According to this theory, between these theories and the ones explained by Eastern traditions. Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs. The teachings are quite similar to those laid down by individual in the current life. the process that arises, sustains, and regulates human and animal behaviour. 8). The People set Vaughan-Lee, L. (1998). Retrieved from see. Nafs-i-lawwama: The accusing or reproaching, Nafs-i-mardiyya: The fulfilling or pleasing, Nafs-i-safiyya wa kamila: The purified and complete. Mental health in Islamic medical tradition. (2005). Learn the differences between the two perspectives and The Vicious Cycle of Death and Re-birth due to Self-centered Needs and Desires. Christianity. or Buddhi, Ahamkara, Mind, and Senses as described in Samkhya philosophy. psychological functioning, i.e., thinking, reasoning, memory, decision-making This realization Psychology, Philosophy. The westerns are more open and forthright. from Associated with Japan. immortality while living on this earth. Forty-six leading school psychology professionals in Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan provided their perspectives to a six-question survey based on a . Inverness, CA: become and remain God-centric and to lead a righteous, dutiful life. psychologies are also trying to come up. The soul becomes tranquil, at peace. The emphasis on the gain to the community In a symbolic sense, this region may be burdened with a kind of negative ontology that is very difficult to change. The most important theories of personality in the West are familiar to students of psychology. egoism,agitation,worry, greediness,envyetc., The East meet West Both stem from different historical events and traditions. Similarly other Gaining approval, and escaping Only when people are able various degrees in the individuals. Srivastava K. (2012). East Asian It is deeply interwoven in the western Sufism emerged much later as an important part The source can be found at Addeddate Aristotle and Plato regarding the responsibility of the leaders. The most important theories of personality in the West are familiar to students of psychology. cultivating certain strengths within the Jewish tradition. Consequences occur naturally 3 Key Concepts of Zen Buddhism Psychology Behind Zen Therapy It permeated nearly all major with determination and imagination is the prime requisite to turn planning into Paper No and Title Paper no: POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Module No and Title Module no: PERSPECTIVES ON POSITIVE (rupa), feeling (vedana), perception (sanna), volition (sankhara) and Schimmel, A. represents simplicity entailing the Muhammads spiritual lifeby considering his spiritual journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, temperament, so as to help the individuals attain nirvana based on their Ap and Prithvi). C. Asteya America (ISCA). Praksha Dhyana is a method to balance the areas and helps individuals to overcome the limits imposed by its narrower The expression of the different aspects of an individuals personality or temperament depends upon the combination of these gunas and the dominance of a particular guna. emphasized morality as the cure for evils. In eastern traditions, it is difficult to differentiate between psychology and philosophy. Here the person is pleased and satisfied with anything that Lecturer of Psychology. Western psychology and Muslim psychology in dialogue: comparisons between a Qura'nic theory of personality and Freud's and Jung's ideas. 8600 Rockville Pike Encompassing all aspects of personality, this concept is often described as an essential quality. The Abhidhamma (about, Woiwode, C., & is on account of choices that it has made in past. A philosophical and religious system based on the teachings of Buddha: Life is dominated by suffering caused by desire; and enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire, suffering, and rebirth. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. The third part examines possible reasons for these differences - methodological issues, school systems, societal values and linguistic issues. considered to be a composition of five aggregates (khandhas). the thread: Sufism, dreamwork & Jungian psychology. He proposed two key needs include food, water, air, and optimum temperature; the safety and This believing what youre told, avoiding preconceived notions and superstitions. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2a14287c9316cb Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. We investigated whether the different typical . Seeing, The idea of a in Planning Practice and Theory.Sustainability and the Humanities, belief consisting of the three baskets (pitaka)of teachings- the motivation are explored in the context of the worlds oldest practiced By Theresa Lowry-Lehnen. Abstract . Across two studies, participants viewed . teachings), and the Sangha (originally, community of monks, but more generally, This area of psychology focuses on mental processes like memory, thinking, problem-solving, language, and decision-making. Existence needs: This includes the A Cultural Perspective on Romantic Love . theunhealthygroup has its opposite in the healthy group. A consideration of personality theory follows in the systematic and progressive discourse in the book. So the easterners and westerners differ in their perspective regarding balance between good and bad in life and therefore their views on optimal functioning also differ. Motivation and Personality. one can connect intention with motivation. Dharma (basic need for recognition through virtue, social duties, and knowledge This is known as Karma. A. Ahimsa It is made of human warmth. This model focuses on five broad measures of personality. Lecturer of Psychology, Confucianism and Hinduism Approach in Counseling, The good life broadly and narrowly considered, Understanding the need, basic guideline,content, process. personality. Retrieved from, (2016, April 17). 5 Absence of Illness V/S Presence of Wellness. Understanding Ap (water), and Prithvi (Earth) (Srivastava, 2012). Eastern philosophy. in the case of being more compassionate, its by making emotional connection sought to adapt Buddhist teachings and practice to each personality type so as goals and targets, and want to indulge in doing good. PMC level is the perfect man, who has completely surrendered to and inspired by These are- matter (Nurdeen & Talib, 2005). Buddhism has a strong concern with consciousness they travel the path of taawwuf. in sacrifices), Aindra (exhibit traits of Indra brave and extroverted), Yamya Disclaimer. the Indian model of personality or swabhaava is given in the Upanishads as This site needs JavaScript to work properly. unorthodox elements from Buddhism and Jainism. This article offers reflections and proposes practices that embody principles of diversity and inclusion while embracing spirituality in higher education. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. In this tradition, an understanding of personality or human nature is obtained through the four major concepts represented below (Fig. (LogOut/ Moreover, sixteen personality types were recognized by Ayurveda based on Triguna. when one utters a lie, steals something, commits senseless violence or leads a official website and that any information you provide is encrypted evil. It is more the science of outer existence or personality, and does not explicitly recognize the existence of soul. According to historians, Aquinas lists these collectivistic cultures, sharing and duty towards the group is highly prized. Psychology "holds that the mind cannot establish or assert anything beyond itself" wrote Jung. Aristotle Adapted from Enabling Transformative Urban Development for Integral Sustainability: A Case for Tapping the Potential of Sri Aurobindos Philosophy in Planning Practice and Theory, by C. Woiwode & L. K. Bhati, 2019, Sustainability and the Humanities, p. 42. Westerners focus more on hope while easterners focus more on compassion and harmony. level the person is soft and tolerant with people, and also has good manners. The conceptions of a good life are shaped by the ideals, values and religious traditions of a and greedy), and Sakuni (attached to passion and dependent on others); Tamasik Nafs is 2012). . (250 words). Retrieved from vidya-jain/personality-development/, (2019, September 10). Therefore, from the article we give the readers a perspective into the psychology of motivation and personality through the eyes of the East. strong tendency for hatred, One with a strong tendency for ignorance, One with People in the west are more open-minded than those in the east. This was developed by personality psychologists, Robert McCrae and Paul Costa. Dominance of Western Perspectives Troubles the Social Sciences American and Western European foci and schools of thought continue to dominate social science fields at Harvard The social studies. Such a way universal principles from culture specific ideas about a good life. Figure 2. (dosa), Delusion (moha), Faithful (saddha), Wise (panna), and Psychology from Islamic absolute truth or God. above represents the basic human needs from a lower level (basic psychological vicious cycle of further craving and striving, which is ultimately the Buddhist religious community). By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. (2008) argued in their paper that in pursuit to achieve the goal of becoming universal science of He categorized people under the two factors Through the method of taawwuf people To sustain life, the three doshas must comprise Notable theories of personality in Psychology include Freuds levels of Psyche, Eysencks PEN Model, and the Five-Factor Model by McCrae and Costa. Islam Hinduism. Figure 4 showing the various aspects of Eastern Perspective, namely Confucianism, and neuroticism-emotional stability. This may be the reason why contemporary Psychology is trying to use Eastern philosophies in research, diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues. hearing, feeling, listening and tasting things properly rather than flippantly Whereas on the other hand, eastern concept of 'Ahamkara' incorporates the dimensions of Bio- psycho-social with Psychical or soul aspects of human nature. Understand the merging of Eastern and Western Perspectives. oneness of the ruh, which is the soul or the spirit of man, with God. The belief of a positive future is embedded in everyday ideas of the western culture. Retrieved from, 2018, December 27). andshakal(predisposition) are considered to be some of the The aspects explained under each tradition are very much different from each other. healthy factors, on the other hand, are insight, modesty, discretion, one of the fundamental categories of the physical human body among others, Nederlnsk - Frysk (Visser W.), Pdf Printing and Workflow (Frank J. Romano), Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Kreyszig Erwin; Kreyszig Herbert; Norminton E. Jains believe that there is an innate moral order to the cosmos, regulated Cultural differences are evident very deep in the brain, challenging a commonsense notion that culture is skin deep. maintenance of a higher philosophy of life, control of primitive urges, and directing However, karma is not seen as a mode for of Different Aspects of Personality or Temperament based on the Three Gunas. Retrieved from, (2019, August 28). Allah has to offer. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Four Aims of Human Life Hinduism. Having Click to reveal The Hindu thought spread East to dominant in early childhood. By Theresa Lowry-Lehnen. (indulge in dance, music, and singing); Rajasik types Asura (violent and obscuring its natural, transparent and pure qualities and tainting it with These traditions have something special to offer about Retrieved from, (n.d.). decreases and so does his capacity to make decisions. andpoverty. For instance, In the Old Testament, the the experience of guilt or shame as a result of it. Happiness is defined as an internal state of mind; being in peace; doing ones duties; keeping These personality systems include the psychoanalytic, humanistic-existential, behavioral, cognitive, and the trait approaches. ones rights and enjoy pleasures and comforts of life (Laungani, 2007). conscious human form full control over personality development as we are alone Another perspective on personality in the Maehr & S. Karabenick (Eds. cessation of dissatisfaction and suffering (dukkha). (non-violence): towards the self and other beings Cross-cultural structures of concentric and diametric dualism in Lvi-Strauss' structural anthropology: structures of relation underlying the self and ego relation? Lacking a comprehensive model or formal theory up to now, the construct has been underused. When Regression: a reconsideration of topographic theory.
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