Brian Roy Clarke SS Sithonia, Sea. Two days later the Coroner held an inquest into Grandad's death and the verdict was given as unascertainable. This caused miserable conditions throughout the overcrowded and claustrophobic troopdecks. On the 18th the weather worsened to force 6 with a rough sea and short, heavy swell with poor visibility. World War Two 1939-1945 - Archives New Zealand Skip to main content Our reading rooms are open. It supported Britain's Bomber Command from 1943 to 1945, contributing a huge strike force. British seamen who served under the T124X agreement; British seamen who served under the T124T agreement; Non-British seamen who served under the T124X agreement. Then, as European-built iron-hulled sailing ships replaced wooden square-riggers, Canadian shipbuilders found it harder to compete. After five days of normal transportation (i.e., in cattle trucks), we arrived at Bremervorde in northwestern Germany near Bremen, and were then marched several miles to Stalag X-B in Sandbostel, where we were greeted by the stink of death. Now, many warships had immediately packed the harbour, so, the navy men and merchant seamen had all gone to St. John's for their off hours. Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. You can find out whether a medal was issued by looking at the markings on the records. You may be searching for a ship on dates before or after movement cards were in use on that vessel. Search All Records ; . Domestic and Foreign Policy (1945-1958) 17. Consult our guide to records of merchant seamen serving after 1917for advice on searching within registers of seamen and seamens pouchesto establishvoyage details which you may be able to apply to the service of officers. Read My Ancestor was a Merchant Seaman by Christopher and Michael Watts (Society of Genealogists, 2002) this title is also available in our shop. I was held in Stalag X-B for two years, and I will never forget that smell it lingered constantly. We are researching his time in India but know of some stories but not a lot except playing hockey against and Indian Team and winning! Help us improve catalogue descriptions by adding tags. When he talked to my Grandad he was told that he had a bad headache. Research guide C12: The Merchant Navy: Ship registration and Custom House records; Research guide E1: . We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for Many thousands of POWs died there. Add a Name to this List
Search and download ( charges apply) records of World War Two Medals issued to Merchant Seamen (BT 395). Seamen's records ('pouches') are in: BT 372, Crew agreements and log books are in: BT 380, Coast trade crew agreements and log books are in: BT 381, Fifth Register of Seaman's Service is in: BT 382, Crew agreements and log books for requisitioned or chartered Allied foreign ships are in: BT 387, Special Operations Records, merchant seamen, are in: BT 391, Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, 1872-1992, Have you found an error with this catalogue description?
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