The product doesnt contain any material labels, so the materials have been assumed to be low alloy steel for the body, PP for the plastic parts of the body, EPDM rubber for the grip and an acrylic polymer coating for the lubricating band. 2. Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a process of evaluating the effects that a product has on the environment over the entire period of its life thereby increasing resource-use efficiency and decreasing liabilities. Any extra plastic will be discarded, remelted, and reused (Safety Razor, hbbd``b`z$k@D What Is Polystyrene? We are proud that it is among the leading professional LCA software . We purchase the product in a store, use the product for removing unwanted body and facial hair until it eventually dulls, and then we toss it in the bathroom trash, unaware of where it goes or where it came from. Disposable and reusable LMAs typically differ in material composition, packaging, reuse, and cost. In this paper, many details about the life cycle stages were not included. :396?Qkt)e. Marine cargo ships use a fuel called heavy fuel oil which produces around 145,000 BTU per gallon (Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation.). Contamination problems with reuse of laryngeal mask airways and laryngoscopes. The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was introduced into clinical use in the late 1980s and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the US in 1991. The metal is then heated and then cooled slowly to remove any internal stress, which makes it tougher, this process is called annealing (Safety Razor). The metal must be mined and extracted from the mountain causing an emission of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases (Wang). Data Uncertainty. BIC has noted however that they strive to be as efficient with materials used when it comes to their packaging. Cad M, Webb T, Bjorksten A. 1. Here we present a life cycle assessment of 2 laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), a one-time-use disposable Unique LMA and a 40-time-use reusable Classic LMA. 85 percent of the energy came from electricity, 14 percent came from gas, and the rest came from fuel oil (For You For Everyone Registration Document). Polystyrene. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Dec. 2019, More immediate levels of waste, however, happen during the processing of disposable razors before they are even brought to the buyer and the landfill. Manufacturer specifications indicate 20 kWh of electricity use for a 5-minute cycle at 135C. To begin the process of creating the metal, the tungsten is purified and ground into a fine powder. J Clin Anesth 1997;9:432, 20. The plastic, however stable for the user, remains stable long after it is thrown away as well. `""(w Another material used is polystyrene. It has been assumed that the only part recycled at the end of life is the packaging. Shavers. BICWorld, The life cycle of plastics Life cycle assessment (LCA) considers the environmental aspects associated with a product over its lifespan. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They have also reduced shipping time, by only sending the blades from Greece to Mexico to optimize the tools and products available in each location, instead of having all the materials shipped to each factory. The alloy is strong enough to resist moisture for a short time in the buyers shower, yet, in the landfill, it does eventually rust and decompose. A new incentive must come for companies to be more sustainable with resources and create products that can still be cheap for the buyer, while also not taking a high cost on the environment. These results will then be used to inform the design process and improve the redesigned razor. Assessing all steps in that life cycle provides insight into individual stresses and burden shifts from one step to another and enables understanding of both the cumulative environmental impacts and related trade-offs in each area, throughout the lifespan of both a facility and its manufactured products. Growing awareness of the negative impacts from the practice of health care on the environment and public health calls for the routine inclusion of life cycle criteria into the decision-making process of device selection. After the plastic body is manufactured it goes through inspections similar to ones the blades go through. Product Ecology (PR) Consultants. The human-health-related impact categories are pertinent to those developing standards for the delivery of health care. The autoclave was typically run with 5 LMAs, although loading varied significantly. Anaesthesia 2000;55:7001, 18. Questions and Answers: CreutzfeldtJakob Disease Infection-Control Practices. How Does Polystyrene Recycling Work?HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 4 Apr. The Potential of Polypropylene.Recycling Today, Recycling Today, 17 July 2019, For climate change impacts specifically, the reusable LMA contributes 7.4 kg CO2e of GHGs over its life cycle, and the equivalent 40 disposable LMAs contribute 11.3 kg CO2e, or approximately the equivalent to burning a gallon (4 L) of gasoline. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. (i)What changes occurring in non-disposable Razor category? Click the image for pricing & more info. The steps in LCA are (1) goal and scope definition, (2) life cycle inventory analysis (LCI), (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and (4) interpretation of the results. This is shown through their commitment to their eco-design process and new recycling programs that are undergoing testing. The product fails to include proper instructions for its waste management, causing it to be disposed of, as the name suggests. According to studies done by the EPA, tungsten steel was originally tested as a stable metal in soil that does not dissolve easily in water (EPA). A major flaw in the disposable razors design is in fact its inability to be sustainably and properly disposed, despite what its name suggests. What makes for an easy, simple, and affordable mass produced and used product costs more in its long afterlife in the landfill, out of sight of the buyers awareness. Rogers, Tony.
In conclusion, disposable razors are being used and thrown away at a rate that is unsustainable for the finite space on the planet. The environmental effects of labor are often omitted from life cycle assessment studies, but are included here as part of the sensitivity analysis. The most important sources of impacts for the disposable LMA were the production of polymers, packaging, and waste management, whereas for the reusable LMA, washing and sterilization dominated for most impact categories. Uncertainties about the correctness of the model. The powder is then shaped, usually by the process of die stamping. Now that we understand the key challenges with the razors, and where the biggest impacts are occurring, we can begin to make informed decisions in the redesign. By far, the biggest impact during the manufacturing of the razors was the 17 spot welds done in each cartridge. Please enable scripts and reload this page. A life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool for analyzing the environmental impacts and resources used throughout a product's life, from raw materials extraction to production, and extending through product use and disposal. An estimated 1 L of tap water was used to wash and rinse 1 LMA (or 40 L over a lifetime of 40 uses). Each year in Italy, millions of tons of fruits and vegetables are harvested, packed and transported to national and foreign retail outlets. Current LMA procurement decisions are typically based on perceived costs. Because the human health impacts of the disposable LMAs are dominated by plastics, increasing the amount of PVC by 10% leads to a significant (>5%) increase in cancer and noncancer effects. From the *Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA; School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT; Department of Anesthesiology, Yale School of Medicine/YaleNew Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT. Funding: Department of Anesthesiology, Yale School of Medicine. The aim of this paper is to analyse substitutes to disposable plastic tableware using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. 0 8tZ
When the devices entered use at Yale New Haven Hospital, both the disposable and the reusable LMAs were removed from their original packaging, which was discarded. It is resistant to fats and almost all organic solvents which helps it hold up in the damp and warm conditions of a bathroom and shower (Polypropylene. 13, 14 There are few published life cycle assessment studies of medical items (ref. BIC may be doing as much as possible to lessen the impact of the production of disposable razors, but due to the massive production it will because unsustainable, because of the energy input, material consumptions, and unrecyclable nature of disposable razors. The differences in environmental impacts between these devices strongly favor reusable devices. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a framework for assessing the environmental impacts of product systems and decisions. In this case its much harder for me to carry out an LCA on a Gillette razor than if Gillette did the LCA themselves, as they would have all the correct info required first-hand (reducing the number of assumptions needing to be used). A 2005 analysis published by U.K. Bic did have an increase in non-hazardous waste due to: expansion work or renovation of buildings or development of new products and manufacturing equipment (For You For Everyone: Registration Document, Bic) For carbon footprint assessments for large companies, they are assessed on direct (scope 1) emissions and indirect (scope 2) emissions of greenhouse gases. SimaPro 7.3.2. Features Downloads. However, BIC did report some of its transportation statistics. This is where the razors are portioned into their desired packaging amounts, that will be sent off to consumers. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) measures the impact of products on the environment. The use of disposable razors is unsustainable with our growing population and increased demand. Pollution of the oceans from plastics has become an increasingly large issue that researchers are still assessing. 2.Define the life-cycle LMA North America. No such cases have been reported since 1976.a There is no reported case of iatrogenic infection of any type linked to a reusable LMA. Polycarbonate production (14%), transportation via truck (15%), thermoforming (13%), and waste disposal (11%) cause the majority of the remaining emissions. Quantifying the Environmental Impacts of Labor. Polypropylene is recyclable with the resin code of 5, which is its numbered identification code that is used to identify what resins plastic products are made of, and indicate how they are recycled. The full life cycle environmental impacts can be challenging to model, because modern production "pathways" can involve numerous interacting technologies, each of which can consume materials and energy that are themselves products of complex production processes. But this is expected from a large brand like Gillette. GaBi includes its own database containing life cycle inventories of processes such as polypropylene manufacturing, transportation, and landfill . LCA is the most common tool for quantifying the environmental effects associated with a product, process, or service's entire life (Baumann and Tillman 2004).LCA was performed in accordance with the international standards of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 . Buy Now. In this paper, this will be exactly what we will discuss, from what materials go into making a disposable razor and how they are made, to what happens to it after its tossed out, and all the energy and waste that is used and expelled throughout its lifecycle. Where regulations permit, disposal of LMA-related waste as regular municipal waste, as opposed to biohazardous waste, should also reduce the adverse health effects stemming from medical waste incineration. The second component of the razor is the plastic body which is made of a fairly inexpensive plastic called polystyrene. It is used in razor manufacturing mainly due to its high heat and water resistance, making it ideal for the conditions the product is used in. The blades and lubricating strip were too light to be measured with our equipment so their weights were rounded to 1g. During shaving, the sharp edges of the blade will chip off at a slow but steady rate, dulling the blade after repeated shavings. BIC has done their best to deal with waste in an environmentally conscious manner. The effect of alternate transport modes was quite small for the reusable LMA but quite significant for the disposable LMAs, leading to a large increase in GHG emissions in particular from air freight. The total amount of direct GHG emissions in 2016 was estimated at 8,689 teqCO2, i.e. We performed a life cycle assessment of 2 analogous LMAs, the disposable LMA Unique and the reusable LMA Classic, according to internationally accepted standard life cycle assessment methods (ISO 14040: 2006). To aid in solving this issue, I believe consumers should stray away from wasteful disposable razors and be encouraged to go with more sustainable and longer lasting options such as classic safety razors.
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