Knight Terri Maloy, Grand Island, NE; Est. Worshipful Master Billy Hamilton promises great fellowship, but due to COVID-19 restrictions meals may not be permitted in the building. THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN: The order of events will be as follows: This Proclamation must be read in its entirety in every Lodge/Chapter meeting until the date of January 11, 2021. Most Worshipful G. Clay Smith Right Worshipful Raborn Lovelace Reader, Jr. The keynote presentation for the opening session was given by then Grand Exalted Ruler Paul R. Ryan, who spoke about his strange but exciting year as Grand Exalted Ruler. The resolutions that failed included a measure that would have restored the requirement for lodges to perform the initiatory ritual at all district deputy visitations, a measure that would have allowed district deputies to be appointed in districts other than their home district, and a four-part resolution that would have allowed Past Exalted Ruler Associations to form charitable corporations. Fort Worth June 17, 2023More details to follow as soon as they become available. The announcement of the election was followed by an exuberant celebration as supporters from Millss Area 8 streamed into the hall. 627 in Orange Rockland District, he served in 2014-2016 as Master of Wappingers Lodge No.671 in the Dutchess District. A TOTAL OF 6,672 Elks and guests from all fifty states as well as overseas territories gathered in Tampa, Florida, from July 4 to 7 for the 156th Grand Lodge Session and celebrated the opportunity to meet each other in person for the first time in two years following the cancellation of the scheduled session in 2020. Our host lodge is Waco Lodge No. . The Worthy Grand Patron and I have been honored Presiding Officer Votes in Case of a Tie .. 28, Section 1. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Grand Lodge/Chapter officers along with the Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons of all lodges/chapter and all Heads of Higher House are to assemble with the Grand Body at our Annual Winter Session on Saturday January 16th, 2021. . The speaker this year is Worshipful Brother David Clarke, CVO, who is the District Grand Superintendent of the District Grand Chapter of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean under the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. "When you go outside of your home, you are at risk of coming into contact with someone who already has the virus. Box 446, Waco, TX 76703 **Registration Fees are subject to the registration deadlines. The meeting will be hosted by Fort Worth Lodge No. . No-host dinner reservations for Friday night, September 17, 7 p.m.,have been made at Los Panchitos Restaurant, 34 E. Avenue D, San Angelo, TX 76903. He encouraged the attending exalted rulers to be active in engaging with the Orders many national programs, including those related to youth activities, veterans service, and drug awareness. Larry Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Grand Lodge of Texas Committee on Masonic Education and Service, presided over the ceremony and welcomed Billy Enoch as our Worshipful Master. The September 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in San Angelo, TX on September 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM. There will be a lunch starting at 12:00 PM, followed by the business meeting beginning at 2:00 PM. While the results of the voting were being tabulated, Activities Committee Chairman Wayne Cotterly announced the results of the Community Project Contest. Grand Officers. These audits are copied from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. 29, Section 1. An update on the Most Valuable Student Scholarship program was given by ENF Associate Director Debbie Kahler Doles. Once order was restored, the newly elected Grand Exalted Ruler spoke about his vision for the Order, which is encompassed in his theme for the year: Meeting the Challenge. 202102 FAILED: To allow local lodge Past Exalted Rulers Associations to incorporate for the purpose of raising, receiving, and distributing funds for such charitable, educational, and scientific purposes that are supported by its lodge, state association, and/or Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge Officers 2022-2023. Kelly Craine with the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District says since the meetings are taking place on private property, they did not have to get a city permit for the three-day event. . Masons pledge to follow COVID-19 protocols during three-day Waco meeting with 1,000 members. Every new lodge must be warranted or chartered by a Grand Lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the published constitution of the jurisdiction. You have permission to edit this article. The meeting will be held in the main auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple. Stated Meeting Study Night Fundraisers Officers 2021 Installation of Officers Search Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. ProPublica posts new tax forms as they are released by the IRS. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that currently Winter Session is now schedule to be held via a virtual meeting conference. Grand Lodge of Colorado; To give attendees a chance to learn about national programs in the absence of the exhibit hall, an expanded program of seminars was offered. Exclusive Jurisdiction Over Masonry in Texas. 23, Section 1. Posted by. Eligibility to Office .. 25, Section 7. 26, Section 1. Fort Worth June 17, 2023Host will be Fort Worth Lodge No. The hotel has offered King Rooms at $139 USD per night, with a block of rooms reserved for us. She was sponsored by the Great Falls, Montana, Lodge and won the Girls 8 9 Division by shooting a perfect twenty-five-for-twenty-five. The full text of the resolutions and full Grand Lodge Legislative Session voting results are available to Elks members at . The meeting agenda will include installation of officers, and we have several papers ready for presentation. The Elks National Drug Awareness Program is continuing to fight this national scourge and has worked hard to reach out to children through virtual webinars, online videos, and social media. Lead. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master joins with all Brethren of the Province in offering warm fraternal congratulations to those Brethren Appointed and Promoted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday 29th April 2020: Promotions. 202112 PASSED: To eliminate the requirement that the lodge treasurer give bond if the Grand Lodge Insurance Program provides such coverage. We look forward to seeing you in College Station! The host hotel is the Pearl on the Concho Hotel, 333 Rio Concho Drive, San Angelo, TX 76903 (325) 653-6500. Following Attorney General Moodys remarks, PGER McPherson returned to the podium to present a $10,000 donation from the Elks National Foundation to Camp Idlewild of Florida, which is a new camp for children with autism-spectrum disorders. A room block is heldat the Austin Marriott North, 2600 La Frontera Blvd, Austin, TX 78681. Chairman Cotterly also presented the Marvin M. Lewis Elks in Scouting awards to Joe Black of the Littleton, Colorado, Lodge and Michelle Mott of the Plymouth, Massachusetts, Lodge. . We also link to copies of audits nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year since 2016. Kelly Craine, spokesperson for the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District, said everyone, including the Masons, need to be aware of the risks involved when going out, especially to indoor settings with large groups. Using Community Investments Program grants, local lodges across the country were able to support food pantries, emergency responders, hospitals, schools, and many other community institutions during the pandemic. AF&AM TX - PM, PHP, TIM, PC, Grotto, AMD, KM. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). For all of our photos, please visit our Facebook page! Junior Grand WardenRW ELQUEMEDO O. ALLEYNE. Grand Lodge Representative Grand Lodge Representative Darren R. Klinefelter 2022 L. Bryant Harris 2022 - 2023 Jerry Underwood 2021 - 2022 Barry D. Nightingale 2020 - 2021 William E. Marshall 2019 - 2020 Richard G. Stewart 2018 - 2019 District 54. Judge OKs autopsy finding as testimony starts in retrial of ex-Waco day care owner, Olympic-winning pole vaulter, pastor Bob Richards dies at 97, Man ejected from motorcycle in Waco dies Saturday night, Big stage doesn't faze La Vega girls, who believe they're more than ready, Moscow reportedly threatened new parents in Ukraine: Register your newborns as Russian or else, The impact of climate change will be felt worse in these three U.S. cities, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza, Greece train crash: Public anger grows as death toll rises. Electronic payment options are available, please email the Secretary for details. Since its inception, Krum Lodge has enjoyed steady growth, and strives to abide by the principles of Freemasonry. Officers of United Grand Lodge of England 2020 - 2021. Duties of Other Grand Officers. Steward Bottom Row: The meeting will be at the Lubbock Scottish Rite Bodies at 1101 70th Street, Lubbock, TX 79412. San Angelo Lodge No. While Masonic officials promise they will be taking appropriate precautions against the coronavirus, the group is set to arrive Thursday, two days after McLennan County set a daily record with 467 COVID-19 cases and 181 people hospitalized with the disease. Section 3. It is a very nice chophouse, and there is a second-floor, open-air balcony adjacent to the Isabelle Room. Past Grand Exalted Ruler Louis J. Grillo, chairman of the Elks National Foundation Board of Trustees, next introduced the foundations report, which also included brief updates from the Elks National Veterans Service Commission and the Elks National Drug Awareness Program. Texas Masonic History Ask A Freemason Becoming a Mason Appointive Grand Officers. Cancellations must be received 48 hours prior to check-in. . To close the parade, the Louisville, Kentucky, Lodge honor guard and the members of the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee escorted the worlds greatest symbol of freedom, the flag of the United States of America, to the front of the stage and paused as the assembled Elks recited the Pledge of Allegiance. She has a warning for anyone who might be planning gatherings, big or small. Chairman Smith announced that Kansas City, Missouri, had been chosen as the site for the 2025 Grand Lodge Session. This is the 185th grand communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, which has met in Waco for about 100 years and in the current building since 1947. We are seeing our hospitals over-taxed. : GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS IN THE NAME OF THE GAOTU Austin, Texas June 30-July 3. .. 28, Section 1. Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas provides for the holding of stated sessions and other gatherings as the need may require and for notifications of such events to be issued by the Grand Secretary to each officer and the various Subordinate Lodges. The meal will be $65 per person, choice of beef short rib or grilled salmon. A copy of all documents should be added to your records by your secretaries.BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, and Heads of Higher House must present their completed yearly calendar for coordination with the Grand Bodies Calendar. (338), Grand Tiler, Derek Gastineau(Not Pictured), (60,631,994) Grand Sword Bearer Elected Grand Lodge Officers . 2nd Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Jan 2021: M:. Meetings will be held in their auditorium at the Grand Lodge of Texas in downtown Waco. It is more than widespread. The restaurant has a policy of no more than 4 bills for large parties, so bringing cash will make things easier. Section 2. Copyright 2023 Grand Lodge of Texas - All Rights Reserved. Dinner @ 6:30pm, Meeting @ 7:30pm Steak Night: Every 1st Monday. Our reservation is at 7:00 pm. Morgan also noted that Elks volunteers were quick to return to in-person volunteering as soon as it was safe to do so. San Antonio September 17, 2022More details to follow as soon as they become available. This meeting will also have a paper presented by Grand Master Brad Billings. She also noted that the 2021 weekend featured a virtual team-building session led by the famed Chicago improv comedy troupe the Second City. Justin Duty and other Masons prepare packets this week for an annual three-day event in the auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue. He reported that the total national giving by the Order in time, money, and in-kind donations had declined significantly from previous years. 202107 PASSED: To allow the Grand Exalted Ruler to grant full membership in the Grand Lodge to past exalted rulers, otherwise qualified, who are prevented from attending a Grand Lodge Convention by reason of the convention having been canceled or in the event a convention fails for lack of a quorum. She explained that although the COVID-19 pandemic forced an early end to the 20192020 Hoop Shoot, the competitors were able to complete the contest in 2021. McClain presented his organizations Partner of the Year award to the BPO Elks and thanked Elks across the country for providing his organization with leather to make its kits. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. We are men from the community who have joined together to improve themselves. Please be respectful of them and the office they hold and be grateful for their service to you the members. Reservation link and details to follow as soon as they become available. Out of the fifteen proposed changes to the statutes of the Order, delegates approved nine and rejected six. Please join us for the December stated meeting of Texas Lodge of Research. The school was among the first 20 or so Texas charter schools formed in 1996. Justin Duty and other Masons prepare packets this week for an annual three-day event in the auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue. Grillo opened by congratulating Elks across the country for their unwavering resilience and their adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic before turning the presentation over to Elks National Foundation staff members and other presenters. 26, Section 2. 127 at Round Rock Lodge in Round Rock, Texas. The meeting will be held in the main auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple. Our cases are so high," Craine said. I, Anthony Mondrey 33/90, Grand Master, am hereby calling the Most Worshipful Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas into its Winter Grand Session to be held on January 16, 2021. Sunset Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas, to affix hereto, this 23rd day of November 2020 A.D., 6020 A.L. Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio! . . 1 year ago. Attendees also came together to attend to the business of electing new leadership to guide the Order through the challenges of the 20212022 Grand Lodge year. Grand Lodge Officers 2019 - 2021 Grand Master ILL. Charles M. Bowen Jr. 33 Deputy Grand Master ILL. Calvin C. Browne 33 Grand Senior Warden ILL. David Tobe Sr. 33 Grand Junior Warden ILL. Christopher D. Hunt 33 Grand Treasurer Bro. Hinkle announced that the 20212022 contest theme will be What Does It Mean to Love Your Country? Next, he congratulated the winners of the three Fraternal Committee media contests and the eighteen winners of the All-American Lodge contest, including the six first-place winners. Dispensation, Charters, Etc . 28. 2021-2022: Mr. Tom Brisko 2022-2023: Mr. James Parker . Following these reports, Grand Secretary Bryan Klatt took to the stage to speak about the Elks Disaster Relief Fund. 570 and Concho Lodge No. The Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple is located at 715 Columbus Avenue, Waco, TX 76701. 2076, UGLE. Waco December 17, 2022More details to follow as soon as they become available. He expressed his confidence that the Order will return to growth and his hope that the total membership will once again surpass the one-million-member mark, noting that we have the toolsand Lord knows we have the talentto conquer any obstacles that come our way.. Please contact the hotel directly for reservations. Member Winter Session dues late fees will be $25 to the member and $25 fine to the Head of the Lodge/Chapter. ER Sean Brennan, Reno, NV; Est. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, Pursuant the Laws of the M.W. The Grand Bodies will no longer accept any type of cash payments of dues, taxes, or fees in cash. The service closed with a slideshow memorializing the past and serving Grand Lodge committeemen and elected officers who had died during the previous two years. Worldwide, membership in the fraternity encompasses millions of men who believe and support the same fundamental principles. .. 31, Section 2. For the sisterhood email to The June 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in Waco, TX on June 12, 2021 at 2:00 PM. We will meet for the Friday night no host dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse, 2702 Parker Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681. The final day began on a somber note with the observance of the Elks Memorial Service, which was led by Past Grand Exalted Ruler Robert L. Duitsman. Voting by Lodges and Members and Otherwise. . The Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple is located at 715 Columbus Avenue, Waco, TX 76701. 92, located at 4324 Cobbs Dr, Waco, TX 76710. 2021-09 PASSED: To clarify the burden of proof and standard of review in the case of an appeal from an Executive Order. Only available for electronically filed documents. The March 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in Round Rock, TX on March 20, 2021. /articles/2021-grand-lodge-convention-highlights. By limiting the attendance to about 1,000 members, the group will be able practice proper social distancing, he said. The event typically brings in 3,000 people . She hopes one day to go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and then hopes to work with Doctors Without Borders. The Grand Masters Conference for Austin is Saturday evening, but has been moved to Thorndale at the Thorndale High School gymnasium. Our Lodge officers 2020-2021 As pictured: Top Row: Scott Surplus, Treasurer, Lewis Bell, District 9A Communications Officer, Brad Bell, Jr. Past Master & Tiler, Bill Strohmeyer, Past Master, Michael Morgan , Jr. This week's "grand annual communication" at the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue will be set up for online participation, a first for the event. Grand Master May Grant Dispensations for New, Lodges. Loyal Knight Gary Steffen, Lake Hopatcong, NJ; Est. Worshipful Masters, Worth Matrons, and Department Heads must attend the mandatory workshop. Turning to the question of membership, he remarked that there had been an understandable drop in membership of about forty thousand people in 20202021. Please join us for the March stated meeting of Texas Lodge of Research. For the brotherhood email to During his presentation, PGER Luhr presented the Orders final installment of the donation, which amounted to slightly more than $260,000, to Pacific Historic Parks President and CEO Aileen Utterdyke and Director of Communications Jim McCoy. Copyright Sunset 2022 Grand Lodge of Texas | Powered by WordPress | Powered by Interserve |, All Worshipful Master and Worthy Matrons are required to collect the Winter Session membership Dues from the members of their LodgeChapter and is. & A.M. Chartered by TheGrand Lodge of Texas. TO: The Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, Heads of Affiliate Houses working under a charter or dispensation from the M.W. When the dust settled and the shoot-off free throws and other tiebreakers were considered, the boys Getty Powell Award winner was Caden Thompson, who was sponsored by the Claremore, Oklahoma, Lodge and competed in the Boys 1213 Division. Visit our Grand Master's Page to find resources for Masons. Following this presentation, PGER McPherson introduced Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee Chairman Robert Hinkle, who oversaw the parade of flags. Because of that, for the first time, Masonic officials will plug in much of the gathering so those who chose not to attend can participate via teleconference, Underwood said. Fortunately, downtown Tampa was not significantly affected by the hurricane, and the Grand Lodge Session proceeded without further disruption. There were more than 400 new cases today. Worthy Grand Patron, O.E.S. WACO, TX The 185th Grand Communications of the Grand Lodge of Texas will take place over a three-day event in Waco beginning Thursday. Topic: Texas Lodge of Research Paper Presentations & Installation of Officers, Time: Jun 12, 2021 02:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada), Find your local number:, San Angelo September 18, 2021San Angelo Lodge No. Duties of the Grand Master and His Deputy and, Grand Wardens. Its goals are to advance the moral and social interests of its membership; to foster good citizenship, honest industry, and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of its deceased members; to stimulate friendship, harmony, and brotherly love; and generally to promote, in its own way, the happiness of mankind. Following the conclusion of the reports, the assembled delegates nominated and elected the Grand Lodge officers for 20212022. Next up was the report of the Government Relations Committee, which was given by Chairman Vernon Saunders. Gary Pittman, Greenville, SC; Chaplain Thomas Rovito*, Lake Hopatcong, NJ; Candidate Derryck Menard, Kenton, OH; Coach D. Jack Buroker, Kenton, OH; and Coach Sue Buroker, Kenton, OH. This year, the event will continue but with only 1,000 in attendance. The funds raised by the Order also allowed Pacific Historic Parks to expand the memorials virtual coverage to include simulations of the USS Oklahoma and the USS Utah, two battleships that were sunk during the Pearl Harbor attacks. 1455, located at the Brazos Valley Masonic Library & Museum, 3411 Longmire Drive, College Station. Past Officers. More details to follow. . 25, Section 4. Annual Contributions.. 29, or Pay Dues. VWBro Sir Paul M. Williams, OBE, DL to Junior Grand Warden* . The Grand Lodge of Texas has about 65,000 members statewide, Underwood said, acknowledging that many decided to stay home this year out of concerns for the pandemic. Asmamaw will attend Harvard University. FINAL SCORES OF WINNING RITUALISTIC TEAMS, 1stKenton, OH (97.1112); 2ndPhoenix, AZ (96.5571); 3rdGreenville, SC (96.4582); 4thGrand Island, NE (96.3469), 1stDiane Bodwell, Phoenix, AZ; 2ndRobert Walker, Burien, WA; 3rdJohn Hines, Kenton, OH; 4thTracey Austin, Tallahassee, FL. Lubbock March 19, 2022Annual meeting and installation for 2022 officers. No Member Can Cast More Than Four Votes. A report on the Hoop Shoot competition was given by Elks National Foundation Youth Program Associate Makenna Cannon. Purposes. Description. The revitalization program is composed of three (3) parts: Part 1 - Opening Remarks & St. John the Evangelist Observance. No-host dinner will be on Friday night, June 17, at 6:30 PM at Cantina Laredo. Inherent Power to Regulate Masonry . 24, Section 3. The Friday evening no-host dinner will be at Cafe Homestead, located at 608 Dry Creek Road, Waco, TX 76705. And we are under the 50% occupancy rate for our facility.. BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSMISSION of the COVID-19 virus, the 156th Grand Lodge Session did not include an exhibit hall as it usually does. . We expect to have two new member papers read and a presentation by Pierre Pete Normand, Past Master and Fellow of Texas Lodge of Research. But we visited with the governors office and we are following all the governors orders on social distancing, masking, hand sanitizing, signage and all other protocols expected for an event like this. Extracted financial data is not available for this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download. Knight Carroll Smith, Greenville, SC; In. Location TBD December 17, 2022More details to follow as soon as they become available. .. 27. To close her presentation, Morgan introduced Joe McClain, CEO of Help Heal Veterans, a charity that provides therapeutic arts-and-crafts kits to hospitalized and homebound veterans. 1260 will be co-hosting the event. No Lodge Chartered in Other States or Countries. All Propositions Must Be Referred to Committee. Installation of the 2020-2021 Grand Lodge Officers 1,014 views Apr 14, 2021 22 Freemasons of Washington 175 subscribers This is a live recording of the Installation Ceremony for the. Section 2. Website for Davy Crockett Masonic Lodge #1225 AF & AM in San Antonio, Texas. Host HotelCourtyard by Marriott Dallas Addison/Midway, located at 4165 Proton Drive, Addison, TX 75001. College Station March 18, 2023Host will be St. Albans Lodge No. It exists to take good men and help them to become better men. Part 2 - The Lodge of Sorrow. Tuesdays session opened with several brief reports, including the final report of the Board of Grand Trustees, during which Grand Trustee Chairman Jeffrey Miller indicated that the 20222023 dues would be fixed at $24.00$6.50 for the Grand Lodge, $12.00 for the insurance assessment, and $5.50 for The Elks Magazine. The meeting will be at 135 E. Twohig Avenue, San Angelo, Texas 76903, (325) 655-3790. Anson Jones LectureBlack-tie dinner on Saturday evening, June 18, at 6:00 PM in the Isabelle Room of Texas. Quick links. He never set foot in Waco before attending Baylor, and never returned. All departments under the Sunset Grand Lodge Jurisdiction will be required to also utilize a cashless system. The Stated Meeting will be held at 10am on Saturday, March 20thin Round Rock Lodge. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all attendees of the Winter Session shall dress in Lodge or Chapter shirts and collars if applicable. Heading the slate was T. Keith Mills, of the Caldwell, Idaho, Lodge, who was elected Grand Exalted Ruler for the 20212022 year. The March 2022 TLR Annual Meeting and Installation will be held in Lubbock, TX on March 19, 2022 at 9:00 AM. Moody thanked the Elks for visiting her state and for the great work they do in Florida and across the country. Elective Grand Officers . 25, Section 3. Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. top of page. Every organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS has to file Form 990 every year, unless they make less than $200,000 in revenue and have less than $500,000 in assets, in which case they have to file form 990-EZ. See the list , The data powering this website is available programmatically, via an API. The restaurant is located at 4546 Belt Line Road, Addison, TX 75001. Installation of Officers. Our host lodge is Davy Crockett Lodge No. The Internal Revenue Service is substantially delayed in processing and releasing nonprofit filings, so documents available here may not be the most recent an organization has filed. Worshipful Master Jeremy Smith. The organization provides direct financial assistance to recipients. We accomplish this through the principles and lessons of the fraternity. Here's what to know as Alex Murdaughs murder trial winds down. It was a great night of celebration as the we welcomed the newly installed officers for 2021-2022. Lodges Shall Make Annual Returns. There was, however, other business to attend to first. Junior Warden Randell Lancaster. . 202104 FAILED: To allow local lodge Past Exalted Rulers Associations to incorporate for the purpose of charitable fund-raising. Once collected the Lodge/Chapter should pay for all their members in one payment using the payment information listed above. You can cancel at any time. Close. The first-place winners of the contest were the New Bern, North Carolina, Lodge (Division One); the Presque Isle, Maine, Lodge (Division Two); the Casa Grande Valley, Arizona, Lodge (Division Three); the Waterville, Maine, Lodge (Division Four); and the Wallingford, Connecticut, Lodge (Division Five). The organization has 64,120 members. Communications. Fraternal Committee Chairman Robert Hinkle next gave his report, during which he congratulated the winners of the Americanism Essay Contest.
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